BoonEx at iDate 2009 (Miami)

Andrew Boon posted 3rd of February 2009 in . 95 comments.

While Dolphin 7 and 8 development is under way, we’ve attended iDate 20

09 - the largest yearly event in the dating and social networking industry. Now we finally have a chance to share our observations and report about what we did there.


This time we landed at Miami intending to find as many technology partners as possible to extend Dolphin and get opinions on how to improve it. iDate is a wonderful opportunity to do both - there you can meet with decision-makers and see the faces behind businesses. Hundreds of CEOs, directors and senior managers gather to share ideas and strike deals.


To cut a long story short - this iDate was GREAT for us. It felt like we had a chance to talk with everyone and got our fill of ideas and plans. What’s most exciting is that we’ve agreed to partner with quite a few companies, and you’re going to see the results of those deals in Dolphin 7 - very soon.

Dolphin 7 is already a lot more modular than 6.x and is much friendlier to 3rd party applications. We want to leverage that improvement and turn Dolphin into a platform uniting the industry’s most effective tools. I’m talking about anti-fraud systems, image-verification tools, alternative communication widgets, site-security add-ons and even integration with shared databases.

I know that the Dolphin 7 release has taken much more time than many of you expect, but hey... didn’t we make a mistake rushing out previous releases a little too soon?


Both Julia and I were thrilled and amazed with how positive, friendly and easy-going most people from our industry are. We could really feel that uniting people is a worthy mission... and it truly may change the world.


If you’re looking for fresh ideas, partnerships or just want to socialize with like-minded people - go to iDate. Plus, we’re likely to meet you in person then.

p.s. We’re in Los Angeles now and will be in London in March, so anyone willing to meet and talk...

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great to hear and i hope that new ideas and sharing of thoughts
bring up a great script in the fututre also new partnerships with companys and mindsharing create new ways always .
we can wait for the new version but as humans are the have always no time smileeee
if i am in london in march it will be nice to meet you both .
happy days and all the best

thanks for sharing Andrew, keep up the great work, the excitement is certainly building in the Boonex community as 7 edges closer, enjoy L.A. it's an awesome town.
What’s most exciting is that we’ve agreed to partner with quite a few companies, and you’re going to see the results of those deals in Dolphin 7 - very soon.

does that mean more delays?

i have already seen Dolphin 7 and everyone at boonex should be very proud at what they have accomplished, i am sure there is a great deal you can do with 8, but is this now a hint of more delays?
Yeah, like Sammie, I have the same question. Does it mean more delays?

At least your lucky you have already had a peek Sammie :)

I bet many people here envy you. Oh well, i'll see the message when it's ready. Hopefully not to many months from now.

I am patient but I won't lie. It's getting to me :)
Andrew Boon
Partnerships and integrations, per se, will not affect Dolphin release date. We schedule them all to the "after-party" - so you will be getting them gradually after the main release.
* How long will U stay in London?

* If you treat this job v. prefessional- you can delay with Dolphin 7. In my opinion its better to do something new, fresh, using new trends but nobady will be angry. It always costs some time. I would wait for better 7.
Andrew Boon
Just one week in London, unfortunately. There's a conference in Olympia center.
Well I live in London and work in the City. If you do have some time available in your schedule, it will be great for both of you to have dinner with my wife... and I:)
Andrew Boon
Drop me an email with your contacts and we'll get in touch. WOuld be nice to have a dinner and talk.
Sounds fantastic! Thank you! Wish you a lucky hand and all the best!

it's Great sound really ..

thank you for all your hard work for develop this script I think it is best script at internet network and the more public .

so I wish you good luck and go go to the best in future and I'm waiting the Dolphin 7 :)

best regards
I agree with sammy,
8? does that mean more delay?
Will you be adding more stuff? Right now?
Many of us are just sitting waitting for Dolphine 7 and know nothing about expected release.
Please let us know your time frame expectations, at least...!
Andrew Boon
This won't bring new delays - we'll be doing most integrations after the release.
Dolphin 7 sounds good, I like the idea of shared bases and partnering with other companies and can only to lead to an exciting future for boonex. Lets us know the dates when you are in London and i'll see if I can pop down...
I think it will be fine if we get one info when we can expect dolphin 7. I delaying to buy some mods in dolphin 6, because i don't know when dolphin 7 will be on. I don't want give my money for some mods which will be available in dolphin 7.

