Recaptcha V2.0 from AQB Soft

Hello everybody.
This is a support forum for our Recaptcha V2.0 module.
If you have some questions or suggestions regarding it feel free to post them here or contact us directly.


Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 9 Dec 2014

To create/get the Site and Secret keys visit the page:

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 9 Dec 2014


I've tried installing Recaptcha v2 several times. Boonex keeps giving me this error when I try to install from the modules page: 

Cannot install module from "aqb/recaptcha2/" directory Failed

 First I followed your instructions and created a director

 then I tried using the module admin screen to upload the zip file. It really doesn't appear to do anything. I check via FTP and don’t see the zip file being uploaded.

 Next I try using the FTP to upload the files. I uploaded the Zip file under abq and tried installing again. Nothing. I then upload files. This shows you the overall structure:

 What am I missing?

- Ed

Quote · 14 Jun 2015

Hi Ed,

The problem is that you've named the folder incorrectly. Installation manual is asking to name the folder as "aqb" while you've created it as "abq". :) Rename it to "aqb" and you should good to go.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 15 Jun 2015

i've got an issue with design after upgrading to 7.2.1 with recaptcha2 

see attachment 

err.PNG · 6.2K · 465 views
Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 24 Dec 2015


i've got an issue with design after upgrading to 7.2.1 with recaptcha2 

see attachment 

 I suppose this happens inside a Single Line Join Form? As far as I see it doesn't fit there. How it was looking like prior to upgrade?

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 24 Dec 2015

its was ok before upgrade.  

Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 24 Dec 2015


its was ok before upgrade.  

 How exactly it was looking like prior to upgrade? Was it moved left? Was the page wider? Or what?

Can you provide us with a link to the site where we could see the problem ourselves?

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 24 Dec 2015

see attachment 

ill p.m you my site

te.PNG · 6.3K · 468 views
Always remember that the future comes one day at a time.
Quote · 25 Dec 2015


see attachment 

ill p.m you my site

Most likely you've recently changed your domain. Or have edited your google API keys incorrectly. 

Generate new keys here: and fill them in the module's admin page. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 25 Dec 2015

How to remove the red design box that is around reCAPTCHA or change the color to transparent?

captcha.PNG · 6.4K · 379 views
Quote · 20 Dec 2016


How to remove the red design box that is around reCAPTCHA or change the color to transparent?

 Edit the file templates/base/css/forms_adv.css, find and remove the line

background-color: #b71800;
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 21 Dec 2016

I tried to edit templates/base/css/forms_adv.css, and removed the line background-color: #b71800;

However, the red design box around reCAPTCHA is still displayed, do I need to edit sys_objects_captcha?  

Quote · 21 Dec 2016


I tried to edit templates/base/css/forms_adv.css, and removed the line background-color: #b71800;

However, the red design box around reCAPTCHA is still displayed, do I need to edit sys_objects_captcha?  


Oh sorry, please disregard my last post, just needed to clear all cache to fix the problem. Thanks!  

Quote · 21 Dec 2016

why its not working ??

there is still one car photo i dont check it ?!?!?!?

is there something wrong ?

can you test it ?!


bot.png · 236.8K · 853 views
Quote · 24 Dec 2016


why its not working ??

there is still one car photo i dont check it ?!?!?!?

is there something wrong ?

can you test it ?!

 Feel free to contact with this question since the Recaptcha is their product. :) We are offering just the integration.

P.S. I would assume that their requirement to "Select all images with ____" is not strict and allows to miss 1 image to make it simpler and less annoying for people.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 26 Dec 2016

Will this work in china?

What happens if it kept on join? chinese people wont be able to join?

Quote · 7 Jun 2017


Will this work in china?

What happens if it kept on join? chinese people wont be able to join?

It will work anywhere where Google has not been banned. 

For those people who have google banned in their area (I'm not aware of such countries though) the captcha will not appear and they will not be able to join.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 7 Jun 2017

Surprisingly it turns out that all Google services are blocked in mainland China. Which means that the recaptcha will not work for any user from mainland China. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 8 Jun 2017

Anton, Does your reCaptcha v2 use the Google reCaptcha v2 code?  I just received a notice from Google that I need to update to v2 before v1 is turned off on March 31, 2018.

