Dolphin without PayPal = Useless (must read)

shaneed posted 9th of November 2009 in Community Voice. 33 comments.

Hello everybody,

I hope you all do great with your Dolphin, but I'm not and i envy you at this very moment, since my website got rejected by PayPal.

As i red in BoonEX's statements is "Sorry... we cannot add/support more payment gateways" With other words "You must stick with PayPal..." GOOD JOB!

I got my Dolphin website rejected by PayPal, and they limited my account. They truly regret it... Wow, what a great thing, and what a coincidence: I ALSO REGRET IT!!! Looks like everybody feels sorry, sharing their apologies or regrets... What about me? A Dolphin user... which cannot use PayPal anymore because my account is limited by PayPal. I guess my only option is that i must ask people to pay for their membership sending me some money by letter. Perhaps with this opportunity i can also get some flowers at home as appreciation from my members... pretty nice things can happen though... So what can i do with Dolphin 7? (Huh... i told myself i must behave...) I better not say. What's the worth if Dolphin 7, such a nice script, cannot use nothing else but Paypal?

Register myself again with PayPal? Who will i fool? I told PayPal i removed the tiny little inconvenient they considered as "obscene/sexual" since i really do not promote sexuality with my website... and they said "there's nothing i can do about it, my site will stay rejected for good, same as my PayPal account = limited. Cool, at least i can change my contact information daily, just to make my PayPal account feel like useful.

So i won't ask BoonEX "Pleaaaaaaaaaaaase add more payment options.!"

Because as it seems, they don't give a damn about this issue. Better drop it than fixing it, right? CCbill, no way... 2CheckOut ... why should you BoonEX ??? Don't bother...

I'm afraid i may no longer have reasons to check for Dolphin 7 updates, since i cannot use any other payment gateways but PayPal. Sticking with the buggy Dolphin 6 is the best choice for the moment for me.

Dolphin 7 - Such a great script but such a big waste (for me)... what a pitty. And all of you reading this, be sure i feel very sad about it, especially if i have to mention that i stick with BoonEX for more than 2 years now...

I'm wondering if i am the only one in this situation. I'm wondering if in the very future i can find a way out to integrate CCbill, 2Checkout, AlertPay etc etc since i am not a programmer/coder. What i have left is praying to God to give me clearance and perhaps some PHP coding skills, enough to integrate another payment gateway than PayPal....


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Id like to know this too, im new to this and never realised that paypal didnt like sexual sites, cant see why it should effect them so much, they get enough profit of every sale we make. does dolphin not have alternative payment option then which will facilitate different site structures and themes?? I hope so as it seems it would be a waste of time building my site if payment options arent forth coming other than paypal which wont approve sexual sites by the looks of things
If your site is adult dating, paypal will not allow you to use them and Boonex doesn't care, they only have paypal on D7. So don't waste your precious time if your site is adult dating. This script will be no good to you.
Welcome to the club! I had 6.16 and everything was fine. I was using CCbill since my site was adult dating. Boonex decided not to add CCbill to D7, eventho many long term members were using it and had no consideration for their long terms members which were now stuck unable to use D7 simply because they didn't want to add CCbill, believe me, a lot of ppl have left Dolphin.....I am like you. This was a total waste of my life, but guess what "IT ACTUALLY HELPED ME". I moved on from Dolphin see more and all it's headaches and now have a new business venture which is rapidly growing. So be happy & move on from this headache man, you will feel better, believe me..
I feel better already and I have 100 of my 500 members signed up on the new site, and the rest are downloading profile information from the defunct Dolphin software for uploading to the new software I feel like a huge weight has been lifted.
You did take a huge load of your shoulder. I read you are using Jomsocial. That is a great software, not to mention the script it is using "Joomla" which no one can compare to it...I know how relaxed you feel now, I felt the same..Good Luck..
And don't forget! They also require dating sites owners to send a pre-approval request letter in order for your website to be accepted for membership payments. And that's how my website got rejected and my account limited. If i wasn't writing them this "Dating service pre-approval" letter, my website could still process payments via PayPal, because they even didn't noticed. But i red their rules, and i said to myself "Let me get everything straight, to be a clean customer".... see more And look what i got. THEIR REGRETS... How cool
Yeah, but if your site grew and then they did a random check of your site and closed your account, you would have really been stuck..
Whatever... I feel sorry for the licenses i have on here. I have 2 options left. Stick with Dolphin 6.1.6 or move on to something else, even though (i repeat) i do not deal with adult content. mickyb, any suggestion/tip? Please message me if you're kind. I must admit i`m desperate.... :|
You only have the several options:

