Another one I see above is the CPU spikes. This is a real issue for me as it is using a lot of my resources. It is mentioned on lots of forum posts by a lot of respected Dolphin users. Initially I thought it was my server but when I got down to analysing the problem there happened to be no one on the server when the CPU spikes and peaks at 30% CPU usage. For "1" SITE! There is something SERIOUSLY wrong with all my dolphin websites. Even the test ones which I set up and are not being used see more publically are spiking to such a degree on the server CPU. I have seen numerous posts on this on boonex and even as extreme as 100% CPU on some servers for one site but as I can see from responses it has been swept under the carpet. Okay my server can servive at a 30% CPU spike but there are other people with more than one or two D7 systems on their servers and they are gonna be screwed as far as I can see.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.