Payments in Dolphin

AntonLV posted 1st of February 2010 in News. 40 comments.

By default Dolphin has Payment module with PayPal integration in it. This module is used to add shopping cart functionality to Dolphin and process payments. For example, default Dolphin's Store module is integrated with Payment module. So, if you want to use Store to sell something on your site you need to start from setting up Payment module.

  1. You need to install Payment module via Dolphin administration panel -> Tools -> Modules.
  2. Now you are ready to set it up in Dolphin administration panel -> Modules -> Payment and first of all you need to fill in your PayPal requisites in 'Payment Details' block. Take a look at the form parts:
    • Mode. You may use PayPal in 2 modes (live and test). If you want to test payment on your site before going live you need to select 'test' mode and enter your sandbox email address in the last field of the form (Sandbox). If you ready to go live select 'live' mode. In this mode sandbox email is not needed.
    • Business. You need to specify your PayPal email address here.
    • Process type. You may use three types. They are direct, PDT and IPN. The easiest way is to use direct mode. In this mode you don't need to do any changes in your PayPal account. The second one is PDT. If you want to use it, you need enable PDT in your PayPal account and get a token there. Then you need to put it in the 'Identity token' field. This method is more secure then the 'Direct' one. The last one is 'IPN' mode. In this mode you need to configure your PayPal account too. Use URL like the following as notification URL in your PayPal. In this mode PayPal will notify Dolphin script about processed payment automatically when the payment was completed. It's useful when you have a lot of payments with eCheck or pending payments which are not processed immediately.
      Note. If you plan to use "Pay Before Join" mode in Dolphin then you should use Direct as Processing type. It's essential because Dolphin should receive data about the payment in the same time when buyer was returned to Dolphin after payment processing. In this case Dolphin would be able to check the data and allow the buyer to continue join process if payment was successfully accepted.
  3. Check 'Active' checkbox and save the form. Now you should be able to sell products in the Store.

There is an example of the easiest configuration.
Active: checked
Mode: live
Business: your PayPal email
Process type: direct
Identity token: leave empty
Sandbox: leave empty

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there is any chance to see CCBILL back in d7 as payment option ?
many users use dolphin to run adult websites and CCBILL is the leader in adult payments industry.
thank you.
yes really need a system of payment for adult sites

several language


Payment by phone and credit card -
As I know Boonex plan to integrate some other payment providers in Dolphin script in the future, but I don't know the exact date.
Anton, there is a problem while in the way D7 is configured, PayPal only accept $. As soon as you switch to € you get the PayPal warning that vendor doesn't accept other then $ payment. Do you have a solution for this for somebody based in the heart of Europe, where prices/payments in $ are an unacceptable?
As I know you need to change the default currency in your PayPal to EURO and in Dolphin admin panel -> Modules -> Payment -> Settings block too. When both of them is set to the same currency PayPal should accept payments.
thanks you very much AntonL for this post it really help
In my payment details I just have a block with Paypal
and a button to save, no options at all any ideas?
You may see a little triangle at the right. Click it and the form fields will be shown.
I made the mistake of making an incorrect entry in the Identity Token field before these instructions were posted, and now want to remove it to make it empty. I delete the entry and click Save, but when I view the change, the incorrect entry has returned. Any ideas? Clearing cache doesn't help.
yes me too i need system for

it's possible ?


Anton, one question, for the payment method(PDT)as you describe above, does it work for recurring payment? and when subscription expired. the dolphin or paypal remind the user or re-bill the user?
I think IPN would be better in this case. Dolphin doesn't have recurring payments by default because it uses shopping cart.
If i set the payment module to the new suggested settin and it still does not work where can I go for help?
You may try to search forum. May be somebody already had the same problem and fixed it.
see moreHi Anton,
I am trying to run payPay Payment in TEST mode and get message "The vendor does not accept payments"

In the PayPal tab I have set the following values:

PayPal ID in Settings > Payment Settings

Active [checkbox yes]
Mode Test

Business business email (]
Process type [direct]
Connection type [HTML]
Identity token Sanbox email]
SandBox Business sandbox biz name]
Hi Anton,
I am trying to run PayPal Payment in LIVE or TEST mode and rid of message "The vendor does not accept payments"

