modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.6

Added: 14.10.13

Updated: 19.05.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, quiz, poll, question, survey, test, modzzz, evaluation, exam

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

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License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

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This plugin allows members to create Quizzes that others can take. Users can browse quizzes, see others results, share quizzes, etc.


Featured Quizzes block
Recent Quizzes block
Popular Quizzes block - Filtered by - All Time · Today · Week · Month
Quick Search block
Quick Post Quiz block
Recently Taken Quiz block
Top Takers block
Archive block


Questions block - See below:

When viewed by someone who has not taken the quiz, this block displays a list of all the questions and answer choices and gives the ability to take the Quiz.

When viewed by someone who has taken the quiz or when viewing the results of a member, this block displays a list of all Questions. For each Question is shown the correct answer and the answer given by the Quiz taker.

Score Interpretation block - See below:

When viewed by someone who has not taken the quiz, this block displays a list of all the possible outcomes based on score range.

When viewed by someone who has taken the quiz or when viewing the results of a member, this block displays the outcome based on score obtained by that Quiz taker.

Recently Taken block - Shows members have taken the Quiz in last taken order.

Statistics block - Shows the following information :
  Average score of Quiz
  Highest score obtained
  Number of Takers
  Number of Viewers
  Number of Subscribers
  Last taken date

WALL INTEGRATED - Quiz is integrated into the timeline module.

MEDIA - Members can attach images when posting a Quiz. Also has the ability to embed Youtube Videos.

QUESTIONS - Ability to dynamically add any number of Questions desired. For each Question, the Quiz creator can dynamically add any number of Answers desired.

RESULTS - The Quiz Creator can state different outcomes that are to be displayed based on the score obtained.

See an example below :

1-30% - You are a not ready for motherhood yet. You need to take some classes that teaches parental responsibilities

31-70% - You are an average mom. There is room for improvement.

71-100%- You are an excellent mom. You must have been trained by Mother Mary :)

SHARE QUIZ - Members can invite their friends (Other site members and external friends) to check out a Quiz.

ARCHIVE - allows members to quickly browse Quizzes that were posted within a specific past month.

FAVORITES - Members can flag Quizzes that they like as favorites.

USER LEVEL RESTRICTION - Administrator can restrict users by user-level for: viewing, browsing, creation and taking Quizzes.

PRIVACY - Quiz creator can restrict access to viewing, rating and commenting Quizzes by user-level privacy settings.

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