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Custom Links


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.2

Added: 15.11.14

Updated: 22.09.19

Category: Social

Tags: extensions, modzzz, links, navigation, actions, menu

Demo:  username - dolphinmods,password - jbgjbg

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This module allows you to create unlimited groups of custom links for your site. Each group of links will appear in its own page block.

Each Group created is available in the page builder for every page on the site and can therefore be placed on any page that the administrator wishes.

Each link block can be configured in terms of the number of columns that appear. For example, you can create buttons in a single column formation or two or three column formation etc.

The links appear similar to buttons in existing action blocks.

For each link, the following information can be entered :

 Caption - This is the Title displayed on the link button.

 Group - This is the Group to which the link belongs to.

 Icon - This is the icon displayed on the link button.

 Url - This is the URL to which the page is redirected when a link is clicked.

 Script - This is javascript coding that can be executed when a link is clicked.

Order - The order that the link will appear in the block.


a) You can create unlimited amount of link blocks. You could even place multiple blocks on the same page if desired.

b) You can add and remove links from existing blocks as desired.

ARCHIVING - This allows you to remove links from a block without actually deleting them. This allows you to later re-instate the link with the click of a button if you desire.

ORDERING - It is possible to re-order the links in particular block by drag and drop.

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I have to say that this mod is a great asset to any site. It gives the user a quicker way to visit other sites, you as admin have complete control to add any additional sites un-related to your own if you choose to do so, which can make it more! interesting. People these days like things quicker and faster, and this is a great tool. Very user friendly and very easy to create links to any site. Great job modzzz, greatly appreciated man. Nice job!
nice handy module for creating new custom links on your website, modzzz has many great modules and this is one of them!
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.