Dolphin 7.0.7 Beta Is Here!

Andrew Boon posted 21st of July 2011 in News. 57 comments.

This update is unusually feature-rich, so don't let the version number fool you - along with a list of fixes we're adding quite a bit of new toys. Let's test them and get the release ready!

Frankly, we didn't expect this update to include so much, and even the coolest things like Mobile Pages Builder and three new modules somehow made their way in earlier than we planned. 


Please, don't forget that this is a BETA version. It is NOT meant for production sites and there's no update package yet. Just test a clean install and let us know how it goes.


What's New

For this beta stage let us just give you a brief overview...

- New Module: Page Access Control

- New Module: SMTP Mailer

- New Module: ZIP code search

- New Tool: Server Audit Script

- Mobile Apps Update: 3rd-party modules support

- Mobile Apps Update: Customizable mobile homepages and profile pages

- Mobile Apps and Dolphin Update: Drag'n'Drop Pages Builder for mobile apps via Dolphin Admin

- Over 80 fixes and improvements, including those in Matchmaking system and payment processing.



Online Demo 

Dolphin 7.0.7 Beta Download

List of Closed Tickets




- Source code of iPhone and Andoid Apps is available for download for Prime and Mobile License owners via their accounts. 

- Both iPhone and Android Apps are available in iTunes and Andoid market.

- DEVELOPERS OF MODULES, please read the Guidelines for Extending Mobile App Functionality.


We're looking forward to your feedback and hope you like this update as much as we do.


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if i upradge from 7.0.6 to 7.0,7 i will lose the members,videos,photos,modules ?
Please, don't forget that this is a BETA version. It is NOT meant for production sites and there's no update package yet. Just test a clean install and let us know how it goes.

And if you do upgrade i HOPE you do lose everything.
thank you ;)
wait for the original version !!
do you know when dolphin 8 will come ?
sorry for my english !
If you are uncertain of how to, I recommend you use your Agent:-) No agent? Then consider Prime Package:-)
Andrew Boon
There will be an update pack "7.0.6 to 7.0.7" once we're out of Beta. You see, many people are too brave and beta-upgrade packs tempt them to update the live site too early. This and time-saving considerations forced us to offer upgrade packs for final versions only.
Looks good, im applying the changes manually, finished about (35) tickects and havent found any bugs yet. I know, i know kinda hard to believe lol. "The Page Access Control mod" is a big + thank you for that.
Nathan Paton
Any chance of fixing the builders in Chrome and Opera? I consider that a problem that shouldn't wait until Dolphin 8.

I'll install this as soon as I finish setting up my new server.
Every time it is fixed and every time there is some another problem, the problem is that chrome and opera browsers are sorting JSON data in its own, and it is a bit tricky to get around this.
Nice Job - Thanks 4 the new modules
It stops downloading at 14.7 mb???
video comment is still messed

see the result here
sitestats is not updated in concerning number of members or online members
Sitestats block is cached, cache is updated every hour
It always nice with updates, but it is however pretty expensive, when a pro does it every time:-)
Andrew Boon
Hear, hear... This is a bart of a big set of problems that pretty much all open-source web-scripts are prone to. Upgrades, modifications and installations may require extra time and skill. We're looking into this very seriously and have actual plans to establish a different approach altogether.
Why here Dolphin-v.7.0.7.beta1/administration/categories.php there are not the keys language?
If our site is in multiple languages​​, how to change the language in categories?
small problem but of great importance
We will try to improve categories in future versions, not earlier that Dolphin 8
This was an obvious problem,how did you not considered immediately?should have been done from version 7.0
Im missing already fixed tickets from d8 (initially 7.1) like forum moderators. WHy u dont include that now if its already done ?
Nathan Paton
Because they're meant for Dolphin 8? You can try incorporating them, but they might rely on other changes.
Andrew Boon
Dolphin 8 is supposed to introduce a different users/roles/profiles approach altogether and not just that, so referring to D8 in context of D7 development is unproductive.
Why does the installation screen read Dolphin 7.0.6, isn't this supposed to be 7.0.7?
Nathan Paton
They don't change the version number in the installer until release.
I am getting this message Next files have inappropriate permissions:
flash/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe; flash/modules/global/app/ffmpeg.exe Non-Executable Executable, during the install. I already have 7.0.6 installed on my site and did not receive this message during the 7.0.6 install. I am on a shared server and host said that ffmpeg is working but cannot be executed whatever that means...can anyone help with this?

Nathan Paton
ffmpeg.exe needs to be set to 777 (755 on CGI).
Hi Andrew;

When will the Beta become a full release? I am installing a brand new site, should I be concerned about any issues?
Approx 1-2 weeks, but maybe be longer if some serious critical bugs will be found.
Anyway you can start with Dolphin 7.0.6 and then apply patch, it should be easy if you are not going to modify core Dolphin code.
I installed dolphin 7.0.7 but I get this error if i clik on admin account:

Not Found

The requested URL /admin was not found on this server.

and when I try to manage the modules on admin panel modules them give this error: only a few modules are ok...

