4 Required and 22 Recommended items
Name: not specified
License: FREE
Demo: No Demo page
Demo Username: No Demo User
Demo Password: No Demo Password
Optional (Etiquette)
Remote calls: No
All the code is legally distributed: Yes
Package has no executable files or viruses: No executables and no virusses
Code encrypted: code is not encrypted
3rd-party integrations: n.a.
Readme file included and formatted according to BoonEx Requirements: Readme file included with install and uninstall instructions
Admin Manual: n.a.
User Manual: n.a.
Installation via Dolphin Installer: No Installer, you need to be able to rename and copy & past a file. You also need some basic knowledge of PHPMyadmin to execute some SQL code
Installation requires manual steps: The installation requires four manual steps, described in the README.txt
The following number of core files require manual modification: no core files need manual modification, just copy & past (unless modifications have been made to the map.html previously)
Product is packaged and named according to BoonEx Requirements: The product is packaed in a zip file, but not in accordance with Boonex requirements
Default CSS styles are used: No changes to the original CSS styles have been made
Standard Pages/DesignBoxes/Inputs/Buttons are not affected/copied: No standard pages/DesignBoxes/Inputs/Buttons are effected, other than modules using the World Map module
CSS/HTML code isn't hardcoded in PHP and separated in HTML/CSS files: n.a.
Strings are translatable and English language file is included: n.a.
Support provided via: FORUM,PHONE,EMAIL,SKYPE: There is currently no support forum, but any questions, don't hesitate to contact me
Response time: A.S.A.P.
Timezone: UTC + 1
The mod going to be updated with every Dolphin release: If needed and Boonex is not fixing the code themself
Free upgrade with every major version: If needed
Free upgrade with every minor version: If needed