-Thirdly, i never said the US tried to socialize every facet of life, on the very contrary i'm merely pointing out that both extreme cases, socializing everything or nothing, are simply wrong. May i please also inform you that Greece has only 2 socialized companies, we much got rid of almost everything past 20 years, so you can't blame us for trying a socialization.
-Fourth point of interest in your comment, is that you explicitly focus on a simple idea concerning the firing restrictions, see more partially translating a legislation you are not aware of. Maybe of course that is also my mistake, not trying to explain the whole legislative measure, present and changed after the restriction dismiss. The law explicitly protects the companies from such behaviors, and not only the worker. Only difference is that if a company has to fire such a worker they should also provide reasonable proof and arguments upon firing over 4% of workers if and only if that company has over 200 workers.
What's wrong with that?
Now the changed legislation removes both...reasonable argument,proof AND the 4% quota. If you believe that is logical and just for workers just say so!
If you were looking to open a factory somewhere you should go to China, Pakistan, Malaysia or other low-wage countries where all known american brands do business and operate, and believe you me, we'd be really glad if you did, thinking of the unemployment percentages of the US.
Thank you for your consideration and please remember this is not a debate about countries, it is about the injustice brought by the new legislative measures.
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