well Juker that's just great for complimenting -the professional installer- making the rest of us with issues look like idiots.

If you follow the upgrade instructions as I did to the letter then problems may (and will) arise.

In my example I was adviced that the empty database may have occured due to Cron task and that is to be removed in step 4, hence after the upgrade scripts has already run. ..... \o/ <- i give up right here and now.

Secondly it says do not upload and overwrite folders...just see more do the files...that's 2 hours work right there. Who would think of doing an upgrade like this in the first place i wonder?
May be dolphins but certainly not wise developers.

Thirdly If you don't have ssh access, then look at the work involved to chmod the many folders and files.
A well written upgrade script would either not need it (as owner is always able to write) or it would take care of it itself (as owner is always able to write)
so yeah may be i am an idiot after all ... for trying to upgrade

As my upgrade didn't give any errors I must have done it correctly, but still the database was empty

If I would do 50 upgrades I would get it correct eventually finding all the bugs in the upgrade script as well probably
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