Pundits, Moderators and Admins. Some clarifications.

Andrew Boon posted 25th of May 2009 in . 29 comments.

Now that we already have the "Week of Politics" started I feel like I need to clarify a few details:

1. As per the current rules, only a Pundit may attempt to become a Moderator. As of now, we only have two approved Pundits from outside of the BoonEx Team - jtadeo and sammie.

2. Sammie and some other members have suggested new Pundits and we plan to offer Pundit status to the suggested members. If they accept, sign the NDA and become Pundits, they may well be nominated to Moderator status.

3. Moderators are not Admins. The current moderation system is designed in a way that Mods cannot remove anything permanently. Admins have to review Moderated content anyway. Mods can hide content and thus maintain the site in good order, while Admins are away, busy or snoozing.

4. As of now, Admins are only selected from the BoonEx Team, but this will eventually change and "stable" moderators may receive Admin rights.

5. Unity Account status doesn't affect licenses. Only BoonEx Team may discontinue licenses.  This will always stay this way.

6. Current moderation tools at Unity are very underdeveloped, and we don't plan to improve them too much, since we're going to use Dolphin 7 here starting from the end of July.

7. Even though there's a "step-by-step" rule we reserve the right (and plan to use it this week) to appoint Pundits without the requirement of having Expert and Contributor status.


ask questions and I'll post answers above

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you said end of May right :p?
Andrew Boon
End if June for feature-final beta, and end of July for release. Already cutting down on sleeping, weekends and lunch-brakes to make it happen ;)
@ Andrew :-)

"Already cutting down on sleeping, weekends and lunch-brakes to make it happen ;)"

IMHO (In My Humble Opinion) doing that is as wrong as possible ;-))
BoonEx staff brains, even if incredibly muscular, have to respect some physoiology rules and absolutly need some rest and good food to produce the best results.

You also need to take some distance with your script from time to time, to remember the "outside" point of view of the end users (I mean members of see more Dolphin sites, not only owners of such sites).
Most of end users are not as passionate as us and could give up at the first little ergonomics problem...

My advice is that BoonEx has to offer some free waterpool and cinema tickets to the whole staff, and to organize some BBQ party at least once a week ;-)

Doing that will not delay Dolphin 7 as everybody there (maybe except those who are alien) will be more efficient :-))
going slightly off topic here....boonex really, really needs to be attract more females to download dolphin, as it is females which have driven the sucess of the likes of facebook etc. Dolphin seems to be largely downloaded for men for their ideas of a community website, if more females were to get involved I feel they could fill the net with more niche communities that men find it harder to get to(using Dolpin of course).
Andrew Boon
Good call. Slightly off-topic though ;)

We'll consider that in our marketing and development. Thank you.
boy oh boy, this post in this location, made absolutely no sense, off topic is stating it mildly. YouDidntDidYou, can you please start a blog with this topic and we can all come post there?

believe it or not, there are a lot of females that do and have downloaded Dolphin and run Dolphin sites.

a lot of women are worried to take part in sites like this because its classed as a males domain (webmaster there is no webmistress) and they are usually put down by some of the men, i know it happens to me all the time too.

so a lot of the female members here hide behind male or private profiles to limit the insults and sexual come ons we constantly get.
I think that's a smart call with the rules of rights per membership level.
With unity being in the 10.000 spot with alexa for traffic ranking you're getting alot of registered users as well as visitors which is good because the more opportunity you'll have in picking moderators...the more the better with how fast boonex is growing.
Are you adding a community section to boonex.com using the Dolphin 7 platform?
I personaly think boonex.com is layed out very well and think having a community section see more on here would be great.
Maybe use the chat room as live support for boonex?
Might be a crazy idea, but a crazy idea is better than no idea ;)
Thanks for the update.

boonex.com will run on Dolphin V7 and future versions, starting with V7 end of july
What I would like to see is the blog system taken down altogether and put who ever you feel to be 'moderator' and place them over there on the forums, so that we can focus more on helping eachother as a community by asking questions and answering questions and helping users threw every channel needed in the forum system.

The Primary is the BOONEX FORUMS anything else is irelavent.