So please tell os one date.

1-2-6 months? :)
Andrew Boon
Sorry, but I can't. I wish I could, but I really can't.
Dear Andrew,

You've come a long way young man and I'm glad to see you expanding your horizons. The world is your oyster and your future looks bright. The only thing that can prevent your success is to allow the current rash of faulty business practices to continue to impact your company.

As your unofficial business consultant I hope you will partner with and hire one of the CEO's you met in Miami. You need to find the right person to handle your external business affairs and allow him/her to see more develop your front office operations, (I.E. customer relations, customer support, advertising, etc.) while you focus on product development and the quality and internal affairs of your company. You are a classy guy and you are the ideal President for Boonex but it's obvious that you need help.

Before I retired I was the CEO for three major corporations and I know from experience that even if you have the greatest product on earth if you don't keep your customer's satisfied you leave the door open to failure.

Respectfully Yours,

Andrew Boon
Thank you Juker. You're right, a lot of thing went out of hand and we probably set ourselves on charge for more things than we can handle. This year we plan to do 2 things: first - simplify and focus; second - outsource and hire. We're not financially ready to hire pro CEOs right now, but once we are, I'm all for it.
From a business perspective, this is the best comment of any thread I have ever read at Boonex. I am an executive IT professional with over 20 yrs experience. I have been involved with many large corporate software implementations and development projects along with many small business software implementations. I am amazed at the dramatic contrast between the vision and quality of the Boonex product releases versus the quality of follow-up service, support, training and licensing.

Boonex see more appears to be at a serious crossroads on their business model. The customer expectations created by the announcement of release 7 versus the reality of it's availability is a serious business blundor. Having the product released when it's actually ready is not the problem, it's the product planning, project management discipline and communications approach that has created a concern for me and I assume for many users and potential paying customers. The is a common mistake for many startups and inexperience software vendors. Some survive and some do not. Ultimate survival usually depends on the strength of the competition (e.g., Joomla, phpBB, Wordpress) and the soundness of the company's business model. :).

Per JUKER's advice, I wish you luck in striking deals or having serious business conversations with professional management consultants or experienced executives who can take you to the next level in business operations. Where would Bill Gates or Michael Dell be if they had not taken the business of business as seriously as their products? Each where innovative, but they did seek experienced help. I truely wish you well, because I have a ton of money making ideas that can leverage a stable and reliable Boonex suite. However, as with all business endeavors, a business person (i.e., most of your customers) must assess the cost / benefits, reliability and risk of their business infrastructure and vendor relationships.

Let me know if I can help with more specifics in private or in public.

Good luck,

Under Construction: (a Dolphin site) (a custom site)
Some people have sports heros while others are entertained by great singers but I am passionate about the rising stars in business. Andrew, you have all of the ingredients necessary for financial and corporate success and you have caught my attention.

A good C.E.O. can raise operating capital by turning the 5000 businessmen at your door into shareholders. 50,000 shares of common stock at $5.00, and 1000 shares of preferred stock at $1000 yields 3.5 Million at 100% sold. - I think you have a good see more shot on the stock market.

Right now you need to diversify your management team. Reclassify and split the software into Corporate, Social & Dating, and Educational. Contract the services of a professional internet marketing firm to buck up your customer service and don't wait too long. - This is stuff you need to do now.

Get the newsletter going again and keep it going.

