Products tagged as "accounts"

Premium - What did I get?

CodeSatori posted 18th of May 2010 in Community Voice. 17 comments.

A while back, I upgraded my account to Premium. When I look at the premium list of benefits, there are

Multiple Accounts for One User

DosDawg posted 25th of May 2009 in Community Voice. 17 comments.

I know there has been a problem with some, a few, who think they need to create multiple accounts on

Edit "My Accounts"

Interex posted 1st of February 2008 in Community Voice. 2 comments.

Where in the members.php or in dolphin would i change the size of the page blocks?  I want to change

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.