I just want to say i'm very new to this i am NOT a programmer.I post whatever i can on a daily basis i try to get feedback and sometimes here and there i'm even willing to pay for something.
I noticed this has been happening to lots of people there mods and info etc being taken.
I think there should be a larger staff assigned people to certain forums and areas so people answer like the 30 plus question's i've had get answered it's really frustrating being someone with no programming skills and see more trying to find feedback and help on certain thing's even if they can't be answered a simple reply does not hurt .
As for other parts of the site assign more staff to the downloadzzz area so they can check for fraud.
I noticed that fakes post there emails instead of a download before someone especially a newbie like myself goes to that area there should be a flag or something to let people know or warn them of false mods and the warning signs. I also think you should have a staff for fraud and false claims etc.
Whether or not you have to pay people atleast reward them if they volunter there time help them also.
We are all on a mission we all have family's friends etc...We all are part of a great community!!!
But there seriously seriously needs to be a more people to make it better.
I am not a quiter never have been and i honestly hope things change cus to be honest unlike me there will be lots of people that will walk away if there are no changes.

now somehow some way there are several problems on the expertzzz the login won't work on forum page
the photo upload won't work and trying to go back a page won't work.

i'm willing to give feedback as much i can but hope that if some of you see me there give me a hand i'm on a kettle right now till i can find people to actually help me!!!! thanks for reading my comment hope this helps a bit.
Andrew Boon
Thank you. yes, we definitely need some dedicated admins there too, and we'll try appoint some.
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