I could never get the association between dolphin and this software. They are not a community fish.

Logo's are for household names - nike, macdonalds, mercedes, apple - all of these companies have an instantly recognisable logo - the image is instantly associated with the brand / product.

Show someone a dolphin - and a very very small percentage of the populous will understand what it signifies. This is compounded by the fact that the name has nothing to do with the actual product or it's see more usage. It is a bit of a marketing fail.

IMHO unless you are a household name, or have the potential to be one, your product name should be related to the product - as should the logo. This increases peoples ability to associate the logo with the product which is, after all, the main aim.

But - branding is also a LOT more than simply a logo. It's also about colours, shapes, fonts, etc.. etc... The branding should be consistant throughout the product, it's advertising, emails and other correspondance, etc...

Sorry, but I for one, do not like the branding of Dolphin, it's simply to far removed from what it is.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.