Compliments Mod Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Compliments mod.

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Quote · 26 Apr 2016

The modules\modzzz\compliment\templates folder has been updated to resolve and issue with Timeline integration.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 5 May 2016

Hi there,


How does one go about deleting a compliment that they have received?  The setting is enabled, but there does not appear to be any button anywhere to delete such a compliment.  Thanks!

Quote · 6 Feb 2017

Also, new compliments do not appear on the main timeline.  I am using 2.0 of "Compliments" and 7.3.3 of Dolphin.  Thanks!

Quote · 6 Feb 2017

Ok.  The compliments are now appearing on the timeline after resetting the cache.  However, the option to delete comments is still not appearing. 

Quote · 6 Feb 2017

 There is no option to delete compliments received. I will consider it for the next update.

Ok.  The compliments are now appearing on the timeline after resetting the cache.  However, the option to delete comments is still not appearing. 


Paypal email is -
Quote · 7 Feb 2017

Thanks, but what does this option do then?  See the attached image. 

2017-02-07 12_44_42-Badges.png · 9.1K · 324 views
Quote · 7 Feb 2017

You are correct. I just realized that I actually added the feature already but there is a bug that is prevented it from being displayed.

Thanks, but what does this option do then?  See the attached image. 


Paypal email is -
Quote · 7 Feb 2017

The modules\modzzz\compliment\classes\BxComplimentTemplate.php file has been updated to resolve an issue with deleting Compliments.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 7 Feb 2017

Works perfectly!  Thanks so much for fixing this so promptly.  You are the best.  Great service!

Quote · 8 Feb 2017

 You are welcome.

Works perfectly!  Thanks so much for fixing this so promptly.  You are the best.  Great service!


Paypal email is -
Quote · 14 Feb 2017

Database error when a member uses an apostrophe ' in the "Compliment reason" box. 




A database error is triggered when a member uses an apostrophe causing the action to not log into the database.  This may be caused because the ' was not escaped.  The following error is produced:







INSERT INTO `modzzz_compliment_main` SET `reason_id` = 31, `desc` = 'He's a nice guy and a very good candidate.', `giver_id` = 1014, `profile_id` = 1703, `created` = 1489014916

Mysql error: You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MariaDB server version for the right syntax to use near 's a nice guy and a very good candidate for trance.', `giver_id` = 1014, `profile' at line 1

Found error in the file '/home/[redacted]/public_html/modules/modzzz/compliment/classes/BxComplimentDb.php' at line 57.
Called 'query' function with erroneous argument #0.

Debug backtrace:

    [1] => Array
            [file] => /home/[redacted]/public_html/inc/classes/BxDolDb.php
            [line] => 246
            [function] => error
            [class] => BxDolDb
            [object] => BxComplimentDb Object
                    [_oConfig] => BxComplimentConfig Object
                            [sMediaPath] => /home/[redacted]/public_html/modules/modzzz/compliment/media/images/
                            [sMediaUrl] => https://[redacted]/modules/modzzz/compliment/media/images/
                            [_iId] => 35
                            [_sVendor] =>
                            [_sClassPrefix] => BxCompliment
Quote · 9 Mar 2017

Please download the module again and re-upload the files to your server to resolve an issue mentioned in post above.

Paypal email is -
Quote · 9 Mar 2017


Quote · 9 Mar 2017

I just want to compliment you on your prompt response and support for your products!  Very nice!

Quote · 9 Mar 2017

 Thank you for your positive and motivating feedback !

I just want to compliment you on your prompt response and support for your products!  Very nice!


Paypal email is -
Quote · 9 Mar 2017
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