Let the New Season Begin... Now! Dolphin 6.1a + Ray Chat 3.5a.

Andrew Boon posted 31st of March 2008 in . 87 comments.

Today we start the new season of public pre-release testing, tweaking and development. We're excited to show our advancements in Dolphin 6.1 and Ray 3.5 development.


Admittedly, we're somewhat behind our plans, since we initially wanted to come up with final versions of both beasts today, but were drawn back by the imminent need to upgrade Expertzzz.com and Unity. As a result, we're just about to show off a huge remake of the entire BoonEx Unity system, which will incorporate many new features, including Expertzzz.com functionality.


So, for now, we're showing you two ALPHA versions, which means that not only do they still need to be improved after your comments and testing, but also that we still have some plans on the table. Most notably, Dolphin 6.1 is yet to have a wide-screen layout option, new Shark-style comments in all modules and customizable blocks width setting; and Ray has yet to have other-than-chat widgets upgraded.


Anyway, this is a major upgrade. I couldn't stress more - it's a HUGE upgrade.


Dolphin 6.1a

With 6.1 Dolphin gets to the rare class of web-software solutions that provide truly effective and user-friendly ways to build and customize your entire user database. With the new Fields Builder you create, manage and edit profile fields, join form, search form, and profile edit...all with access levels and with the elegance of our top-class Drag-and-Drop building interface.


Next, we finally bring back "Couples" to Dolphin. After lots and lots of requests and great, structured suggestions from our community members we are happy to present an all new "Couples" functionality.


Third, Dolphin now has totally, absolutely, definitely and optionally ;) Search-Engine-And-User-Friendly URLs. After the huge success of friendly profile URLs we extended this feature to all types of Dolphin content.


Security has finally received due attention in Dolphin. We're now passing HackerSafe certification and have already patched a number of potential vulnerabilities. Our focus is to make the final 6.1 on of the most secure web-scripts ever.


Dolphin languages received a serious upgrade. Now it will automatically determine the user-preferred language and apply the corresponding language file. Languages handling has been adjusted to international standards.


Dolphin now remembers user login sessions with a nifty new "remember me" feature.


As you may know, after 6.0.0004 Dolphin supports a clustered hosting setup. In 6.1 we extended and improved Dolphin scalability and speed, so you and we can feel confident that Dolphin will keep doing a great job when your site gets busy with millions of members.


See all closed tickets in the Roadmap to learn more about what's been done till now.


Ok, now to business:



IMPORTANT: We strongly recommend that you NOT to use this version on your live site until it gets to the stage of Final Release.


We plan to make Dolphin 6.1 a de-facto standard for web-community software and will put all our efforts to test and improve it until it gets released. Your participation is essential. Every member is welcome to submit comments and post their ideas, observations and findings. Pundits may submit tickets in Trac and edit documentation. Very soon we'll deploy a new Unity, which will let you collaborate more effectively.


Good luck and welcome to the gold rush for perfect community software - Dolphin 6.1.


Ray Chat 3.5a

I would call it Ray 4.0 or Ray 5.0, since the step up is mindblowing. In fact almost the entire Chat has been re-written and re-drawn. It's a whole new experience! For now Chat is the only widget that we're ready to show, but others will follow pronto. Even Chat is ALPHA for now, since we're still working on design, cross-platform and browser compatibility as well as some features, but even now you can get a feeling of what it is going to be like in the nearest future.


First and foremost - Ray Chat now features a tabbed rooms experience. Yes, finally, users can chat in multiple rooms simultaneously with tabs-popping notifications.


Second, (it's hard to count how many times it was requested) there's a full-blown 1-to-1 private chat! Built-in to the main chat interface, without the Messenger widget, with Audio/Video and file-sending. Now, this is really BIG NEWS for many!


Third, with the "send to" feature messages can now be addressed to specific person, plus made private with the new "whisper" mode.


