posts are all so awesome. glad to see those who care in here posting. to most this script is something of a flare, to others its a money pit, as they sink in so much cash paying people to do the simplest of tasks, only to find out that they still dont know how to operate the computer.

some people use a computer, some are used by the computer.

i forget now where it was posted, but most of you remember the girl who came in here bitching about where her install button was at. that she had downloaded see more the social network program, and had unzipped the files and could not find the "button" anywhere. OMG, are you kidding me, what are you talking about, the install button, didnt have a server, didnt know it was a server script, just arbitrarily downloaded it to her computer, had absolutely no clue what it was or what it was supposed to do.

programming, man alive, just at there are thousands of styles of clothes, there are just as many styles of programming, and in order to get good with anybody else's code, you either have to be involved or you have to spend countless hours to understand the style. what i have noticed with this latest release of dolphin is there is a great deal more commenting than previously. i for one believe in commenting code, changes can come back to bite you. there are some files with 3000 lines of source, and that is a substantial. i appreciate all that are here. just as beef has mentioned, the first time i downloaded dolphin, i posted over on a boonex blog (wordpress) about how absolutely crappy i thought it was to release something that was free, only to find out that you needed to (as i thought) to pay to enter the forum. only to my sheer embarrassment that i was wrong, and i began to study the script, and understand what was going on, and only then did i become a half wit with it. i still dont know squat, but its easy to troubleshoot most of these errors, as from my lack of experience, most errors are standardized across the internet, and not just dolphin's script.

i googled an error the other day from on this forum, and found that there are about 20 other scripts that had the same error popping up on them, and that is where i found my answer. i utilized the tools at hand, and made adjustments where necessary.

well i guess that is long enough, nice thread, and nice participation.

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.