Online TV Module Support (Modzzz)

This is the support forum for the Online TV module.

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Quote · 24 Aug 2016

hi i tried to check demo but says that plugin is broken

Quote · 3 Sep 2016

The plugin is not broken. You may be looking at an entry has an invalid streaming link and so that stream does not show when you view it but you can check other streams in the demo. Because it is a demo site, persons may enter anything while testing (some streams may be valid and some may not).

hi i tried to check demo but says that plugin is broken


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Quote · 3 Sep 2016

hi i tried to add frame video. but when i added code, its scripping script and nothing showing.

see link

Quote · 5 Sep 2016

hi i found stream link and it says plugin not supported

i am trying to add

Quote · 5 Sep 2016

hi i am able to add iframe link in wordpress site

but can't add in godesi

also when i tried to add stream, then it says plugin not supported

Quote · 5 Sep 2016

hi i tried multiple streams and nothing working except recorded video iframe and that too from youtube.


can you please resolve this or else i am wasting my time pls

Quote · 5 Sep 2016

hi modzzz, c after wasting my Monday , i am totally frustrated.

tried all options to add but nothing working

I would have been better if I had tried to make station via wordpress


now try to add radio  and finding issues there as well

could not add any from

Quote · 5 Sep 2016

hi Modzzz

did you get time to review and update or guide me what i do

1) should I deactivate this as its not working and seek your attention for refund

I don't want to pay and forget or keep chasing for your attention

I myself doing full time job and keep lossing track so please help me 

I am excited for your mods but when they show error, I get upset as I plan and accordingly decide to spend time

this mod and radio mod.. both need your utmost attention and if you are working on these, then let me know time 



Quote · 6 Sep 2016

hi sorry to bother you but can you please update when tv mode will get resolved

i tried today but could not add any



Quote · 13 Sep 2016

@iff2in - I have reviewed your site and see several instances where you are adding invalid links. I have pointed out your error via PM.

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Quote · 13 Sep 2016

Version 2.0.1 released. (see patches/version_2.0.1 folder for instructions)

More flexibility has been included for adding different types of streams.

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Quote · 13 Sep 2016

hi i see and thanks for update

i am able to add two tvs

but can u check as now my video upload is failing

i can't upload any video

is this something corelated

Quote · 15 Sep 2016

@iff2in -This module does not use the Video module so whatever issue you are having with the Video module is unrelated.

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Quote · 15 Sep 2016

hi thanks for update. I am working with my server

rest all going good and seems like 2nd best module.

Noticed issue as shown below

when clicked language



Quote · 16 Sep 2016

An update has been made to the browse by language feature.Please re-apply patch 2.0.1.

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Quote · 16 Sep 2016

hi thanks for update and will do.

Question, can this layout be improved. I have someone uploading images and they uploaded all different sizes adn now this looks all wereied.

Can we do something so all thumnails go same size..

Quote · 17 Sep 2016

@iff2in - The problem is with your site, not the module. By default, Dolphin resizes the uploaded photos but your site is not resizing them properly.

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Quote · 17 Sep 2016

hi thanks for input. I will ask in forum to help on this.

somehow in past, i had issue of images cropping and part of images were getting cut, so i used suggestion as suggested in

now seeing your post, i reuploaded original files. 

now I am not sure how to update all images to same size, which are already uploaded?

Quote · 17 Sep 2016

by the way, are you adding RSS link in TV and Radio. RADio Rss link is not working. fyi

Quote · 17 Sep 2016

 There is no process to do that. You will have to re-upload the images.

now I am not sure how to update all images to same size, which are already uploaded?


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Quote · 17 Sep 2016

Re-upload the following file : modules\modzzz\onlinetv\classes\BxOnlineTVPageView.php.

The RSS issue with radio module was already corrected and an update announced in the support forum for that module.

by the way, are you adding RSS link in TV and Radio. RADio Rss link is not working. fyi


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Quote · 17 Sep 2016

hi i reuploaded BxOnlineTVPageView.php. but don't see rss link anywhere in tv module.

thanks for your support

Quote · 18 Sep 2016

 Yes, the invalid RSS link was removed. 

hi i reuploaded BxOnlineTVPageView.php. but don't see rss link anywhere in tv module.

thanks for your support


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Quote · 18 Sep 2016

hi i see category link has side bar


but when i click on category , i don' see any side bar

i added custom link but its not showing at category 




Quote · 24 Sep 2016

 I do not understand what you are saying. What is a 'side bar' ?

hi i see category link has side bar



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Quote · 24 Sep 2016

hi please see at

I tried to add custom link category but its not visible

hi can u guide me how to add side bar here

Quote · 24 Sep 2016

hi what i meant that in your tv mode, i see categories and language mod but these are not availalbe when we click on any link to watch tv.

can we do something to have tv categories and language mode.. for all tv mode 


I see

that you have option to show categories but when i go to tv categories and click, i don't see these tv categories on left side..



i even made block using your global block but i when i drag these and add these in any tv pages, except tv view adn tv home, these are not visible anywhere.

i wanted tv categories to be visible on all tv pages so customer have option to go back to any other category if they don't like respective tv. Right now they have to go back to home and then pick next tv.. 

i hope i am able to explain

Quote · 24 Sep 2016

@iff2in - Both the Language and Categories issues you mentioned were resolved. You need to update the module on your site to the latest version.

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Quote · 13 Dec 2016

useful to my site.

will buy later.

Walter -
Quote · 15 Jan 2017

Suggestion: when adding YouTube video it will grab the video thumbnail 

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 27 Jan 2017

 Ok, noted.

Suggestion: when adding YouTube video it will grab the video thumbnail 


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Quote · 30 Jan 2017

This module is updated to fix an issue with categories.The following file is modified :


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Quote · 30 Jan 2017

hi, i will like to embed this video to my site and i dont know why it failed


it from site

it seams video object of html 5

can you tell please how to use it?

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 14 Jul 2017

@yzisano - I have looked at the site. The Video Link is and for the Video Source you should choose IFrame (URL only)

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Quote · 14 Jul 2017

Thx, in Firefox its displayed ok but in chrome i see message 

this plugin not supported , do you see it too?

9999.JPG · 18.9K · 322 views
Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 14 Jul 2017

What page URL are you referring to ?

Thx, in Firefox its displayed ok but in chrome i see message 


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Quote · 15 Jul 2017

I will P.M you instructions 

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 16 Jul 2017

The problem was that the wrong Video Source was selected.

Thx, in Firefox its displayed ok but in chrome i see message 

this plugin not supported , do you see it too?


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Quote · 14 Aug 2017
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