Igor_L  Carpenter New 0 points
registered 21.05.08
Skills: PHP, SQL, Java, C++, Assembly
Timezone: UTC+6Working Hours: 13:00 - 22:00
Availability: busy
Spoken Languages: English

Dolphin Expert specializing in payment providers integration and Dolphin and UNA support.

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Thank you for your help! Hate to tell you this, but my chat+ is now not working.. guess it didn't start back up when the server did.
Hello Ivan,
Please suggest the correct DNS codes so I can connect oztabo.com to my new Dolphin site.
Thank you
I am tring to get y dolphn software set up on my website www.9one2music.com
Still waiting on your help look at the date!!!!????

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Dear DeanMonte.

You already contacted me before regarding this issue. But I had much work at that time.
Do you still need help with setting up your Windows server?
What is your site URL? Is Dolphin already installed on your site?


Dear Client!

BoonEx has just released a new support system, where clients may submit their see more inquiries to all Agents and BoonEx Staff and get reply much faster. You may still choose specific me, or any other specific Agent when posting tickets, but you're no longer "attached" to an Agent.

Please, go to http://www.boonex.com/unity/support/home and submit your questions. If you a have a pre-sale inquiry and/or don't have a Unity account, feel free to use our contact form at http://www.boonex.com/unity/contact.

If you want to make a purchase, I can help you with support if you buy using my link:


Igor Lebedev.
Hallo Igor. Du hast doch bei mir Treff2day.de gemacht nur leider stimmt da was nicht alle Massenmails kommen zurück mit einem Fehler. Und wenn die Mitglieder Nachrichten versenden im System kommen auch Fehler Meldungen. Diese treten plötzlich auf.
Desweiteren habe ich auch bei mein Hundi.de und sex2day.de das der Massenmailer nicht geht und das Videoupload auch nicht.
Es treten dauern nur Probleme auf.


Hello Igor. You were made ​​for me Treff2day.de but unfortunately see more what is wrong because not all mass emails come back with an error. And when members send messages in the system are also error messages. These occur suddenly.
I also did not go well with my Hundi.de sex2day.de and the mass mailer and the video uploading not.
Occur only take on problems.

Igor is great professional in this industry.
Огромная благодарность. На мою просьбу оказать помощь в решении восстановлении "Панели администратора", Игорь дал мне консультацию с помощью которой я легко это сделал и приобрел дополнительные знания.

I got my license in my new page "amandus-fetish.biz" an old page gegeben.Meine "amandus-fetish.com" exestiert not.

Here is my in my accaunt translucency splashing around as unregistered.
They Köbbeb register my license amandus-fetish.biz?

Dear Igor

Sorry to disturb your weekend ..

I found that orca forum for www.hippa-indonesia.com does not run well.
When I chose 'forum' wether from main navigation or from admin panel ... than I only get blank page.

I hope you could check this in your earliest possible time ...

Best regards,
Thanks Igor ...You found the problem with the video playing on craigdates Arvixe hosting was clueless..then they went in and messed it up again today ...gggrrrrrrrrr They reacted to a two week old email ..Instead of checking to see if it was working ,,they just went ahead an reinstalled the module..really ticked me off...lol
My server horst is by tmdhorting can you help me for my template problem. Then i give you the data for login on my server
Never received a response from anybody from tech support so I don't know what you are talking about. Can you show me the response because I don't see it.
Hi, when are you going to install Dolphin please? I have paid for a Premium installation. Upto now, I have NOTHING...
Again here are the details:
http://www.friendzos.com/ cpanel:

If you can't do it please let me know and I will ask for my money back.
Thank you.

Jacques Bayard.
Hi, was you installation every done
I have now upgraded to VPS. I hope you can do the DOLPHIN installation. Thank you for your order with HostGator.com.

We are happy to inform you that your Virtual Private Server has been configured and is ready for use!

You can login to our billing system at http://gbclient.hostgator.com/login using your email address and the password PTIHDVsL

Power Panel (VZ):
Your Domain: jus.justmelbourne.com.au
Your Username: root
Your Password: mEbreiblL6RJ
Your see more site's IP address:

Since you have chosen to install cPanel on your server, your information is below:
WHM Address:
Username: root
Password: mEbreiblL6RJ
cPanel License ID: 5663694

Your name servers that must be registered are:
ns1.justmelbourne.com.au (
ns2.justmelbourne.com.au (

For directions on how to register your name servers (required), please read:

If you have requested cPanel please read http://www.hostgator.com/resellerinfo.html for all the information needed to manage your server, including WHM and cPanel.

Visit the HostGator Knowledgebase and Video Tutorials section for solutions to commonly asked questions:

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to email support@hostgator.com.

Best regards,
Recommended by
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.