The future of BoonEx sounds very promising and Sammie's excitement about the upcoming release makes me excited. I feel it will be well worth the wait no matter how long it takes. Keep up the good work.
I think it is wonderful that you had a nice trip, and I can understand why you needed to change the subject from your "it's close" post, where you had a full scale user rebellion. You do realize that right now even some of your most loyal customers are frantically looking for alternatives- right? I have begun to explore Elgg - they aren't as far along as Dolphin but seem to be moving up fast, and are true open source under a creative commons license- and are about to release a new version see more right on time. Don't get me wrong, I love Dolphin, but my competitors are beginning to use these other tools and are gaining ground fast - and yes, I am freaking out.
Many of us were hoping that Boonex would at least answer questions on the Forums so we could plan our work - on this thread:
I asked whether if it would be as difficult to modify Dolphin from a dating site to a business site as it is now but there was no response to this or other questions. This is especially relevant now that you have announced that you are visiting a dating conference. Can we get any information at all about questions like this or release dates? Boonex has been saying things like "soon" and "close" since at least last July.

The only thing I have been able to glean from your posts is that Dolphin 7 will be so unbelievably fantastic we will no longer have any concerns at all once it has been released. Gosh I hope that is true but I hope you understand how much this is hurting us.



p.s. If you are in Los Angeles now and you would like to take a brief tour to a nice city come on down to San Diego. I will buy you a beer or two - but I will likely be crying in mine :-(
lol elgg is nice i just couldn't get past the freaking data folder setup. But i think i found what I've been looking for atleast I won't have a release date but i'll be sure to make on it's way and soon. :P
Andrew Boon
I wish Dolphin releases were something like Elgg releases. The problem is that Dolphin has probably 3-4 times more features. I know it both good and bad thing. In Dolphin 7 we'll be "fixing" things and improving them. In Dolphin 8 everything will be done RIGHT from the ground up.

I know the wait is frustrating. I hopw we'll be showing a "development sneek-a-peek" or "alpha" version sometime next week.
Elgg didn't work well for me at all,as in dolphin loaded beatifully.
Hey.... read all about it
Road Trip!!!!

The next idate conference is at the Playboy Mansion June 28-29

Who in?
They are starting to act a bit like American bankers and Wall Street execs eh Houston. Nothing like a nice junket when the world is falling apart.
Andrew Boon
The 'world falling apart' didn't affect SN and dating industry much (yet, anyway). There's still plenty of opportunity and money there.
I think I'll go. I don't give a rat's ass about the conference, but staying in the Playboy Mansion for $219 a day is a hell of a deal.
I think it's hilarious that the idate 2009 page is broke:

Warning: include(2009/FL/eventvideo-web.php) [function.include]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /php/idate/eventvideo.php on line 24

Warning: include() [function.include]: Failed opening '2009/FL/eventvideo-web.php' for inclusion (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /php/idate/eventvideo.php on line 24

I thnk they're using :)
Hmm, let's see you'll always have a downer and i guess I'm one of them. I already left dolphin and working on another project with people who have excellent professional customer service skills. You most definitely need to work on that instead of not keeping updates with your customers.
It seems you only reply to the first 20 people that make a post in your blogs and ignore everyone else.You have people leaving not just because of the"new" dolphin 7 but because your communication is atrocious see more and rhetorical.It saddens me to think a good scripting company ignores their customers.
As I've already said in another post in another blog of yours and i quote;
"I have to agree with others here it's like giving a banana to a monkey and taking it away as the monkey gets mad and wants his banana but won't get it back. Or when you tell someone that something is coming and have them waiting.My advice to unoboonex next time you make an update don't tell us until it's completed."

Please take this as enlightenment and not in any way an insult to you. And for heaven sake get a Real customer service team there, because i also heard you've ignored paying customers.Which in most cases can get you in trouble and lawsuits .

thank you
Andrew Boon
Thank you for the advice.

