People like false software developers thrive on communitys like this (free software) that has just been set up. And this is a fairground attraction.

You need a database setup that will allow developers that are charging for their products, give them a liscence, and carefully manage their accounts. And flag their products based upon, theft, incompatability, and un-secure scripts that have XSS, and SQL injections. Some of which I have seen so far. You need experienced moderators to check the software see more before it can be let out to the public. Did you know that the flash widgets can be decompiled and all adds removed, with out damaging the functionality of the widgets? What happens when a developer comes along and decides to put a very nasty malicious piece of code in that action script?

You also need a decent forum software that will let these software developers gather in one united place. Something on the terms of
(and not hackable forums scripts such as phpbb which does not has salt encryption)

You also need additional experienced beta testers for your software, I have been debugging the software since I first installed it two weeks ago, both present in the new release of dolphin and RAY. Especially the membership level permissions, which is poorly programmed.
These beta testers should have their own forum here, and provide the user end support. As well as USER FAQ

vbulletin forum software, and for your projects you can use the e-commerence software available at (Vbtracker PRO) to track you work on your projects.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.