Fourth, there is an all new, super-advanced Settings panel, which will let your users adjust the chat for themselves.


Fifth, say hello to all-new password-protected rooms, user-details pane, new default smilies, panes dragging, HELP section, viewing-me pane, and an all new videos pane with large and full-screen video windows!


BTW, the Help page has a Troubleshooting section which isn't completed at the moment. You are working with your members directly, you get their reports, you know their most common problems. Thus, you are welcome to suggest your questions which should be explained in Ray's Help page - Troubleshooting.


'Nuff said, it's totally new and re-built on the new Flash 9 platform, with a fully revamped interface and design. Take a sneak peek now and expect a totally new software soon. Ray 3.5!


  • For now it's only an online preview - here. (Login and Click the "Chat" tab)


Play with it and share your observations. The downloadable version will be available only within a full suite with a new Ray Base.


Next What?

Now, with your help we'll add a few more features and will polish Dolphin 6.1. We plan to release the final version within April, so it's going to be a hot month here.


Ray 3.5 will go out with 6.1, although we still have to do a great deal of work in that department. Finger crossed, wood knocked, developers engaged.


BoonEx software matures and gets better. We have more and more users every day and the growth continues to accelerate. Popularity comes with a price, so we have a hard time keeping up with support, community management and Expertzzz.com administration. With that in mind, we're building a new - future-proof system, which I call Unity 2. It's due to replace the current Unity and Expertzzz in April. With Unity 2 BoonEx will leverage the power of the community to become a more capable company for everyone to be happy with.


Please login to post a comment.
Wow, Sounds great Andrey.

Can't wait to give it a try!
YES! This is the news I've been waiting for. Thanks for the great work BoonEx team!
Excellent! Looks VERY nice, and I probably don't have to look more for new and better chat software.

Bug report:

Selecting and removing ALL text with a simple backspace doesn't work in the chat.
When you type something and want to remove it with a single key stroke.
sooooooo hot! boonex rules!
do you guys have this file somewhere i can grab it with my server instead of having to put it on my desktop. i am out of space adn waiting on a new ext hdd. but i need to be able to use CLI to wget the file. can you provide this for me or if somebody who is using this and has downloaded it already, can somebody give me a place where i can wget the file?

kewl beans on the UNITY 2

Would it be possible to include a simple webradio application directly in the module ?
will we be able to use the friendly like feature on the 1and 1 web host?
I am just getting started with Dolphin. I don't even have it installed yet. Would you recommend getting this release allowing me to go ahead and start setting it up and then do the upgrade in April? Or should I wait? I guess my question is, can this Alpha be upgrade to your Beta when it is released. It would allow me to start customizing it. Thanks and I am a contributor even though I haven't used your software yet. Well done!
im have the same scenario too
i stil had a problem with error box in my explorer bellow on left corner says Error on:
Error: Object expected
Code: 0"
Sorry but this error has the orca forum and Rays???
And with it i and no one can do anything.
I try this on 7 computers and is only to Explorer, not to mozila!
Please how to fix this???
Excelent news!

With the final version... will we have the option to upgrade from 6.0.0005 to 6.1 keeping database data?
Yes, upgrade pack from 6.0 to 6.1 will be available but only after the final release.
The pundits are going to have their work cut out for them. Personally, I look forward to to donating a few hundred dollars to the pundits when the new unity is up. I would encourage others to do the same. The guys/girls bust their butts to help out.
Uploading a photo in main or in classified ads bug. Im getting following error, but photo or classified is posted.

Warning: preg_replace(): Compilation failed: PCRE does not support \L, \l, \N, \P, \p, \U, \u, or \X at offset 3 in /var/www/privat/test/inc/utils.inc.php on line 755

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /var/www/privat/test/inc/utils.inc.php:755) in /var/www/privat/test/inc/design.inc.php on line 659
Hello Jerry!

First of all we want to look your PHP settings. Plz create in root directory of your Dolphin file with next content:


and provide us URL of this file.