Normally, I really to just a few first comments and only read the rest. This is why we call it "Blog". I am not engaging a discussion here and try to avoid it here. It just takes too much time, but I do read all the comments.

As for the support... well, we've been trying and trying to make it work better, and I know it's still not quite there. Sometimes it is the product to blame, sometimes lack of documentation. Anyway, this time we plan to straighten all see more that up, so delays are in part due to structural changes, not only the development.
Good points. Is anyone at Boonex listening?
Who is accountable?

These are simple business questions.
Good point Echoman - they are only communicating about things we don't care about - or are secondary, like their environmental activism - or in this case flaunting their business trip. I wanted to get the most simple question answered - i.e. will Dolphin 7 be a general purpose social networking script or will it still be primarily a dating script that requires heavy modification to make it workable for business. Since they are at a dating conference it unfortunately is probably the latter, but see more since they won't tell us anything at all there is no way to know. Again, I can understand why they want to keep changing the subject - if you read through that "it's close" post (now almost a month old) you will find some people who were fiercely defending them do a complete turnaround and becoming more highly critical then the rest of us.
Andrew Boon
Dating or SN: it's probably getting more and more SN software, although we made some improvements on the "dating" side too. In version 8 it is going to be purely SN, while dating will be separated into a different product.
Yes, they are communicating about things they care about - like you....
But this may help you a bit. Unoboonex stated, I think it was in: Dolpin 7 ... On the way or before in the 8 blog, there will be different products out. From my understanding that will be a bit separation in Dating and SN and maybe modular more. I think with 8 in the end, there will be both possible. Then unoboonex stated later next that 7 will be, apart from the core, very close to 8 I think both will be possible.
Andrew Boon
the 7 is going to be both dating and SN, while v8 will provide separated solutions.
Good points. Is anyone at Boonex listening?
Who is accountable?

These are simple business questions.
Thank you,Caltrade and Mallorca. we must let people know who are first joining Boonex what to expect.GET ON THE BALL AND ATTEND WITH YOUR CUSTOMERS! lol, I'm serious Some of us have deadlines and customers of our own that need our assistance aswell.What exactly do we tell them, when we ourselves aren't getting answers?
Andrew Boon
We're not hiding the answer, it's the nature of the development process - you prepare a build, test it, fix it, then you show it to someone and once again realize that you have to change or fix something.

We could release now, it's better than 6.x already, but I don't want to make everyone start upgrading to a half-baked product.
I can't help but think I'm participating in something big and maybe even historical. We're launching a social information site called "Sunset on Waikiki Beach" ( and the Dolphin package serves as the backbone. As we're exploring the capabilities and developing a business plan, I can't help but wonder what new features will be available. We're dragging our feet and half-heartedly customizing the site because of 7 and 8's unknowns. But we definitely look forward see more to what you have in store and sending you warm alohas.
Nice ..
This way I Can clearly conclude that Dolphin 7 will never appear before summer.
while waiting I searched the internet and i got more and more scripts other than dolphin.
what make me write now is that i really loved dolphin.
Unoboonex, you will realy need to do something for others who still wait.
Andrew Boon
It's summer in Australia already. I'm sure you'll at least "try" it before the end of our summer.
Dolphin must rebuild your platform . You have to separate between the basic engine with a features. Add ons.. plugins can growing separately with not much dependence, because features is never ending... i think.
Andrew Boon
We did some of that in v7 and whole lot of that in v8.
Unoboonex, what can we do to help you put together a solid customer support system? There is certainly enough talent here to make this a reality, but first you have to be up front with all of your devoted fans. We await your response.
Andrew Boon
Thank you for the support. It looks like we'll be endorsing third party service providers and independent communities that provide support to Dolphin. Core team is likely to focus on development and bug-fixing.
Thats great to hear... I actually didn't even know there was a conference for this. I, unfortunately, won't be making it, but feel free to stop in the Houston, TX area, and i'll take ya out for a few beers and talk tech. I'm sure Simion will come down too....