In the PayPal tab I have set the following values:

Modules > Payment > Payment Details

Active: checked
Mode: live
Business: my PayPal email (Business Account Type)
Process type: IPN
Connection type: HTML
Identity token: 4MO1IzWGXyu1Nahui8NU1Qw69_ZasT7rAhuiwnKXuiotut7OlELJN0Ey4hn (my PayPal Identity token )
Sandbox: leave empty see more

I need a working Shopping Cart ! I go mad, with this error "The vendor does not accept payments"

have any ideas?
Can anyone shed any light on why I don't see any of the choices below in my payment setting just a blank grey box with a save button
that's it? nothing else to enter ..anyone else had this problem?

PayPal ID in Settings > Payment Settings

Active [checkbox yes]
Mode Test

Business business email (]
Process type [direct]
Connection type [HTML]
Identity token Sanbox email]
SandBox Business sandbox see more biz name]
I still waiting for an SMS PAYMENT integration with dolphin - as this method is simply best for community sites. I found some old post that this feature will be implemented in 7.1 is that correct ? and can u give us more informations what sms payment gateway will be implemented and how it will exactly work ? It will be system that users will buy credits and more credits - more features, more access .. or ?
Hi AntonLV,
thanks for your post!
Euros in Dolphin 7: I know I can change the curreny code and sign in the payment settings, but the dollar sign '$' for "Pricing for '......' membership level" in 'Membership Leves -> Levels -> Pricing' beyond the left side item "Settings" is not influenced by this change. I tried to replace the '$' -> '€' in ../administration/memb_levels.php, but without succes.... ;-(
Do you know where or in which file I can change the dollar sign see more to a euro sign '€'?
Is it necessary for testing in the PayPal Sandbox or can that be the reason for the PayPal Message "The vendor does not accept payments"?
What is your opinion?
Thanks in advance...
To replace the $ -> € sign in "Settings -> Membership Level -> "Level -> Pricing"
change the values in table "sys_options":
'currency_code' -> EURO (maybe EUR ?)
'currency_sign' -> €
'available_values' - €$
Then there is also the € sign for "Pricing for '......' Membership Level"
Example: 365 Days - 30 €

Using these settings, either EURO and EUR, I did not get the error message "The vendor see more does not accept payments" . I was directly forwarded in "Test Mode" to PayPal with a link for the PayPal Sanbox!
I get the same message "the vendor does not accept payments" any help with that?
as i try to make the payment out of the shopping cart Paypal refuses the currency code with the following error message:
Return to Merchant

This recipient either does not accept payments denominated in EUR or has specified an invalid currency code on his web site. Please contact the seller and ask him either to update his payment receiving preferences to accept this currency or to correct his web site to specify a valid currency code.

PayPal. The safer, easier way to see more pay.

For more information, read our User Agreement and Privacy Policy.


by the way the identity token cannot be deleted once it was set ...

even trying to change the db sys_options currency from EURO to EUR and the currency in sys_transactions from USD to EUR didn't help

Dolphin is useless in europe in the wrong currency ...

Same problem
The vendor does not accept the payment
Furious...because on RC5, it was Ok for me
Hi Anton.

This is great stuff .I do have one question about setting up a payment system on my Dolphin site. I would like to charge for events only. What I mean by that is when one of my users posts an upcoming event I would like to charge them a fee.


I think Events in Dolphin can be posted for free only. But you may create some paid membership level and allow create event action to it. So your users need to purchase it to be able to post events.
Yeah, DaniellMarseille, these sites are really what we need for our sites to enable payments...
Someone knows if this can be integrated in D7 in any way?
Any link or steps to integrate in the module sections or anywhere in D7? -

I am setting up my store, how do I make the membership levels appear so that someone
has to choose one before they can go any further, I just tested it, signed up, it defaulted to

There is nothing anywhere that reflects the 3 levels I have set up.

