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Gifts for Points


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.0.8

Added: 10.05.11

Updated: 15.10.15

Category: Tools

Tags: points, activity, gift, extensions, aqb soft, points system

Demo:  username - aqbtest,password - xxxxx

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by AQB Soft. It cannot be modified for see more other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from AQB Soft. This notice may not be removed from the source code.

Technical Checklist...

This is one of the most popular addons for our Points System. It allows to motivate your members to be more active and earn points on your site. Points for Gifts module gives a chance to exchange members' points to some real things (gifts).


- Possibility to create/edit/remove gifts.
- Block with gifts on the Home page. Administration of the site can disable/enable it.
- Block with gifts on members account page. Administration of the site can disable/enable it.
- Gifts can be categorized. Categories are available on the home page and gift's page in Categories block.
- Possibility to add tags for each gift. Tags are available on the home page and on the gift's page.
- Member can see history of all obtained gifts.
- Full history control for Administration of the site:
  • See history of the all obtained gifts of each member

  • Edit members' gifts history

  • Clean history of each member

  • Clean gifts history of all members

  • Set quantity for each gift

- Ajax interface for Administration of the site.- Installation is very easy – You don't need to edit any files, just upload module and press install button. It means that you don't need to change any files, thus you will not be able to break any other modifications or features. You can perform upgrades of Dolphin without problems.
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Support Forum Feed
Please login to post a comment.
Great service, great module, thank you!
Thanks, we were glad to help you!!!
First, thanks for this good mod. We pay this together with the global point mod and the matrix affiliate mod.
The last 2 mods are great, install in 2 minutes without problems (im not a specialist, smile) and 6 stars for you.
This gift mod make a small problem after the install. So i think this is my mistake and not a problem in this mod.
Our test is on you can sea the problem on the first page.
In the admin works good and no problemo. 5 stars for this mod and see more many thanks.
You are welcome and thank you :)
The Updated Version of the Gifts Module works GREAT !!
hi i cant get mine to install it keeps reporting it failed.. any ideas? 1 am on 7.09
If you still have the issue contact me via internal mailbox with detailed description of the error and I would be glad to help you to resolve the issue.
this is a great mod. As everyone states every ez to install. The only draw back is the system will alert you when a member has exchanged points for a gift but there are no real details other than what type of gift. This can be good and bad as you will now have to contact that member directly to get more detailed information to send them the gift they asked for, so great for site interaction. There is no way to review the gift as well. so there is no real way to tell other members that another member see more got the gift and it works . It doesnt tell the member who got the gift how to get their gift as well nor order is complete. This would help in case you have a lot of members and over look some gift request. So sorting by open request would be helpful i think. Over all great mod..
Thanks for your opinion! We will take into account all your suggestions for the future releases of this modules.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.