1. Stick with D6, but you will never be able to upgrade.

2. Pay a programmer whatever they want to add this payment option.

3. Open a new paypal account under a business partner or a relative and use paypal on your site till they find out.

4. Move on from Dolphin..<<---That was my option.
Well all that seems a bit silly, the biggest growth area is adult dating, doesn't make any sense at all to alienate this area of investment, unless of course its being done on purpose and Boonex dont want to be associated with these type of sites.
How hard can it be to make sure that different payment facilities are available for what ever you want to use your site for.
Exactly. Making abstraction of adult related sites on a Dolphin platform, lets say members too have various issues with PayPal and prefer other popular payment options as CCbill or 2Checkout is. The question is, is it that hard to integrate such gateways with Dolphin 7 ourselves?
I am planning to have an adult site but I will have someone make an alertpay plugin for me. They allow adult sites. I used CCBill too but as you said Boonex will not support it anymore so i'm going to use alertpay.
May God bless your path my saving angel. Perhaps you can share if that will be possible? I am able to contribute financially if necessary for such plugin.
I will let you know. There is already an alertpay mod for D6 which I bought a while ago.
most people are doing free updates for these mods to d7 im assuming once its rc.
I'm really sorry for you. Hope you sort things out, as it would be a disaster if you had to change your entire platform to be able to monetize your online project after all of your hard work.

As mickyb says, you did right, as later on, when you less expected it, you could have experienced the same--perhaps even worst if site activity was really high.

I am sure that there are some talented programmers here who may be able to help you integrate additional payment gateways in the mean time.

For see more the rest out there, just a piece of advice from my own experience: I do not run sites with sexual content, but I nonetheless request PayPal to review my sites and give me confirmation that they are Ok with them right when I get started--and they do. Then, I basically try to keep some sort of dialog with them, even if my sites' are new and account activity low, and give them heads-up whenever I change something critical within my site's commercial content.

IMHO, if a sites' reliance on PayPal or any other end-user payment gateway is critical, I think that it is helpful to stay in touch with them every step of the way.

Not my case yet, but I have also been advised to try to anticipate transaction volume variations and warn PayPal ahead of time (e.g., say you are offering a big sale and expect a higher than normal degree of sales).
In fact that is not 100% my case. I only was good intended noticing Paypal about my business, being optimistic and really did'nt mind using Paypal until they rejected it, seeing myself in the difficult situation when there is no other payment option. That's all... I am not saying Dolphin sucks or whatever people may think. Is just about this payment limitation Dolphin decided to resume to... Paypal. And in my case, i'm simply stucked.
Have you guys ever checked out scriptlance and Elance? A lot of the programmers there are college kids and people from countries where the dollar isn't very strong.. so in other words they work cheap. I have used them in the past and paid like $40 for a project. I'm sure you could find someone who is an expert in whatever payment system you want to integrate. Just don't give up!
I see a lot of requests for payment processing, and nobody seems to have an interest in working on it.

Instead of integrating payment processors one-by-one, why not think bigger and try to find someone to integrate an off-the-shelf payment system that gives you ALL of the payment options.

Maybe something like this:

I'd bet that a person could find a lot of people around here to share development costs. Yeah... the amember script is $179, but that shouldn't be a problem see more if you really need it.

I don't have an immediate need for this, but it would be nice to know it's available if and when I do need it. I might even be talked into making a contribution to the integration..... however, this isn't going to be a job for a rookie coder.
Interesting. I downloaded the trial version of aMember, and I noticed it comes with a Dolphin plugin... D6, I presume.

Maybe Boonex can work with these guys to get a plugin for D7. Considering the anticipated D7 user base, the folks at aMember would probably provide the plugin for free.

