HostForWeb Christmas offer: Hurry up!

LyubovL posted 24th of December 2010 in Boonex News. 4 comments.

An incredible Christmas Offer from HostForWeb is valid

December 24th CST through 11:59 PM Saturday 25th CST.

Offer: LIFETIME discount of 50% will be applied to all HostForWeb shared and reseller packages. To receive this discount please use promotion code "holiday2010" during check out process.


Promo code: "holiday2010"


Budget package - $7.95, will be selling at $3.97/month

Basic package - $9.95, will be selling at $4.97/month

Reseller HFW-0 - $24.95, will be selling at $12.47/month

Reseller HFW-1 - $34.95, will be selling at $17.47/month

Reseller HFW-2 - $49.95, will be selling at $24.97/month

Reseller HFW-3 - $69.95, will be selling at $34.97/month

Reseller HFW-4 - $89.95, will be selling at $44.97/month

Also, 50% discount applied for first month for all VPS and Dedicated servers.

Promo code: "holiday2010serv"


Virtual Private and Dedicated Server Promotion


50% discount will also be applied to the first month for all new Virtual Private and Dedicated server orders. Please use promo code: "holiday2010serv"

Do not miss this exciting, limited time holiday offer!

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Very Good Host I Got It!!! :)
Initially when we started using dolphin as per the recommendation on expertzzz, we used hostforweb. But it didn't work for us. We had to switch the host.
Oh that's just great! Give us a great deal when NOBODY IS HERE TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF IT....
allo je suis nouveau et je parle tres mal l anglais si tu pouvais m aider
j ai dejas le boonex mais je le connais pas je voudrais le comprendre
merci si tu peux m aider
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.