The more Moderators on the forums people will be happier that there are people around to help and Moderate the see more forums.
Andrew Boon
I agree that Blogs are not good for community talk and should receive less attention. With upgrade to D7 we'll be shifting attention to Forums, while blogs will serve as a place for personal publishing.
i think the problem with the current system is this. you are intertwining the functionality of the sites forums and blogs with the contributory realm of submitting a mod for free. now here is what i see, there are exceptional people out there with personalable skills and moderation skills that are not programmers. your stringent requirement that in order to move from a contributor to pundit and then to moderator, is too strict and needs to be revisited in my opinion. the rules initially see more stated that you had to become a contributor, there are those of us who have done that, so now if that is still the rule, we need to know, and i would think that a contributor should not be a monetary faction, but something relevant to the site, such as having 500+ posts on the forums, this would warrant one as being a contributor.

the ordeal with submitting a mod extension for free, has proven unjust, since what one of your reviewers would deem useless, could be used by many, i speak from facts, i submitted a mod, took two months to look at it, and then was just rejected with some horse crap line about overwriting the install folder, which in its appearance, there was nothing wrong with what was submitted, it apparently stepped on some toes. i was put off because every one of the upgrades and patches that you guys set out, have to modify source code, and that is exactly what you said i couldnt do, even when it was documented clearly the lines that i had "added" not taken away from. but i am not here to debate the rejection of my submitted mod, im here to discuss the applicability of becoming a pundit and or moderator, there has to be some other avenue which one can travel to achieve this goal.

voting didnt work, i was voted on last year, applying didnt work, i sent in my NDA, nothing ever happened. so as you write these things, there needs to be some solidarity with what you write. I would truly like to see you select a default set of moderators, and or pundits, otherwise we are still spinning our wheels.

Amen! <-Raise to the Million Power!
Andrew Boon
Yes, I agree. Path from member to Pundit should be different and we'll revise that. Pundit to Moderator seems to be OK.
Who is Jtaedo anyway.?! Is he an Expertzzz carry-over?

I'm a nobody so I don't care about titles or awards much... Code, yes!

But DosDawg is absolutely right. Sammie was right. GameUtopia was right. And none of them are even considered or announced as Moderators.

Who is Jtaedo again. I know I have been gone for a couple of months. But who is he again? ANyone's help would be appreciated. I mean as much as I personally don't care for his means and ways but Caltrade at least has no shame to see more at least acknowledge how long he's been here... Wonder how he found you?

Lastly, because my opinion matters none... Why is there no American Representative, yet. For someone who has seen alot of traffic from old US and alot of support comes from the US, I would think by now you would respect the effort the US has shown BoonEx.?! I'm sure the funding hasn't been bad either.

Who is Jatedo again.?! You can delete whenever.?!

Personally, I think the 'new' constitution is good, late, but good. Until you have TRUE global unity amongst your staff,moderators,pundits,expertzzz, etc. I will only take it as a stepping stone rather then a true transition of the BoonEx mission.
One American -> Not very hard, there are plenty about here :)
Andrew Boon
We're most likely to approve a dozen of Pundits this week, bypassing prerequisites. Then they'd be able to apply for Moderators.
Hi theGhost,

You can find out a bit more about me via my avatar link: http://www.boonex.com/unity/jtadeo

I am a BoonEx developer partner as well:

You can also see more info here at:

I've provided a brief description of my relevant experience, one of which is running a Dolphin Tutorial site called www.boonexnerd.net.

You can also go to the About link on the site and see more it will give you more info about the work I've done and also the Dolphin book I wrote.
I'm Ansuk and I approved jtadeo
There are many who would be good choices and James Tadeo is one of the most logical, fair and knowledgeable choices of all in my opinion.
I touched on this in the pundits thread, to me it just seems a bit confusing why you need to be a pundit first, before you can be a moderator. Take me for instance, (and no im not putting myself up for a moderator, far too busy with my own sites for that) But, ive been global moderating for years and seem to do a good job to keep sites in order. but my skill as a coder are very limited (to non existent)so i could never be a pundit, so even if i wanted to, could never be a moderator. i just think see more that you could be losing the chance to have really good experienced moderators simply because they arent coders so could never be pundits to then be moderators. (if any of that made sense)
I wish someone would explain somewhere (cause I have not seen it) how you assign moderators to the built in A/V chat in Dolphin. I tried as an Admin to pull up a chatters profile and click the moderator checkbox but that doesn't do anything. I am at a total loss there and do not see it in docs :(
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.