Well just wantted to say wow and i been saying this from the GET-GO and still WOW !!!!!!
*keep up the great work ANREY MY FRIEND*
plz include photo upload in member registration page don't let this "must have feature" to sell in expertzzz.
Great Job. Keep it up. Thx.
The link not open for download for me ...

the demo too not open ...

This problem is here or with your server ?

Great job BoonEx team! Dolphin is coming along nicely. I love the Fields Builder in admin panel. I made the right decision with Dolphin. Keep up the good work!!!
Have it installed and working with a few mods already.

Very nice.. as always!!

it would be nice if the web precence and instant messenging was embedded on the site rather then have it popup. , sort of like how abledating has it setup
and also it would be nice if you can edit or add more fields to the quick seach box. other then that good work
I second that. These communication channels and aids MUST accompany member wherever he or she is in order to encourage maximum socializing, and ain't that what Dolphin is all about?

But just to be on the safe side - please allow to embed them as blocks.
any docs on new field editor?
I tried to add a field using a field builder and had no luck. We seriously need documentation on this feature to take full advantage of what it can do.
Here is the documentation on how to use Field Builder http://www.boonex.com/trac/dolphin/wiki/ProfileFieldsBuilder
You guys Rule!!! Worth the wait and great job!!! thx
Those sound like great new features. I have three suggestions that would be awesome for 6.1:

1. Different Account Types Offering Different Selections of Profile fields (determined by the user)
3. Buttons for Digg! etc!
Oh...and customizable queries please!!!!!! :-D keep it up.
This error appears when trying tro log in to admin, using (IE7).
Warning: require_once(/home/demoz/public_html/dolphin/admindemo/langs/lang-itali.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/demoz/public_html/dolphin/admindemo/inc/languages.inc.php on line 33

Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/demoz/public_html/dolphin/admindemo/langs/lang-itali.php' (include_path='.:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/demoz/public_html/dolphin/admindemo/inc/languages.inc.php see more on line 33

When using Firefox, we get with given "admin,dolphin", "Login fail,please try again"
Discovered when testing 6.1a:

1. I can still rate my own profile photo.
2. I can still rate my own profile.

Due to my opinion that's not logical
Discovered when testing Ray 3.5a

Every line one sends or recieve repeates 6 times.
WOW!! Great script, there does seem to be a problem.

When you click on edit profile it never opens the page, just blank, But the rest works just GREAT!!!

Great work
Here is a idea

I see that now there is a (i) icon for information on fields

Why not also make one that shows under the online icon on your profile photo.

So when you hold your mouse over it then you get a profile summery of the person

27 y/o male from NY USA

Hope it helps
Great new version, I encounter though new problem
, everytime I change something in admin i get a database problem with this: "....already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections."
( I'm alone on this server)

The image flags in (media/images/flags) do not show up on the my site.

The profile type possibilities are excellent!

will test further
thank you
I have this error in my site (top)

Warning: fread() [function.fread]: Length parameter must be greater than 0 in /home/falaai/public_html/61/inc/design.inc.php on line 131

Anyone can help me to solve ?

I can´t register in the site too ... it´s prblem of the error below ???
Wow I can't wait to play with this. I do seem to be having problems logging in to the admin side. I am using the:

(login: admin, use password: dolphin)

Anyone have any ideas?

3.5A looks good, needs polishing and tidying up granted, but the building blocks are there!

Cant wait to see the new widescreen layout.

I assume there will be an upgrade path from the previous version?
When using Firefox & IE, with given "admin,dolphin", I get "Login fail,please try again"

If you mean current admin demo at www.demozzz.com/dolphin/admindemo
then seems you tried to enter admin after changing password by someone. But login/password are reseted every 10 minutes. Try to repeat attempt after 5-8 minutes later.

Would it be possible to integrate the blog system with sites such as technorati.com?
I was trying to do this but it didn't work. A simple way to add this feature is to make every post into a RSS feed. I'm not sure if you have set this up yet but it is a good idea.

