was it stated D7 release Next Year?

DosDawg posted 1st of September 2009 in Community Voice. 24 comments.

well i have said this all along, but was just reading the happy birthday post and in between the lines, i believe i am reading that we are now pinpointing Hookie RC for next year. could be wrong here. could somebody else check that post and see if i am seeing things?

can we get the source code to RMS 3.5.1 and RMS 3.5.2, as well as the source code for the Ray widgets Please. if we have all been good little boys and girls and waited patiently for the release of D7, which now appears as it will not happen until next year, can we at least get a treat in the way of releasing the source doe for Ray and RMS?

*From Andrews post*

Next year will be the Hookie year and some signs of Trident might show up. BoonEx is getting ready for the next leap of growth, which is why "remote work" and now - "Getting Real" approach to development. While you read this we're in process of internal re-organization which will result in better support (or, I hope, great support), faster development and better code.



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No Andrew said that "We're really close to RC now", that means the first RC is 2-4 weeks away.. (my opinion), and the next year will be the first of D7 in the front line.. D6 is going to be replaced by D7..
are you physcic? how can you interpret "close" as being 2-4 weeks? i see its your opinion, but how do you calculate "close" as being a time element?


I don't interpret only the "close" word.. you can also see the trac development and get to the same conclusion.. there are just few things to be completed and each day there are fewer tickets to be solved..
i think we have been really close now for several months?

see moreI believe he means to say that "next year we'll focus on Hookie". All Andrew said about the release date itself is, "We're really close to RC now, but let it happen when it should."

I don't know when the Hookie RC should happen, or is destined to happen, either --- only Boonex devs would know anything more precise as far as the total state of the code and the pending amount of repairs and rewrites go. That may well mean that the final stable release will be next year, who knows.
Actually I thought I read that somewhere else as well. I'm not really expecting it to be done in the next couple of months at all. Maybe by the end of the year. But of course that's just the feeling I get. Can't really complain if it comes out really solid, easily manageable and scalable.

Only thing is I'm still waiting on D7 to start my own beta with my friends/members. Not for the sakes of testing out D7 per se, but to make sure my site runs the way I and my members want/need it too.
hey codesatori, and footman, well it is now Sept 1, 2009, leaving just 90 days in this year. I would be very surprised to see a release prior to 2010, and that may actually be a good thing. take the 90 days, use them wisely, we have an awful lot of holidays coming up, spend time with your families, enjoy whatever festivities that are common to your culture, and release this thing mid january. that way you are comfortable that you have done the greatest job that was possible, and that nothing was see more released ad hoc, and unprepared.

boonex, take the time, its all good, Dolphin 6.1.6 is still a nice working version, takes some TLC, but she will purr if you stroke her correctly.

So I'm left wondering if launching my site with 6.1.6 as it is and hope the change over to 7 isn't going to kill anything I put into motion now. I'm not concerned with the design as that's easily modified.
I can see the final release before the end of 2009.
Alot of the bugs that seem to be remaining aren't as big as they were previously.
Next year is the year they work more towards Dolphin 8 because they're expecting to release it i believe in the summer of 2010 and it will be developed on a whole new core and development platform.
I wonder how up to speed the estimates on D8 are...

Andrew wrote in the latest, "Next year will be the Hookie year and some signs of Trident might show up."

*some signs* is probably not the same as "release in the summer". The Products page states "Estimated release: March 2010" for Poseidon. (Which I assume is the same as Trident.)

If D7 stable is going to be available sometime towards the end of the year, it's going to be one short-lived product if a major see more replacement rolls in by Q2 of 2010.
I think their time table for Poseidon is WAY off. I don't expect to see that until 2011.
Andrew Boon
We definitely will release D7 this year. RC could happen any day, but it looks like one more beta is likely. Next year we plan to promote and improve Hookie actively. It should have bright future.

Poseidon (Trident) doesn't have any definitive dates so far. We have the engine, which is very cool in every aspect, but we're now taking different approach for modules development and don't really want to commit to specific time just yet.
Trident won't substitute Dolphin for a very good while - 3 years see more minimum.
Thank you for this reply, good to know that your pushing for a release this year. As well as clearing up any doubts about a short lived dolphin 7, because of the released of trident. At the rate they have been going through beta versions, roughly once every 10 days or so, i bet we may see a rc around october.
Andrew, if this is now the truth about V8, what is then with the Multidomain feature/idea announced for NBT in 8/08 - it is so hard to plan anything with you if it comes from some months straight to some years (now 4 then all together?).... Can you please explain this major point for me, Multi(sub)domain, when 7.1,2,3 or 8? Thanks!
I just wonder why Boonex hates it's Pundits.. You guys are just giving us the "power" to post enhancements tickets to the trac in order to "ignore" them completely.. then make some custom mods to sell in private.. This is very motivating for ME (at least).. I like that mod by Aramis.. You should give him some points and gifts..
i think your post should be front and center on this.