Thank you. 

Quote · 19 Oct 2017


Anton, Does your reCaptcha v2 use the Google reCaptcha v2 code?  I just received a notice from Google that I need to update to v2 before v1 is turned off on March 31, 2018.

Thank you. 

Yes, this is an integration of Google reCAPTCHA V2.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 19 Oct 2017

Hi Anton,

I tried to install reCap but it is not showing

I did step 1 and 2 as per this


1. If it's the first module you've purchased from AQB Soft you need to go to your server via FTP and create aqb folder in [your_dolphin_root_folder]/modules/ folder.


2. Upload the archived package ( via Dolphin Admin panel -> Modules -> Add & Manage.

see images attached

zz-00.PNG · 45.6K · 340 views
zz-01.PNG · 25.7K · 323 views
Quote · 26 Oct 2017

I tried to put unzip the files and then ftp transfer them into the created aqb folder but still they did not show up in the uninstalled list, so i deleted those files from that folder which is empty now.

Quote · 26 Oct 2017


I tried to put unzip the files and then ftp transfer them into the created aqb folder but still they did not show up in the uninstalled list, so i deleted those files from that folder which is empty now.



Try to install it the following way:

Extract contents of the archive and upload it to the modules/aqb/ folder. So you should end up with the following directories structure (i.e. ensure that you haven't put it in some kind of nested folder):






After this the module must appear in Not Installed section of [admin panel -> modules -> add & manage] 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 26 Oct 2017

also in the admin panel

settings>advanced settings>security


I already had google captcha  \. should that be deleted


this is what i have there from before


Enable CSRF Token In Forms
CSRF Token Lifetime (Seconds, 0 - No Tracking)
ReCAPTCHA Public Key
ReCAPTCHA Private Key
Safe Iframe URI Regular Expression (Don't Edit If Unsure)
Quote · 26 Oct 2017


also in the admin panel

settings>advanced settings>security


I already had google captcha  \. should that be deleted


 Everything there should be left as is. No any changes are required there. 

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 26 Oct 2017

My users encountered this:


"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ReCaptchaResponse in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 36"

Please help.

Quote · 29 Jan 2018


My users encountered this:


"Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class ReCaptchaResponse in /var/www/vhosts/ on line 36"

Please help.

 This normally shouldn't happen but it seems like the old recaptcha is being included/used prior to the RecaptchaV2. May be it was custom coded somewhere. So the best way is to find where and why the original recaptcha is being included. As an alternative quick and simple solution I'd suggest to edit the file modules/aqb/recaptcha2/lib/recaptchalib.php and replace the code


class ReCaptchaResponse
public $success;
public $errorCodes;




if (!class_exists('ReCaptchaResponse')) {
class ReCaptchaResponse
public $success;
public $errorCodes;
Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 30 Jan 2018

Is new dolphin recaptcha is same as this module?


where to change theme color? (red to blue) As in  'theme_name'to 'clean'


Quote · 30 Mar 2018


Is new dolphin recaptcha is same as this module?


where to change theme name to 'clean'? (for recaptcha look)


 Yes, Dolphin 7.3.5 is having the Recaptcha2.0 integration built in already. 

As to theme, the google's recaptchav2 supports only 2 themes - dark/light.

Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 30 Mar 2018

 how to install dolphins recaptcha?  Does it has all features of recaptcha v2.0 like activating 'captcha' field in join form in profile fields,etc. 

If I uninstall recaptcha v2.0 can I use the same keys for dolphins recaptcha?



Is new dolphin recaptcha is same as this module?


where to change theme name to 'clean'? (for recaptcha look)


 Yes, Dolphin 7.3.5 is having the Recaptcha2.0 integration built in already. 

As to theme, the google's recaptchav2 supports only 2 themes - dark/light.


Quote · 30 Mar 2018

 how to install dolphins recaptcha?

Just uninstall our Recaptcha2.0 module - this should activate Dolphin's built in one.


Does it has all features of recaptcha v2.0 like adding field in join form,etc. 



If I uninstall recaptcha v2.0 can I use the same keys for dolphins recaptcha? 


Best Regards AntonLV -
Quote · 30 Mar 2018


Quote · 30 Mar 2018
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.