One more thing, a built-in template editor would do wonders! I cannot stress how much I had typing up and editing all that code. maybe if there was something where all you have to do is type in the hex color code, and upload some images see more to make a lot more simpler would be awesome.

Also, to anyone that is reading this. Visit http://aboutpppads.com to learn more about the new way to make money online by advertising. You DON'T have to click, but if you are interested in this new form of advertising that pays you for every single visitor to your website, then go to the site. Thanks for reading this. I hope Dolphin becomes (and it is actually) the #1 stop for social networking. Thank you all.
Oh, that reminds me. Can you please make links parse in dolphin. So like, in my posts, if I type in http://aboutpppads.com, then it would turn into a link. Just like how wordpress and other blogging platforms do it. Thanks again...
How about adding something like a friends feed :)
Oh yeah, i'm a few moments away from testing it on my site (in a sub directory of course)
wooow really iy's great sound ... I will test it for my site ..then in next comment I will post my opinon ;)

thanks Andra and All boonex team for this nice work

best regards
Everything seems to be working good except a couple small things:
Logging in as admin, you can't change someone's membership status, Looking for remains blank.
Everything else seems to work great for me :) good job on the dev
Its looking very good! I am compiling a list of small things I have found that need attention as well as some suggestions. Hope to have the list posted here in next few days.

However, I cannot seem to login in to the admin side. Can anyone help please. I am using IE7
me too

I can't login to admin By IE7

it said user & pass error

please any idea?

I even tried it in Firefox and can not log in. If we are to test this version and give good feedback I need in. Can someone please help.
Thanks for this great product and for the constant upgrades. I am putting all my eggs on this and I am just glad that so far has been an excelent experience.

Once thing that would be nice for Boonex or somebody out there is to incorporate multiuser games (like board games) into Dolphin.

The ability to play board games and chat online at the same time would be something really good for my site (Amistad.com).
Thanks...excelent work!

Can't wait till April...

Thrill mixed with regret:) Thrill for giving answers, in these new products, to so many items on our wish list; regret for purchasing so many MODs lately that will turn redundant upon arrival of the new baby.

There's one item short on the upcoming feature-list that has to do with languages: as of now, Dolphin is set up in a way that the entire site is presentable in one language or another. In a truly multi-lingual environment, members may very well set their preferred interface language to A, see more but will browse through member profiles where user input was written in other languages.

In such case, the writing may not be legible because charset and language setting in the header of that profile page doesn't relate the appropriate character set to the browser. So we need the ability to set meta tags for each page that reflect correctly the language in which text on that page was written.

That leads us to expand the header information (meta-tags) topic even further. We should enable good SEO practices, so admins and users can promote profile/blogs/article pages in search engines in the best way possible. Not only it will contribute to their presence but to the desirability of the entire website in the eyes of search engines and social bookmark services.

Coming to social bookmarking - I suggest to create a most simple bot that allows to offer bookmarking services by AddThis.com; there is no classier, broader and more efficient service than them. Trust me - I'm running a heavy traffic site at www.topsynergy.com and know them all.

My last MUST-HAVE suggestion is to have a search-engine sitemap generator. It's a must, and the generator must be intelligent enough to "draw" the sitemap in accordance with permission-settings. I'll be happy to contribute my knowledge and experience in this matter.

Much fortune to us all, and thank you for your ongoing strive for excellence.

Your site is smoking fast......! Great Alexa too..!

I also recommend AddThis.com. We use it on some of my other sites.

Thanks. We are paying an arm and a leg for this dedicated server :)
WOW! What a great platform this is for rambling about our heart desires :)

This topic: Search by Distance

Our experts here do sell quality packages with worldwide zip codes (postal codes) and search&display distance MODs.

However, I think that this MUST HAVE feature should be handled by Boonex for one main reason: ongoing update capabilities.

