Personal schedulers (AndrewP)

AndrewP "Personal scheduler" support thread here

product links:
Version 1:
Version 2:

Quote · 7 Jun 2012

'Scheduler v2' has been updated. It is available for Dolphin 7.1 now.

Few important features:

* you can mark any event as hidden event (to keep privacy)

* email notification about upcoming events

Quote · 28 Nov 2012

'Scheduler v1' has been updated too. It is available for Dolphin 7.1 now.

Quote · 26 Dec 2012

I am loving the v2 Scheduler. And here is where the BUT comes in, although notreally a but, rather a few questions.

OK, first off, I went through the language keys and changed all of those to fit my needs.

Now, What I would like to do is to hide the Hide For Public checkbox and set that in the database to always equal 1.

I also want to take the open field for the subject and change that to a dropdown box that is prefilled with options from a database. Example: Setting an appointment for a client. Want to have the client list in a dropdown for the user to select who the appointment is for instead of typing the name.

In addition, I would like to set the two date boxes - when adding a new event - to "todays" date - or at least the first date field.

And the last thing - I would like to move the scheduler link from the profile page to the account page.

One thing i noticed - the sql statement to add the block to the database is not working: INSERT INTO `sys_page_compose` (`ID`, `Page`, `PageWidth`, `Desc`, `Caption`, `Column`, `Order`, `Func`, `Content`, `DesignBox`, `ColWidth`, `Visible`, `MinWidth`) VALUES
-- (NULL, 'profile', '1140px', 'PScheduler', '_aprsc_main', 1, 10, 'PHP', 'return BxDolService::call(''scheduler'', ''get_profile_block'', array($this->oProfileGen->_aProfile[''NickName'']));', 1, 28.1, 'non,memb', 0);

I had to remove the -- in red to manually input intop database, but now I have a block but it does not show anything on the profiles page.
Quote · 11 Feb 2013

Hello ProfessorSr,

This is easy answer for your first question about 'Hidden for public' option. You can just look at
'modulesandrewpschedulertemplatesbaseedit.html' file,

It has the code:
  <label class="checkp">
    <input id="IsHiddenEvent" name="IsHiddenEvent" type="checkbox" value="1" __hidden_ev_check__ /> <bx_text:_aprsc_hidden />

basically, you can change it to:

<input id="IsHiddenEvent" name="IsHiddenEvent" type="hidden" value="1" />

Just turn it into hidden field


If you need to add more fields here - you can use the same file to customize.

after, you can process your new field(s) here: 'modulesandrewpschedulerclassesASchModule.php' (line 235)

case 'adddetails'


>One thing i noticed - the sql statement to add the block to the database is not working

Haven't you noticed that this code is commented? It means that this feature hasn't implemented yet. You don't need to uncomment it just to try your luck :-)

Quote · 11 Feb 2013

oops - sorry about that. No I did not notice that the sql was commented - So thats what that means. I usually type out sql statements, and have never done a mod so never created an sql file for automatic install like the dolphin modules. So you have taught me another new thing tonight. Cool Thanks.

But I am still confused as to how I can change the Subject textfield to a dropdown box.

Sorry for the questions - I am still learning php, and I can get confused easily when looking at code in Dolphin.
Quote · 11 Feb 2013

real quick question - does the edit.html handle both the add new events and edit events? - scratch that - technically you already answered it. OK, I have changed the Subject field to a dropdown block - now i am stuck cause i need to do an sql query of all persons in a database named clients and display them in the dropbox - wich me luck.
Quote · 11 Feb 2013

>But I am still confused as to how I can change the Subject textfield to a dropdown box. Sorry for the questions - I am still learning php, and I can get confused easily when looking at code in Dolphin.

Frankly speaking, you don't need to have any PHP skills to do it, basic HTML knowledge is enough.

As you know, ' <input type="text"  ..  is text element, now, what is Dropdown?

basically, it is SELECT element (with some options), you can read about this element here:


>real quick question - does the edit.html handle both the add new events and edit events?

why - no, because both forms are pretty different.

'add event' form is generated on-fly (by JS), if you need - I can show you this place in code (by PM)

Quote · 11 Feb 2013

OK, heres another one. Sorry but after playing with the v2 on the website, I now want to implement it into the mobile app. So - is there a way to have the v2 scheduler without the dolphin stuff around. Basically just a blank page with the scheduler(check out image screenshot). If so, then I can do the rest and get it set up in the mobile app (I think).

apptsc.png · 33.6K · 553 views
Quote · 12 Feb 2013

Do you mean that you'd like that I develop a new stand alone mobile application for this module? For Android or for iPhone?

