MichelSwiss, DosDawg, mrpowless, okweb, mscott, houstonlively, gameutopia... I definitely agree they are all avid users of Dolphin and have stuck with it for a while.

When these guys post a blog or at the forum, I will naturally want to know what they said because it is usually something valuable or something that makes me think or rethink my own approach to doing things.

Good to see you've included gameutopia :D He is good with this stuff. I am sure there are many more we are missing.


hey see more how about gkcgautam? uhm...I think that was his handle...anyway, I found a lot of his contributions very valuable.
I would second that nomination on gkcgautam. He's a very talented person with some very good insights.
i have sent in a couple of names as well.


james thank you for your plug on my behalf.
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