It can be provided for fee or packaged with AdFree license, as long that this feature is part of the core admin tools, including a gateway for see more sync with a central database that is maintained by Boonex.

Also, most distance MODs that are selling today set member coordinates by Country/City/ZipCode. This is done with total disregard to multilingual variations in city names (such as accented characters) or simple misspells.

Either the script designates coordinates by Country/ZipCode alone, or if we really want to make life hard and also consider exceptions such in Germany (where two cities may have the same Postal Code) - then let's use your Ajax ingenuity and perform data validation on CityName / ZipCode via combo-box or list-box controls.

Now you see why this feature MUST be handled as a part of Dolphin's kernel. Why let other platforms get business away from us just by advertising built-in distance search capacity?

Please... Please... Please...

We want to give our members the most professional and hassalfree platform on the Globe:)
Fantastic, can't wait! I have 2 wishes though:
1) The ability to easily link to a member's video from within the same member's blog.
2) adding an 'insert hyperlink' button in the blog's editor.
Is this the right forum to request this?
Great news ..
I have two questions, can anybody clarify me please

1. Where should we post if we find any bugs or issues ?
2. Are you considering the credits system for 6.1 or it is in the next version ?

Anyways great job guys..keep it up.
Please try to include Ignore User option also...it would be a great addon to Ray Chat 3.5 which is already good now

Not sure if this is the place I need to place my feedback or not. If not can someone from Boonex please let me know where to put this.

I spent quite a bit of time going over the new Alpha 6.1. Great work to all that has been involved.

First thing I noticed is how much faster and responsive the new Dolphin is.. Yahooooooooooooooo!

Next I noticed how pretty those search friendly URLs are. This is a huge deal!!! Anyway here is what I have found so far.

Bugs Found:
1. When searching see more for couples the search results description returns description of one part of the couple such as 42 y/o/ Male. IN most cases that we have seen being a couple on many sites that have couple profiles the desired results would be something more like 42 y/o/ Male & 33y/o Female.

I also see the same problem when viewing any of the Ray features like Chat and other areas like when you register for a group the your profile avatar does not describe you as a couple. It makes an attempt with the double picture thing. But please understand I am in the lifestyle so I know that most couples with these kinds of couple profiles have a single default profile picture so they can be seen together as a couple. To easy to fake you’re a couple when your pictures are all separate. There is also plenty of photo upload area to upload single pics anyway.

When you do a browse members there is also no checkbox for couples. Also if I do a members search for say the male couples profiles will show up. However, if I do a search for female no couples profiles will show up. This tells me there is something tied to the male side of this couples profile. YOU SHOULD be able to search for just females that are not part of a couple. Males that are not part of a couple and also couples.

If possible it would be nice to be able to search for BI females or a couple that has a bi female I think you get the point.

Going back to the search results many times other fields are also offered for things like Him: Straight , 31 215 lbs Her: Bi , 42 130 lbs

2. If you Huber your mouse over any of the Tags you will see they are not completely SEO friendly.

3. Where is the Terms Agreement during signup? I also recommend having an option to upload default photo during signup.

4. When I created a new group I got an error even know it did create the new group.

5. Locks up when you post a topic in a group

6. Topics for groups are not SEO. Also if you Huber over the posters you will see they are also not SEO

7. Topics for groups are not SEO. Also if you Huber over the posters Avatar you will see they are also not SEO

8. There is one default image that is used for couples, males, females. Should have the option of having an image each for all three.

1. What is up with the double picture thing on the profile? Kind of confused. As 7 year lifestyle veteran I have pretty good insight to what most couple’s profiles are used for. Never seen a double profile picture. Is there some other meaning I am missing?

2. Where is the Private photos area? All photos should have a way to be assigned to Public or Private and ideally a third option where Personal. Right now I am not seeing even the Public Private option unless I am missing something.

