Error uploading file - Nothing seems to help!

banksnet posted 16th of March 2008 in Community Voice. 21 comments.

This is the message I get when trying to upload video or music files.

I have checked the server configuration
I have used .htaccess
I have created a php.ini file
I changed the file from the original code to this:

$sFfmpegPath = "/usr/bin/ffmpeg";

as per some advice on the expertzzz forum

I have thrown a perfectly good cup of esspresso across the room
Deep breath

Can anyone help me?
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It's possible this simply could be a permissions issue on the directory. Have you checked the serve log right after you tried to upload the vid?
This is due to your server problems.

Edit your PHP.INI file to match your requirements. That is max upload time, memmory limit etc.
Thanks for responding jchase.
Here is the error log immediately after attempting to upload a video:

File does not exist: /home/banksnet/public_html/404.shtml

File does not exist: /home/banksnet/public_html/crossdomain.xml
Thanks for responding praveenkv1988.

This is my server's php configuration:

safe_mode = off
upload_max_filesize = 200M
post_max_size = 200M
max_execution_time = 6000
session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000
safe_mode = off
Apache mod_rewrite Enabled

Do I still need to edit PHP.INI?
If so, what do I need to add/delete from the file and where do I find it?
did you chmod 777 the media folders?
some FTP programs do not upload empty folders, check they are there?
/ray/modules/movie/files/ (folder files to 777)
/ray/modules/mp3/files/ (folder files to 777)
/ray/modules/music/files/ (folder files to 777)
$sFfmpegPath = "/usr/bin/ffmpeg";

so are you on the same host that the person that posted this recommendation of changing the path? can you check your server from a SHELL account and do a find command and see if you can find ffmpeg.exe on the server?

here is the command
find . -name "ffmpeg.exe" -print

also, i thought i read somewhere that there was a binary for the ffmpeg, so that you wouldnt have to deal with the *nix OS complaining about the exe file? might have see more to look that one up on but i am sure i read something about it somewhere.

good luck,
Thanks. Those folders are there and the permissions are set to 777

From what I understand changing that path was supposed to get around the server not wanting to run an exe file, however, since I posted that I found that my server will, in fact run an exe file. I don't know if the poster is on the same host or not. I'm hosted on apthost.
I am still waiting for my host to give me shell access. After I receive it I will run that command and see what I can find out. I actually see more had my host reinstall the script for me earlier tonight. They advertise the ability to host video sharing sites like php motion, clipshare etc. They mention dolphin specifically. They also claim to install the scripts, but they haven't done any better with it than I have the last 4 times I installed it.
I guess I'll hire someone to do it. But I would really like to figure it out though.
Apparently this is a fairly common problem from what I've seen in other posts.
Thanks for all the input everyone. I'll work at it a little more and post anything I find out. I better end this novel for tonight.
Actually, I guess the most logical way to work this out would be to do what others have done successfully.

So to anyone who has NOT had a problem installing Dolphin or getting everything to function properly I would like to know what version you're using, what host you use, if you had someone install it for you or if you installed it yourself, even what ftp client you used to install it with. (filezilla here)

Maybe if I simply imitate those who didn't have the problems I can get this up and see more running, too.

This is a script with some really incredible potential and I would love to implement some of the ideas that have been rolling around in my coconut.
had the same problems as you video would error at 100% upload... after speaking to my host who kindly spent half a day changing the server config to get this to work..

Basically the server doesnt allow exe files so he installed ffmpeg on the server.. then he changed the inc_header file to point to this $sFfmpegPath = $sGlobalPath . "app/ffmpeg";

then he uploaded a new file called ffmpeg to use for linux servers... also after updating the php.ini file as mentioned above...

That see more is as much as I can tell you as I have no clues about servers.. but hopefully that may help in some way...
Thanks for the input Dwho. I think that is the problem. I don't think my current sever allows exe files to run. One of the support people said that they do and one told me they don't. ??? I'm switching to a different host and having someone install it for me. I'd like to figure it out, but it's taking up too much of my time. Oh, well.

Anyone had any experiences with DolphinGeeks?
Ok. I figured out what was wrong. After switching hosts and paying someone to install this for me, and still having the same problem here is what it was... I had most of my activex disabled in my security settings.
After enabling them the problem went away. I feel a little stupid.
So how did you fix the problem? I am still having the issue and don't know where to enable the activex in security settings.
hi jdoedtman. There are a couple of things so this may get a little long winded.
First you can set your active x settings on your computer by going to: Start-> Settings-> Control Panel-> Internet Options. In Internet Options select the "Security" tab. Towards the bottom of that screen you'll see "Security Settings for this Zone". You'll see a "Custom" button and a "Default" button. Click on "Custom". Scroll down to ActiveX Controls see more and Plugins. You can set them from there. I have everything set to Enable or Prompt.

Ok, the second issue I found was that I had set IE to use a proxy server for my LAN settings. I had set the address to I had done this as an alternative to uninstalling IE when I switched to Firefox. This is in Start-> Settings-> Control Panel-> Internet Options. Click on the "Connections" tab. At the bottom you see LAN setings. Click on the LAN Settings button. On the lower half of the screen you see the Proxy Server section. You'll see a check box with the line: Use a proxy server for your LAN. If this is checked you may have to uncheck it to upload your video and music and then recheck the box when your done. If the box is not already checked then it's not a problem. Don't check it if it isn't already. Unless you have a reason to.

I don't know if this helps at all or not, but that was my experience with it.
what if I'm using mac! I need help
At me the same problem, prompt, how it to solve?
i am facing an error of uploading file error in Video Upload using dolphin 6.1.

Whereas the audio upload is working perfect.

Please help its urgent.
contact your host there may be a limit as to the max file upload size
the best thing to do is contact your host as it might be an issue at there end
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