i would tend to consider that malformed and useless code to be a deprivation on server performance. and this is critical, should have been done before the release. I am also posting in the next few days my evaluation of the CSS. specifically issues like mispelled directives on the file cmts.css where there is a directive calling for lovercase now, where things may function that way down under, there is no such name as l o v e r c a s e when considering css syntax.

again, you may not consider this see more to be a valid concern, but if this specific instance of something in style is not working, and clearly this could never have worked, because there is no l o v e r c a s e, then why even have it in the files? there are several instances of incorrect syntax on the style sheets and those will be posted in the next few days. yes this is critical, its critical because it is clear that these files were never looked at, and they should be. if as the developing entity, you are releasing something at a cost to the general public, then by all means this should have been gone over, and we as the end-user should not be finding these types of mistakes?

FYI ---- everything readable says this is a performance hit, and not just a bandwidth hit. malformed syntax, and top loaded javascript are a performance hit. so this is critical.

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