Glad to see your reply to Sammie that these won't affect the release date of D7... (not sure what that date will be) but very surprised to see there is D8 in the works.. Can't wait to see whatcha got going on.

Andrew Boon
Might try TX some time next year...

yeah, v8 is in works too, we have to do both simultaneously now - for huge bunch of reasons.
I live in London and I would be really happy to meet you guys in March!

Please keep the londoners posted...

I really can't wait when this D7 will be released.
Well, Belgium is just across The Channel ... if Julia likes chocolates, this is THE country to visit :-)
I have to admit getting a response from unboonex was pretty cool,thanks. I sorta feel bad now because honestly i like boonex and sorta miss it. But at the same time i can understand development takes time. Just keep us informed and all should go well. Also i think it be pretty cool if you made a blog or forum post and not saying, you have to respond everyday maybe once or twice per week.
Thank you:)
Hi Andrew, good to hear about the trade show. Done a few myself in another industry, they are a great way to see what’s hot and what may be in the future but be sure not to give away any of your ideas which will keep you ahead of the pack!!
Sounds like you may be on a round the world ticket, heaps cheaper that way. If you are on a One World/BA/Qantas ticket, chances are you will stop BKK. If so and it is a stop over, I have a driver who can pick you up from the airport, show you guys around, shopping, see more sight seeing etc. Speaks good English and is safe and reliable, I have used this guy for over 4yrs now and cheap for the time and hassle you will save. As this is a crazy city not like home in SYD. A Singha or two would not go astray either as I’m setting up a base here now so a casual drink is all ways on the cards. O and the offer is for any of you guys if you are ever passing through BKK.
V7, V8, Of course one has to work on future versions at the same time, it’s the way it is and the way it is done. Clients should not be told about up coming versions you should use what you have now and once next release is out tested and you are happy with it go ahead and promote it “ Look what I have to offer you now”.
Have a good safe trip Andrew and Co and make sure all your recites are written in English; Mr. Rude won’t have it any other way.
I guess you are tucked up in your bed in a hotel near or in Anaheim not to far from Disneyland as I post this. England March! So maybe Vegas “Is On The List”? It’s a crazy city too but worth a visit. America really is a great place to visit.
Swaddee Crap
Andrew Boon
Vegas is on the list for June :)

America is great, by all means, but there's nothing like home (Syd)...

Thank you for your post.
IIs there any type of beta testing program for 7 that the more adventurous of us might contribute to?
Andrew Boon
Not now, but during the beta stage - yes.
I wondered around these days, testing and testing all the social network scripts - free or commercial, and came to a conclusion: I MUST wait for the 7th version of Dolphin just because is the best script, better than ANY free or commercial version (phpFox is sooo backward compared to Dolphin). I love Dolphin cause I use it starting 5.x version... and I will wait for the RC1, but time is killing us all, I postponed my new website launch when I heard that the next version "it's close".. too see more bad is still "close" even today..
We need some estimation for the release of the alpha's at least, unoboonex PLEASE tell us >the month<.
Thanks for all you've done!
Andrew Boon
Arrghhh... oh, pleeease... we'll show something next week, I hope.
and.. how's that 8th version under development if we didn't reach any alpha version of the 7th version? what we are all waiting for? the 7 or the 8?
Andrew Boon
They are different tech. v8 has been in development for 2 years already - it's our own new framework, engine and all-new CMS on top of it.
Same as what echoman said.

Thanks for letting us know unoboonex.
just to give you an idea of what is involved here, and why dol7 is late (its not late, as 6.2 was dropped, so D7 is infact being released early)

Because D7 is a bridge version between D6 and D8, D7 needs to be able to bridge the gap between both versions, this means that while building D7 and making sure it can import D6 sites to it. Boonex also have to work on D8 at the same time to ensure that D7 can be imported to D8.

this means Boonex has to work on both D7 and D8 simultainusly so that see more the future posidon versions, are 100% core and modules, where as D7 is mainly modules it still has some features within the core.

