modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

Trivia Contests


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.3

Added: 06.08.10

Updated: 28.09.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, contest, competition, trivia, quiz, game, points, modzzz

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This Add-on allows you to run the most interesting Contests on your site.

The mod is very flexible and can be used for many kind of guessing or knowledge-base games such as Spot the Item Contests, Did you know Contests etc.

Admin can setup Contests that requires knowledge. For example, members may be asked to identify an object on a Photo, a person in a Video or the source of a Sound or they may be asked a question about anything for which there is a single correct answer.

Admin can setup Contests that are random and purely based on guessing. For example they may be asked to guess a number within a particular range. In this case, Admin would have pre-selected a random number before the Contest starts.

The above scenarios only illustrates examples of how the mod can be used. The possibilities are endless.

The mod also offers optional integration with our Points mod so Admin can offer Points as a Prize.


Eligible Members can upload trivia(s) to each running Contest

The winners are selected based on the Top number of Votes received during Contest duration.

For each Contest running, the first correct answer is selected a the Winner.

Each Contest can have runner-up Winners also (2nd Place etc).

If there are runner-up Prizes, a Contest ends when the configured number of runner-ups gets the correct answer.

If there are no runner-up Prizes, a Contest ends when the first person gets the correct answer.

When a Contest ends, Prizes are automatically awarded and the Contest is automatically flagged as closed.

Winners Page allows selection from list of all active Contests and displays winners for each Contest.


Block that displays introductory information about Trivia Contests.


Block that displays the Member's Contest entries.


Block that displays the Profile Owner's Contest winning entries.


Ability to limit entering Contests to particular Membership Levels.


Admin can setup multiple Prizes for each Contest.

Each prize can be configured for a particular winning position (eg 1st prize, 2nd prize etc).

Prizes can be physical or Virtual Items.

If you have our Points mod you can choose to give members Points as a Prize too.

Prizes Page allows selection from list of all active Contests and displays available Prizes for each Contest.


For each Contest created, Admin can decide who has access (eg females only, members from USA only etc)

The available filtering options are Age, Country, Gender and Membership Level


Admin can create multiple Contests that can be running concurrently.

Admin can configure Contest so each member can guess once or once daily.

Admin can allow Runner-Up Winners. If allowed, the number of Runner-Up winners is configured.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
Support Forum Feed
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Members will come to your site daily just for the Trivia Quiz! LOVE THESE! Thanks modzzz team!!
A great mod for keeping members using your site.
well what can I say about Modzzz that as not been said already.
Can not get enough of he's great mods. My members have started to use my site more now.
I now have over 20 mods from him now on my site, which all work great and the members love them.
The only thing is that he makes so many great mods it's hard to pick which ones I want first,. :D
Sweet........very sweet mod! The installation of this module is just amazing. Seriously, I installed 3 mods I purchased from Modzzz a few hours ago, and I had all 3 of them installed within about 3 minutes flat :-)

It's really nice to have mods that are put together as well as the mods you will buy from Modzzz!

10 stars across the board!!
Is a great mod and the support is good.
Es un mod de lujo porque atrae miembros y genera actividad en tu sitio. Yo lo recomiendo al 100%, además el soporte es muy bueno.
I'm disappointed! Here you can create only one question, and I wanted to do a full test (with options select checkbox, select, etc.), wasted money :((((((
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