Any ideas?
I am a little confused. What is the identity token mean? What information am I suppose to put in that field and what does sandbox mean? Am I suppose to put in my paypal email address?
1. Identity token is needed if you are using PDT mode only. In Direct and IPN modes you may leave it empty.
2. Sandbox is needed if you want to test payments in demo mode. First you need to create a sandbox account on PayPal for this purpose.
Installation of: Payment Failed
-- Check the Dolphin version for compatibility: The module is not compatible with your version of Dolphin script

when i tried to install payments module, im using 7 9
in the paypal to put



http://domainname/m/payment/act_finalize_checkout only
You need to use the URL which is provided by Dolphin. It's
Need help.
We're not able to have paypal working on shopping cart.
We have set it up but when user add any subscription level to the cart and go to checkout it's redirected to and not to the usual payment form.
We have tryed the sandbox and with this it work corectly.
we have tryed with 3 differente paypal account and with all same issue.
other payment on website (buy credits, featured users, etc) work coreclty but them not use standard dolphin cart.

What see more can be and how we can fix it?
here is a feedback for paypal Direct payment with D7.3 not tested with PDT nor IPN mode but that should work too with modifications.
You have to modify some files in order to make it work (protocol HTTP1.1 for paypal).
In \modules\boonex\payment\classes\BxPmtPayPal.php because of the used version of HTTP for communicating through the socket:
function _readValidationData($sConnectionUrl, $sRequest)
$iErrCode = 0;
$sErrMessage = "";
if($this->getOption('cnt_type') see more == PP_CNT_TYPE_SSL)
$rSocket = fsockopen("ssl://" . $sConnectionUrl, 443, $iErrCode, $sErrMessage, 60);
$rSocket = fsockopen("tcp://" . $sConnectionUrl, 80, $iErrCode, $sErrMessage, 60);

// Is connexion ok ?
return array('code' => 2, 'message' => 'Can\'t connect to remote host for validation (' . $sErrMessage . ')');

// Else put message on socket with paypal server
fputs($rSocket, "POST /cgi-bin/webscr HTTP/1.1\r\n"); // Protocol HTTP/1.1 and "\r\n\r\n" as separator
fputs($rSocket, "Host: $sConnectionUrl\r\n");
fputs($rSocket, "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n");
fputs($rSocket, "Content-length: " . strlen($sRequest) . "\r\n");
fputs($rSocket, "Connection: close\r\n\r\n");
fputs($rSocket, $sRequest . "\r\n\r\n");

// wait for response from Paypal
$sResponse = '';
$sResponse .= fread($rSocket, 1024);

list($sResponseHeader, $sResponseContent) = explode("\r\n\r\n", $sResponse);

return array('code' => 0, 'content' => explode("\n", $sResponseContent));
Moreover, "content" field is badly tested in function _validateCheckout(&$aData):
--> change $aResponse['content'][1] in place of $aResponse['content'][0]

if(strcmp($aResponse['content'][1], "INVALID") == 0)
return array('code' => -1, 'message' => _t('_payment_pp_err_wrong_transaction'));
else if(strcmp($aResponse['content'][1], "VERIFIED") != 0)
return array('code' => 2, 'message' => _t('_payment_pp_err_wrong_verification_status'));
Be aware that the dateExpires field can block the cart update in inc\
function setMembership
Modify following your needs...
Hope it helps as I lost many hours on this :)
Thank you tween.

Should I just replace the original function _readValidationData with the one you have written above?

All the best
Educated Singles -
Yes that should be fine with the good paypal payment parameter ;)
Any chance you can explain that cleared as I dont exactly see what you are advising me to do to solve the issue mentioned? Thanks.
Replacing code just spits out an error at the cart to paypal level.
Since there's a classified ad, can users sell on dolphin?
Yes and no... In fact, the ad module can provide product price and let seller and buyer to be linked but there is no payment automatic procedure. Payment and delivery are carried by the seller after the buyer has contacted him through his profile or the buy now button on the ad.
Otherwise, there is a Store module which can be useful to sell digital products as ebooks or coaching videos and more. Here you can connect paypal or other payment module in order to let your members buy those e-products.
You see more can modify the Store module in order to make it more ECommerce style, but there is some work here.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.