Here's a copy of the readme that comes with the aMember/Dolphin plugin:

Dolphin Plugin

Dolphin Plugin is designed to provide single-signon access for users of aMember Pro and the Dolphin.

Installation see more

1 - Enable plugin at aMember CP -> Setup/Configuration -> Plugins

2 - Configure plugin at aMember CP -> Setup/Comfiguration -> dolphin

3 - Go to aMember CP -> Add Fields -> and add 2 additional fields for correct Dolphin Profile work.

Click "Add Field" and enter field name sex - within Field Title and Field Description fileds enter whatever you want.

Set Field Type to SQL Set SQL field type to String (varchar(255)) Set Display Type to RadioButtons Set Field Values to Male|Male|1 Female|Female Set Visibility of the field -> Display in signup form? to Display and allow editing Click on the Submit button. Enter field name prof_type - within Field Title and Field Description fileds enter whatever you want. Set Field Type to SQL Set SQL field type to String (varchar(255)) Set Display Type to RadioButtons Set Field Values to Single|Single|1 Couple|Couple|0 Set Visibility of the field -> Display in signup form? to Display and allow editing Click on the Submit button. Services The plugin will insure the necessary user information is available to Dolphin and log the user in and out of the application. In cases where the data is out of sync, the aMember Pro "Rebuild DB" function can be run to resync the data.
Setup The plugin adds configuration field for database name and database table prefix. The plugin adds one product field for specifying whether Dolphin is integrated with a selected product. Database name and table prefix: Format is "database_name.table_prefix". This value must be entered, then saved twice before the remaining fields will be available.
PayPal blows.

Mark my words, PayPal will still blow 10 years from now.

...or they will change/go under/ or switch ownership.

Both PayPal & ebay took the wrong lesson from the credit collapse. They think they are indispensable now & they treat people accordingly.

PayPal and H1N1 are both sponsored by pigs. Avoid them when possible.

Now they are pushing their morality on others?

How Republican.
Well I have been on both ends of bad Paypal transactions.. and they basically just told me tough luck both times. If you buy something that ISN'T on Ebay they couldn't care less about you, and will tell you that. On the other hand if someone buys something from you and claims it was an unauthorized transaction they will reverse it QUICKLY. Having said that I think it's good to have as many payment options as possible, which makes Houstons idea of integrating a third party script the best choice.
why you did not answer my mails on expertzzz!?
Did i have to mention that Paypal also reversed my last membership orders from Dolphin before limiting my account? No use... Curiously, my members did'nt claim their money back, but they still reversed it. And I was the one who had to pay for the transaction reversal.

Theguypc, i agree on that. And since my account is limited i also cannot use that credit cards to make payments elsewhere. I don't think they will remain "number one" forever with all these restrictions.
That happened to me once too. Someone bought a mod from me.. then I get an email saying the transaction was flagged as suspicious. I email the person and they don't know what's going on but they are trying to pay me. So both parties are in contact and are ok with the transaction but Paypal ends up reversing it and neither of us can do anything.
I can't understand why boonex stick on paypal... because its very complicated to use paypal for a dating site... they are very strict... on this point... boonex very disapointed me... they have to think also for all the boonex member how want to make a adult dating website... not PORN but adult dating! where is your unity value???? with all the time we pass on this blog... over 3 year ago now and for what... for nothing.... what is the big deal to add ccbill or even alertpay?????? alertpay is EXACTLY see more like paypal but they accept dating and adult dating website....
If anyone isn't doing it as a mod, I can make an AlertPay mod for Dolphin 7 and will provide the mod for download - free.

I already have AlertPay accounts running with Dolphin 616 and will run testing when I get more time in December.

Wow, that's good news. That means finally there is a hope
james i am interested in whatever payment gateway you can come up with that will process payments.

also it has been mentioned to write something for google checkout.


if it can be done tadeo can do it ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I there anyone who knows how to pay boonex without PayPal? i don't have PayPal system in my country.

please help
My account also got limited by paypal and I am left to apply for a merchant account (which im currently in the process of). If Boonex can open it up so that people "not coders" can add their own payment processors... will be great.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.