Hello DosDawg.

I said what I wanted to say, and I used this term because spamming means sending many mails usually with the same contents. It's none more than your own assumption about what other meaning I could have put into this term. As well as other multiple assumptions that you make (paying customers, absence of documentation, etc.) You're like sitting there and producing one assumption in a minute even without trying to move somewhere else, click some extra links in your browser and eventually see more find our Trac area with the very documentation you're talking about.

Now regarding your comment about "ability to check if mod_rewrite is installed". Did you ever saw Dolphin technical requirements? I think we have specified enough info there that you should check with your hosting provider. Just imagine that sometimes you need to communicate with people to clarify some things. And no script can substitute this communication. You should not cover yourself in some kind of a shell but socialize and try to get more knowledge about the subject without us pushing you into doing this.

Actually the term "spam" refers mostly to those who don't bother clicking some extra links and reading some extra info on this site. The problem specified here was raised already in Dolphin 6.x and I believe it is my right to call such requests "a spam" especially when the fix has been published in the Trac for months.

Yes, I'm ashamed, but I'm ashamed of you doing nothing but trying to pour some dirty stuff on my comments. Try to help, create other posts that will help people overcome these troubles. We cannot oversee every possible problem, and our clients comments and posts help us very much, but if they spam us with something that already was discussed and published some months ago, that is very discouraging, you know.

Ok, the steam has been released.

Best regards to you and all our dedicated customer,
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