There was a change. But of course, it would be to obvious of a change to be noted by the super technical.

Here it is from those of us who are to stupid according to some to be able to figure anything out.

You had: D7 RMS Beta: -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 29087906 Jul 14 17:34 RMS-LINUX-v.7.0-Beta.tar.gz

And you updated it to:

D7 RMS RC -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 29087906 Nov 17 17:05 RMS-LINUX-v.7.0-RC.tar.gz

The difference is in the name, as noone really wants to trust anything that see more has "Beta" in it's name. The new file name reflects this is a release candidate version and as such you should utilize it in a manner to verify there are NO issues with it.

Of course, we know how busy you are with all those RMS installs on your SHARED servers so you just didn't have the time to see what those of us not as smart as you saw.
in contrast to your post, and it is directly reflective of your implication.

a file name does not now nor ever did constitute a change in which DIFF would locate and report. that is the title of this post.

a file name would not be a reason for somebody who has spent their time and efforts to install RMS to reinstall because of a NAME.

In computing, diff is a file comparison utility that outputs the differences between two files. It is typically used to show the changes between a file and see more a former version of the same file. Diff displays the changes made per line for text files. Modern implementations also support binary files.[1] The output is called a diff or a patch since the output can be applied with the Unix program patch. The output of similar file comparison utilities are also called a "diff". Like the use of the word "grep" for describing the act of searching, the word diff is used in jargon as a verb for calculating any difference.

and i dont understand what the purpose is in your mouth being put on me. please refrain.

1. Since your such a great Dolphin host it would seem that your first step when getting set to upgrade would be to run the Diff "Before" you do anything else so you can choose the best route to take. Either re-install the entire RMS or simply apply the changes.

2. Not putting my "mouth" on you. Pretty sure I wouldn't like the taste if I did. Not implying anything, but your definitely not my type John.
go stomp in your own puddle mcgrew. your negative cantor is not going to affect me, nor what i choose to post.

do yourself a favor, and find somewhere else to post your negative comments. they are not welcome on the blog i created, and they are not welcome on this site.

it would behoove you to refrain from posting anything further on this blog. your interest and knowledge are not needed nor desired.

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