The requested URL /m/data_migration/administration/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/facebook_connect/administration/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/poll/administration/ was not found on this server.
Shoutbox see more ok
Simple messenger ok
The requested URL /m/spy/administration/ was not found on this server.
Flash Apps ok
ads ok
The requested URL /m/articles/admin/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/avatar/administration/ was not found on this server.
Blogs ok
Custom RSS Moderation ok
The requested URL /m/feedback/admin/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/files/administration was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/google_search/administration/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/news/admin/ was not found on this server.
OpenSocial ok
The requested URL /forum/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/pageac/admin/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/payment/admin/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/photos/administration was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/profile_customize/administration was not found on this server.
Profiler ok
The requested URL /m/map_profiles/administration/ was not found on this server.
Quotes ok
The requested URL /m/sites/administration was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/sounds/administration was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/videos/administration was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/wall/admin/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/zipcodesearch/administration/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/events/administration/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/groups/administration/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/store/administration/ was not found on this server.
The requested URL /m/smtpmailer/administration/ was not found on this server.

if I install version dolphin 7.0.6 on this server then everything works ok ...
Nathan Paton
Looks like the .htaccess file is missing from the root directory.
Thank you it was just that.. is now ok..
The profile icon on the navigation menu is offset so the UI rapidly shifts left and right when hovering over the menu. I have not seen this as a ticket, but it would be nice to have this resolved once and for all.
This happens from the Forum, Tags, Categories, Help, Files, Sounds, Videos, Articles, Blogs, Groups, News, and Polls sections.

I also noticed that the "+" drop down tab does the same shifting with each of those categories.
Please can you specify browser where you are experiencing this problem ?
The problem happens in Firefox 5.0.1.

I did not have a problem with Safari. I do not have IE 8 or any other browsers installed to test.
There is no problem for me in FF 5.0.1, please can you create forum topic for this problem with some screenshots ?
I was able to recreate the problem in both Safari 5.1 and Firefox 5.0.1 by making the browser window wider than the actual website width.

I hope this helps.

I apologize for the delayed response (work long hours during the week... weekend warrior on here).
Still don't see any problem in Safari nor Firefox, please can you create forum topic for this problem with some screenshots ?
Is there any development or module been considered for auto upgrade. One that you can do from within the admin without having to download the upgrade patch. Of course the manual upgrate should remain.
Nathan Paton
That would be a very bad idea, as it could easily break your installation.
It does not break in wordpress where it is widely done. Again one would need to do a backup before such an action.
Nathan Paton
Dolphin is not Wordpress. It's very common for people to have sites with modified core files, which could easily break the installation upon upgrade.
It is very common to edit and modify wordpress too. But, they do a much better job of separating files. If Boonex could come up with a automatic update they would attract a few more people. The manual upgrade discourages a lot of people. I modify wordpress and I understand that hitting the auto update button will do away with some modifications, but it is a heck of a lot simpler to go through a few files than going through dolphin's 5000+ files to accomplish similar. There is just a ton of files see more in dolphin that really could be reduced substantially. You could reapply wordpress modifications in minutes, dolphin would take hours and possibly days to update.
Tags are not automatically removed from Tags box when corresponding item is deleted.
Please can you be more specific ? what is the exact content tags weren't deleted ?
Ok, we loaded it up. One comment right from the git go. You should change the module installation screen. At the very least, make it a 3 step affair. You also didn't add the necessary permission information to the install file. One file for the forum and one file for the smtp are missing and you need to read the failure messages to know they need to be changed.

Other than that, woohoo baby. Got it all loaded up, including all the mods. Was pleasantly surprised to not have some sort of major failure. see more Love the new layout, well done.
I've added smtp mailer 2 days ago:

But all forums permissions are there for a long time.
I am sorry but you are wrong. I used the script in the install instructions to change the permissions via SSH. The forum folder that's missing is modules/boonex/forum/data/attachments needs to be changed to 777
It was two identical wiki pages, and the link in Dolphin Install script was referring to the old one. I've corrected links and setup redirect from old link to the new one:
Cool beans. This will help those that have trouble with this part of the install. Thanks.
Boonex needs to make to types of installations. A Dolphin for dating sites AND a Dolphin for the rest of us. With every upgrade, I find myself having to remove sex symbols, ages, hot lists, etc. Is there an easier way?
i agree. this is a great consideration. We know that is a part of the foundation but Dolphin has well established itself as a social networking platform. not a "dating only" social networking platform
Suggestion, give possibility on page builders for blocks to put: videos, photos, ads, latest forum posts, polls blocks on other website pages.. this will help a lot for internal links.

Sounds good, I want to know whether boonex will add more functionalities in FILES module.. like ability to embed SCRIBD documents or direct uploading of files as we do in ?

SEO Friendly

Dolphin need SEO optimized all modules will be easily indexed by Google and other search engines. The front-end code is written according to the latest standards.

Real-Time RSS Aggregation

Automatically import content from RSS/Atom feeds to your profile, groups, videos, sounds, events, blogs, forum, store, polls, articles and photos. Imported feeds can be filtered, so only the interesting stories get published in your network. Real-time aggregation based on the see more PubSubHubBub protocol.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.