modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

Admin as Friend (with Multi-Admins)


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.4

Added: 20.02.10

Updated: 22.05.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, modzzz, admin as friend, auto friend, role, admin, friend, moderator, permission

Demo:  username - dolphinmods,password - jbgjbg

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

As your site grows, it is useful to have a close view of all site activities. This mod allows Administrators to automatically become FRIENDS with all site members.

* For Sites with multiple Administrators, each administrator can decide whether or not they want to be added to the Auto Friend process.

* EVERY new member that joins the site will either be directly added as friends of your administrators/moderators or they will automatically get a friend request from them, depending on which method you prefer.

* This mod also allows the main administrator to easily assign other members as administrators.

* Admin setting which can be toggled to allow direct adding as friend or to send a friend request instead.

* Cron Job retroactively adds existing members as Friends of Admins.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Only issue I had is that if you have any existing friends, it will error out when trying to insert. I got around it by removing them from my db manually. But if you could fix that in the scripting, that would make it a lot easier on those that do not know their way around sql.
Thanks for the feedback. I have addressed the issue you mentioned.
This is the best auto friend mod available. Good job.
Well I must say modzzz certainly supports the work! I had a bit of trouble to start but that was taken care of fairly quick. Once installed this does exactly what it says and is perfect.
GREAT MOD! I had modzzz do a customization to this module, which was preformed in a timely manor! Very great guy and easy to deal with! Highly recommended for any/all modzzz (modules)!!!
"05.05.2010 - Sorry, I have overlooked this again. I will put it on the schedule for tonight."

This was the outcast, last contact (after many - believe me!) Asking for the due support after conflicts created after the installation of your modules, made by him!

Unfortunately he was not able to reply to my calls. My site was completely impractical, and again needed to spend financial resources, human and even emocinal for any dolphin was reinstalled.

I waited over a month to write see more this comment, but I just do that right now.

Do not trust him! Apparently has great modules, but it's pointless to not work and is unable to give proper support.

Unfortunately, I declare that I have had bad experience with it. That goes against my experience with the Dolphin community I have always been wonderful.

I would not recommend, and more, to warn everyone to take these considerations into account!

Este foi o útlimo contato (depois de muitos - acreditem!) pedindo o devido suporte após conflitos gerados após a instalação de seus módulos, feitos por ele!

Infelizmente ele não foi capaz de respoder aos meus apelos. O meu site ficou completamente inviável e, precisei novamente gastar recursos financeiros, humano e até emocinal para que todo o dolphin fosse reinstalado.

Eu aguardei mais de um mês para escrever este comentário, mas acho justo neste instante fazer isso.

Não confiem nele! Aparentemente apresenta ótimos módulos, mas de nada adianta se não funcionam e se não é capaz de dar o devido suporte.

Infelizmente, tenho de declarar que tive péssima experiência com ele. Isso contraria minha experiência com a comunidade Dolphin que sempre me foi maravilhosa.

Não o recomendo e, mais, alerto à todos para que levem essas considerações em conta!
His mod works as advertised, got on it right after purchase, made life very easy for a change, will buy more of his mods. My experience with him was stellar!
I just realized I never got 'round to making my review on this mod!

I installed this mod way back with 7.02. It survived the 7.03 upgrade as well as my latest 7.04 upgrade. It has worked since it's initial installation without a hitch. It is a good mod and well worth the money. I guess you could say I have had the chance to THOROUGHLY test this application.

PS, unlike the earlier individual Rvdrics, I have NEVER had any issues getting hold of Modzzz for any adjustments on anything I have ever see more purchased from him. He always responded to me in a reasonable amount of time.
What ever we say is less about this programmer as he is simply the best and his mods top of the class.

My module feedback:-
Concept: *****
Core Improvment *****
Easy to use: *****
Installation: ****
Does what it says: *****
Presales Support:: Not Required
Aftersales Support :Not Required
Seller Response: Not Required
Seller Response time: Not Required
Will I continue to use this product? Yes
Would I recommend this product to others? Yes
Would I purchase from this seller again? Yes

This is a great addition to the site. It works very well. THANK YOU!!
This mod is great to let new members feel welcome a must!
Great mod and Service Modzzz is Awesome! 10+
This is a great admin tool... installation is very easy... no core code changes... does exactly what you'd expect it to.
Great lil Addon .... thx
Awesome mod and even better with the recent upgrades and improvements. Thanks for the great work and many mods to make the dolphin site great
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