Quote · 13 Feb 2013

This module is not yet compatible with 7.1.1
Any idea when it works?

Quote · 6 May 2013

Please update it manually: modulesandrewpersonalschedulerinstallconfig.php

change 7.1.0 to 7.1.x

Quote · 7 May 2013

Thanks! It worked

Quote · 8 May 2013

Hi Andrew,

Never mind, you can do that next time. already installed but had below questions:

1、There is not button on the panel to load the existing my events from Event Module;

2、I am using Modzzz's Event Module to replace Dolphin Module, can your module work well with it?

3、 My requirement is after I create an Event, the Event will be added to my schedule automatically or synchronously, could you do that?





Quote · 26 Jul 2013

What also is a good option is to select a friend while creating a new event / appointment.
That person can than accept the invitation and the event is in both calendars.

I just updated to 7.1.4. Can i download the latest version in the market or isn't it compatible yet?

Quote · 11 Aug 2013

'Scheduler v1' has been updated.

New features (v 2.0.1):

* privacy setting (scheduler visibility) on profile edit page
* functional for a friend's invitation into events:
  - they get a notification by email to alert them that they were added to an appointment
  - approve/deny possibility for invited friends

Quote · 27 Sep 2013

Hi Simon,

1. Yes, there is no visible button, but please re-read the installation manual, there is an explanation how you can import all events from the boonex events module (using migrate_events.php script)

2. Both scheduler modules use independent events table. It doesn't work with tables of boonex events module.

3. Yes, this is possible, but you will need to customize your events module (to add extra SQL record every you time you add a new event)

Quote · 27 Sep 2013

Hi bellhophil,

Your idea was implemented. The module is compatible with 7.1.4

Quote · 27 Sep 2013

'Scheduler v2' has been updated.

New features (v 2.1.1):

* privacy setting (scheduler visibility) on profile edit page
* functional for a friend's invitation into events:
  - they get a notification by email to alert them that they were added to an appointment
  - approve/deny possibility for invited friends
* possibility to turn to 12-hour format (for the main time grid)
* mini-calendar (with upcoming events) on your profile page
* admin panel (settings and categories manager)

Quote · 29 Sep 2013

What also is awesome is implement the birthdays of friends in the calendar. And a once a week ( every sunday for example ) mail wich friends birthdays are coming up in the next week.

Quote · 26 Oct 2013

Is it possible to show automaticly the birthdays of your friends in the calendar? And send an e-mail once a week ( just like FB ) with upcoming events / birtdays?

Quote · 13 Jul 2014

I placed the block that is normally placed on the profile page on the account page to show the upcoming events of the logged in user.

We want to delete the code for the small calendar above and the select box beneath the upcoming events div. I tried a few things just like deleting “<div id="pscheduler_events" class="aperc_event_unit">'.$sSelect.'</div>” from the module file and that worked, only I can’t get rid of the mini calendar.
Which code do I need to delete to show only the “upcoming events” in that block? I also tried to set the div display to “none” but than the upcoming events are also invisible.

 Hope that you can help me!

 ( nothing needs to be changed to the left column at the calendar main page )

Quote · 3 Sep 2014

Today the module was updated for dolphin 7.2.x

Quote · 2 Dec 2015

Is it possible to integrate the calendar with group module , in-spite of the event module??please let me know your comments
Quote · 8 Dec 2015

This module exists

Quote · 9 Dec 2015

Today the module was updated for dolphin 7.2.x

Quote · 18 Dec 2015

Just tried logging in with demouser and can't get in.

Quote · 8 Jan 2017

amazing module

Walter -
Quote · 18 Feb 2017

Hi Andrew,

Would you kindly explain more clearly about this function :

* functional for a friend's invitation into events:
- they get a notification by email to alert them that they were added to an appointment
- approve/deny possibility for invited friends

I do want to know how members can make an appointments online.


thanks a lot

Walter -
Quote · 27 Feb 2017

Hi Andrew,

I am already Clear about this:

Hi Andrew,

Would you kindly explain more clearly about this function :

* functional for a friend's invitation into events:
- they get a notification by email to alert them that they were added to an appointment
- approve/deny possibility for invited friends


This module can not meet up my needs. 

I need some customization job.

I will make it all clear, and then ask if you can help me to handle them.


Walter -
Quote · 28 Feb 2017
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.