Remember D7 is a bridge between D6 and D8, so it is much more complex that a standard upgrade of a normal version it has to bridge the gap between two different versions, the old and the new.

Boonex you have done a great job, i'll wait till as long as it takes.
Now just why is that? A "bridge" between a 'current version' and a 'new version'??? Why not just do the version 8 ? Do mechanics build a junky car on purpose, then a little better car, then just keep on it till they "eventually" get the car they should have built to start with?? What kind of games is Boonex playing?... I think they should just build a version that works to start with.. and fix any bugs that's in it. Let's get the head games over with already.
Yeah... just jump to 8 or even directly to Poseidon :-)
hi unoboonex,

i recently purchased smartpro3 for our social network project but the version 7 looks really interesting.

Is it possible to have a possible time frame for the release of the full version of version 7?

This would really help with our planning.

I'm new to Boonex, purchased my SmartPro about 6 months ago, and hope(d) to get my site up this month. I may need to postpone due to D7, so I've been reading the blogs here daily to keep abreast of D7 status. I have to say that it seems to me that many of the excessively harsh Boonex critics are missing the larger picture. I realize that the D7 release could have been handled better (OK lots better), however, the fact remains that that for less than $1K we're getting a lifetime license to one see more of the premier social networking packages on the market. I did my research and from where I sit, Dolphin blows the others away and its getting better every day. In another life I was director of R&D for a fortune 500 Corp. and trust me, software projects of this magnitude are always late....period. So, I can stomach delays; what I can't tolerate is stagnation or jerking us around on price, but fortunately, Boonex does not seem guilty of either. So, give Unoboonex a break, quit the whining, and let the man do his job.
He's been doing "his job" for 6 or 7 years now.. how long does it take to put out a working script? Remember, we're all lucky if we live 75 years and 7 years is nearly 10% of an average lifetime. How many more years will it be? If it takes 7 more years ,that's 20% of your life waisted just waiting on a working dolphin script.
When and where in LA?
After waiting a awaile for this boonex 7 to come out. Boonex never gave a straight answer to anyone question. I was checking DZOIC out for a social networking script. Everything that DZOIC offer looks good.
Already impatiently waiting for Octopus 1.0 (Dolphin 8 Dating version) :-)
IMHO this is a good choice to split SN and Dating scripts ;-)
I have found a another commercial script, I will not give names, but its really more setup for social networking, and has a perfect privacy system.. For one of my sites I use it now.... For my other sites I still stay on Dolphin.. :)
i'm not going to wait for 7.. i have to get going... i just wish there was a better alternative for video than the ray player..

I have looked at the alternatives to dolphin as well. I do not think there is anything better.. I have looked extensively.. I know the way technology is, it always takes longer than you want it to..

I just really wish my members would be able to link out to, or embed media from other sources..
Thank You One And All,

CalTrade, SpotMan, HoustonLively, Doc, Sammie, Andrew, and everyone else who has contributed to making this thread a truly beneficial meeting of the minds rather than a bitch and panic session - Thank You!

I've learned a lot from the sincere opinions given in this thread and after all is weighed in the balances I am resolved to continue to support Andrew and the Boonex team. Sammie's preliminary endorsement of V7 is encouraging.

Those of us who purchased the SmartPro see more Package are beginning to recognize our good fortune. With each progressive step and version change Boonex makes our investment increase in value.

Jesus Christ Said: - In Your Patience Possess Ye Your Souls!
and Paul said: Work out your own salvation.. lol

This is a nice thread.. I agree
I think your strategy of working with others is always a good sign.