3. Do both Profile photos and Public gallery photos have the ability to be moderated?

4. Does or will the CC Bill payment system work and if so will it work running affiliates for the site in such a way that CC Bill reports back to Dolphin who has paid and who has not so that accounts are active or not based on if they paid as well as credit proper affiliates.

1. It would be nice to have a way to keep people from right clicking or using CTL V from saving photos?

1. It would be nice to have spell check in the WISYWIG Editor for email.

2. It would be nice if you could activate banners for non paid members and inactive for paid members of have an option to have or not have advertisement based on subscription levels.

2. Instead of displaying Date of Birth in profiles it’s better to display age. DOB is way to personal to be publicly displayed for many.

3. IN the public photos gallery there is a public photo agreement before you can upload photos. It would make sense to also have a similar agreement for profile photos.

4. I think there need to be a few more of those little blue information icons in different areas to help people along for example in the search area of the sire for Search by ID, Search by Nickname, _Search by Tag. People need to clearly understand what these are.

5. I agree with another poster on adding social bookmarks using AddThis.com

6. I would be nice to have some kind of RSS or XML feed for events so webmasters your events on your non Dolphin site.

7. I think there should be a way to tie events to groups. For example you could then see all events for a particular group and/or venue. This will only enhance the collaboration online with different groups and members.

8. It seems that the events area needs a little thought as it relates to scalability of a larger site that could have hundreds of events. So I am recommending that the events are listed in order closest to where the registered member resides. The reference for this could be something like the members zip code.

9. I would like to see Dolphin have a way for the site admin to display different ways members have been verified as REAL.! Possibly a various logos could be displayed per member profile depending on the level of validation they have undergone. The site admin could then set the proper validation level. This is different than other members certification.

10. See Ticket #467 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

11. See Ticket #468 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

12. See Ticket #469 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

13. See Ticket #470 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

14. See Ticket #472 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

15. See Ticket #477 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

16. See Ticket #478 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

17. See Ticket #479 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

18. See Ticket #480 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back

19. See Ticket #492 in Dolphin 6.1 Roadmap active tickets I placed a while back
If anyone would from the Dolphin team would like to contact me via mail I would be more than happy to share more of my Couples Profile experience as I am in the lifestyle and have no problem showing you some examples. I know for those who are not in the lifestyle may have a hard time understanding the different needs.

I will continue doing more testing over the next few days and report any additional info I find.

Best Regards and good work…!

cant login admin demo some was has changed password
Will Videos have categories this time around as well as music? Categories for videos would be a big plus for me.
I have set it up on one of my domains for which i do not use yet. http://www.rmrcast.com. I will update it with every update you release until a final version is published.

I would like to see an easier upgrade script for when the final is released.
I think that it will be better if the video player and audio player are different so that users can distinguish. The current ones look the same and it does not look nice.

And other nice future will be let users have the ability to create albums as hi5 and other sites have.
Wow must say 6.1 offer gr8 features. Okay I have tried to create a few new fields after creating a new block. The first field under the new block went okay but then it came back with a "Sorry Couldn't create new_Item See if new Item Exist." when trying to create a second new item field under the same new Block. Any reason for this?

Thanks alot team for another awesome dolphin community! I can't wait until the final is released.
i leaved ray chat 2 month ago and sincerely i'm very happy..i love rayzz but his chat is not already..now i have a chat on red 5 and i use less bandwith..i have update free all 2 wekks and i have a licence life and fla (source) for price of 3 smileset or others widgets...i saw new version but same thing...technically it saty poor and no possibility to personnalize it..boonex and hfw said to me u can have 2 chats in same time on same server..my ray already work and i use my new..but when i ompare see more performance after several month, i'm happy to my choice..no i can make background,totally customise color,talk to sevral people without use headphone ,offline message..etc etc..ikeep my dolphin and stay with u but i don't find real innovation..just bugfix..i hope u will reslving lot of expertzz problem (hard to fix stupid people) and follow ure adventure see ya
p.s:happy birthday andrei
is it better for me to wait or to install the current 6.0+ version?

