now the person interested in hosting presents another situation --> are they going to stay long enough for the account to show profit?

for this account to break even, it will need to be hosted 12.57 months, and that is to break even. now if boonex was working towards fixing the bugs that have been reported, and provide the features that tend to be sold from their premier developers, which are features that should have been included in the release, features that were part of other releases see more that were removed, only to be added to the market on this last release.

Im not suggesting these developers should not create addon modules, but why are they adding functionality to default features that were released. i truly see it as a huge conflict of interest to have your developers also selling as contract developers in the market. so to host this application for 1 year just to break even, you have to put reliance on boonex doing the right thing with their application. which thus far, and i mean from v5 Dolphin, so many things have been promised that are not delivered. so you have to host this $7.95/month account for one year, and in the event that they do hang in there, and continue with your hosting mr pacifichost, only the 12.57/month will you start to see a profit.

now consider me the anguished host because i am not on their list of preferred hosting. quite the contrary, because if you are actually part of the community, then there are certain people that are staff here who will hold that fact over your head, and threaten to remove you from that list.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.