I would suggest however that we get more info on when we can see Dolphin 7.0, and what is in it.
To be candid, we are sitting on our plans, we don't want to move forward with mods for 6.x, if you are going to make many changes. Which moving from 6 -7 would suggest. However, none of us can afford to just sit here and wait. As much as we like the software, I am begining to look at Plan B.
Please the promise of new software and see more now we are talking about release 8.0. You have put an entire community on hold. I am not purchasing any mods, have a list of modifications we we are sitting on and continually checking this board to see if we have any info.

We need some information Please.
Love the current software. Checked out many other possibilities and I felt this would serve my needs best. I am hoping the new mods and hopefully some of the small glitches in the current scripting will be ironed out.

Keep up the good work and I look forward to 8.
Dolphin is good, but i dont know why u guys forget about members privacy, thats the most important thing I HOPE, REALLY HOPE that the version 7 came with MEMBERS PRIVACY OPTIOn
Been dealing with boonex for a while,cant fork over anymore money,plus there is so many new sites out there thats up and running and i have been waiting since 2007 to get mine running with no luck,im investing in getting my own built witch is my best route,much thanks boonex but I have to move on.
7 days back, unoboonex wrote this:
"Arrghhh... oh, pleeease... we'll show something next week, I hope."

Still waiting unoboonex.... :(
now, it is 14 days back... we never get new version or we wait next 14 years
I can understand the process of making the best social network script, and the work involved, but..
You guys are making the BIGGEST MISTAKE by ignoring the community - those little fellows that have helped you guys for years to become what you are now.. Is it too much to answer a few questions per month? Legit questions like: "Hi Unoboonex, so when you guys are planning to release a beta?" The answer? "BoonEx at iDate 2009 Miami"
I'm getting sooo tired of this!!

This is the first time I have made a comment. In November I purchased ad free Dolphin and the rest of the package hopping we could start a comunity this February. You said at the time that we will get upgrades of the new Dolphin 7 that would be releised in beta in approx two weeks. felt that would happen before christmas. It is now mid February and nothing has happened. Would you be kind enough to let me know an exact timetable as to the Beta releise so I am able to run my business to a timetabl see more as well. Hope this is not to much to ask. You may have noticed that the same question is being asked by other members. again Please give us an honest awnser of the releise date
well first and foremost

1.Andrew where is SHARKKKKKKKKKKKKK man .... ??????????

2.forget about BOONEX 7 and fix the current ( 6. etc )

3. forget 7 and fix DOLPHINE 6. etc working now
( no wonder things are taking years )

4.stop trying to work on building 7 and deal with the product, that everyone is using today
( comon sence )

5 you know there is 4 other products untouched and we all have been waitting for them to be fixxed for a few years now
If I build my site on the current D6 and then D7 comes out in the next few months, how long would it typically take to upgrade and what is involved in that process?
Is unoboonex travelling around the world now ????
Andrew Boon
Yes, mostly meeting with some customers and potential partners. We're getting things together to provide some exciting new "extras" in D7 and D8, but most importantly, we work on re-structuring the company and operating processes.

We travel all the time. Julia and I live in Sydney, while the team works in Kyrgyzstan. We travel about 6 months a year and I believe this is one of the most important factors for the ongoing success of our business. Traveling and meeting people is the best see more way to learn.
this is so cool.. hope everything goes well.. but i think this mean a great delay on the script.. the next post is going to be about the experience in los angeles and that will probably take at least a month and the next is the london experience and that will take another month.. hmmm i just wanna get my hands on it, or at least see a testing site so i could see if its wourth waiting for before i mod up my site.. so please give us some feedback
Andrew Boon
Traveling doesn't delay the development for us. Quite opposite - we get a lot of nudges to release early.
In case you didn't know, you can see that the developers are hard at work if you look at the Dolphin timeline located at

The descriptions of each changeset aren't very detailed, but it is encouraging to see progress each day.

Now if only we could have a simple weekly update, maybe it would help to appease the suffering masses....
It's really amazing!
Belle representation..
Vivement Dolphin 7..
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.