is the 6.1 version easily upgraded from the previous version?

my webhosting and domain is ready...waiting to install 'em
hey i cann't test the 6.1a admin though i key it U: admin P:dolphin

is the password changed?
why the blog utility doesn't permit to create hiperlinks and embed object on it (video, image, html code).
also i think, dolpin should have newsfeed, or member activities like what myspace and facebook have. And it would be nice if you can move/minimize/close the blocks in the member profile like the way facebook has it as well.
Any ideas on the Dolphin 6.1 (final) release date?
I am planning to purchase your admin pannel i love it. Can you customize for little details pls.All i want it just able to create staff admin (to have limited access for admin panel) As a admin i lkite to be able to create limited access for them they can only have access to certain part to admin panel with their password and user name and i can delete and activate it any time. and give them time period for their password they can't see and change admin password (like now in your admin panel)and see more as a admin i can follow their works (log file)if it's possible i will purchase lot of your products.And also i purchased following script it came with your old dolphin panel you think this script will work with dolphin 6.1 after customize for me


And last question:I want to track for mail senders(invite your friends)(top members who invite their friend show them in profile page in week month and year formatted.I planning to give promotion my members (for example free gold membership)to top of the week month and year.One more time when you this i am going to purchase at least 6-or 7 your products my domain is www.1001face.com thanks let me know if is possible turhanumit@hotmail.com
umit turhan
I'm currently running 003.
Is it worth the time to move up to 005, until 6.1 is ready???

I run a heavily modded site and would also like to know if 6.1 will be available as an update or will I have to start from scratch???
Well u have to move to .004 and .005 and then u will be able to upgrade to 6.1.U wont be able to jump from .003 to 6.1.
Remember to back up before u upgrade
Good Luck
Baack Up Saves Life
Do you guys plan on having a advertising tool so that advertisers can track their impression and hits? Like a widget!
Like some people said,categories is very important for music and videos. I believe that will really be a hot feature on this script. I have sent lots of people here, they love your script.,they also would love that feature too. Most of them want to build a professional music site with videos. Thats the only thing that a lot of them are concerned about is the category part.

I have a adult site. i think it would be perfect to have in the admin part that you can have the option to have it where see more visitors who come to a profile page,they can view the profiles and see the main picture but the rest of the pictures uploaded to that particular users profile is locked away to members only. That will surely be a good feature and beneficial to everyone. It will keep a lot of people happy.

Categories in photos,music and videos is a must.
Also the search function is kinda not working correctly. It is not pulling up anyone. I checked on a lot of users sites and I get the same thing. People saying that they cannot use search because it keeps coming back no one found.
I installed the demo and got it up and running quite quickly, which is a total surprise since I had no real idea what I was doing. My only problem and quite a SERIOUS PROBLEM at that is the videos and music and basically the user generated sections dont seem to be working. My profile doesnt show up. It does not find the directories for video although I can play them when I upload them and the icons show up in the home page, the links are messed up I think. I need help with this.
In this version Ray it seems it's IMPOSSIBLE to go privat chat if you have not registered...!

Will this be included in this fix?! that'll say guest access to the chat...

I had to buy a modification for this, so probably it's this that's fucking up.
lifeform is it it possiable not to swear :)
also just to mention to ANDRE my Ray Keys dont work ( wrong license ) it just started doing it 4 days ago :(
Sorry my keys work now ( i was using the free version ) my bad :)
You have a nice product but why change the schema of the database so much. How the hell are people going to upgrade. These parts let this product down. If you can expain how to migrate from 6.0 I could test it.
Wow, Sounds great Andrey.I will certainly purchase or become contr.Pls add multi admin and multi moderators option on admin panel ( i like to share some of works with my staff but don't want to give them my important sections control you know what i mean.And pls add language files too of course(support turkish characters)Good luck I can't wait to see and try new version.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.