I would use technology to automatically remove foul language from the site. That could clean previous posts as well!!!
I´m not a programmer, but I imagine it should be very simple to create a list of words that in no way could appear on the site and then have them compared to each post and removed.
Also, this system could replace each of these words with a ♥!!
Andrew Boon
Sure thing. We'll do that.
well then you get into censorship, this should be a location where we have a freedom of speech, but with that freedom of speech, there is a freedom of responsiblity, and all should be considered when posting in the blogs, forums or anywhere else, and that should ring true, not just on this site, but forum and blog etiquette has been around since the times of usenet.

i agree, that profanity, or vulgar addresses should not be a larger part of a post, but i dont think that every time a person types see more a word that would be deemed vulgar or foul, should be moderated. My case in point is this, Miriam Webster, one of the largest dictionary producers in the world for the English Language, chose to include a word in the Dictionary in 1984 Mother Fucker, which is listed just before Mother Goose.

Now, of course the definition is "slang" does not say foul or vulgar, or even hint that this word would be inappropriate in every day use. I would tend to believe, that words that are in the dictionary, used in their context, and not directed at any individual or group, would not be an issue.

Well that is my two cents on that, and if any were offended by that word, take it up with Miriam Webster, i contested this fact for 6 years, and finally realized i was beating a dead horse, and just left it alone.

@ unoboonex

Wow :-) Does that mean that Dolphin 7 will come with the since a so long time expected "Bad words filter" ?
If so, this is a great news :-)
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.