You guys are just giving us the "power" to post enhancements tickets to the trac in order to "ignore" them completely.. then make some custom mods to sell in private.. This is very motivating for ME (at least).. I like that mod by Aramis.. You should give him some points and gifts..

As we were moving into Beta 7.2 i noticed that Aramis was selling mods for Dolphin 7, which is quite absurd, since it has see more been emphasized that these Beta Releases would not have a patch or an update or upgrade of any sort from Beta to RC. Not only is he selling or attempting to sell mods that actually have no working platform, he has increased his price basically 300% from any of the other mods he has released. Now understand, I respect Aramis, and AntonLV, but this is truly a conflict of interest. As you state MasterMinds, as a pundit you are given the privelege as they have it to be able to post to trac, so you post to trac, and the ticket goes unanswered, then you see your suggestion for an enhancement to the core release, offered over on expertzzz for sale.

Andrew, do you really think it is beneficial that your employees who are supposed to be working on getting an RC out the door, utilizing their time for creation of mods that do not even have a platform. I dont have a problem with the free market, and free enterprise, that is not my complaint, my cheif complaint is that you are offering these mods to an uknowing, unsuspecting community, that once they purchase the Dolphin 7 mods, they are basically put a disadvantage, for several reasons;
1. most likely, anybody who would purchase a D7 mod at this juncture, clearly does not understand Beta releases.
2. with this lack of knowledge, these people will from the edge of excitement pay another individual to install this purchased mod, onto a platform that is non-functional as a production environment
3. when RC does come out, this same person will have to pay again for the installation.

I believe it to be morally wrong that you would allow these programmers that are working on the core product to release modifications that are clearly directly related to the work that they are doing while on your clock. so we see all of these Mods hitting the market, but we cant see any RC's hmmmm, wonder why that is. Are these programmers monitored, or are they working remotely. because it seems to me, that an awful lot of time is being used for self gain.

I dont complain about much on here, because i believe it to be just what it is. What i also find appalling, is why are these mods that are available on expertzzz, not available on boonex.com/unity?

the problem with that is that there is no functional search feature on expertzzz, these mods as they are submitted should be set in categories, and be searchable, not just splaid out across the internet.

well i am done with this rant.

guys, quit with the mods for D7, get an RC on D7, then you will have the time to work on your mods.

If you think i am out of line on this post, then by all means, please let me know why that is.

It has already been declared that you and your staff are immune from any and all rules on this site, but i would like to inquire, do you consider this same immunity for social morals, business morals, and overall integrity of the presentation that is being portrayed when there are mods being released for D7, when there is no D7 platform?
I don't know why anyone would think you are "out of line" on this post - you made your point persuasively and politely.
caltrade thank you for your kind words. you know as well as i do, from the time you have spent here as a community member that things dont always go "our" way, and that is expected when you are serving the masses, but this has got to stop with the beta releases, and the empty promises that we are "getting close". well we all know "close" only counts in horse shoes and hand grenades, not software releases.

yes we have all sat idle with great anticipation, D7 is going see more to be a wonderful thing, however, it should not be released prematurely, as we have seen so many of the previous versions done, just for the sake of having the release.

Boonex, keep working on it, when its ready for RC, then we will all be here waiting on it just as we have been waiting. I would rather wait for something stable, than to start working on something buggy and quirky, only to have to apply patch after patch.

<quote>As we were moving into Beta 7.2 i noticed that Aramis was selling mods for Dolphin 7, which is quite absurd, since it has been emphasized that these Beta Releases would not have a patch or an update or upgrade of any sort from Beta to RC. </quote>

Oh, sure Dawg!

You've now foiled my plans to release a set of mods in October 2009 for Dolphin 69 (code named "Bearded Clam")

I hope you're happy now!!!!

*Laugh my Adidas off*
i didnt let the cat out of the bag, mastermindsro had this discussion about something he had submitted to trac, the trac ticket was ignored, then some short days later, the mod he had suggested as an enhancement on trac appeared for sale on expertzzz.com.

you should be fine with your mod releases, seams to be no scruples on that.

can we say "unity" my gluteous maximus

I was totally kidding man. It was just a joke. No worries. ; )
yeah i know you were kidding its all good.

"can we get the source code to RMS 3.5.1 and RMS 3.5.2"

Not sure if this will really help you, but Ray Server is based upon Red5 server, and the code should not be much different except where minor changes have been made to the config files. You can check this link for all of the latest info on the Red5 Server progress and downloads. I began using Red5 for my original site over 2 years ago, and it was okay for what I was doing back then. The current release is STILL a Beta, version see more 0.8 RC1, but they have made some pretty significant improvements since I was using it to run my chat. I'm still using it to run the Widgets, and the current "Ray" release does a great job on a dedicated server for me.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.