Module updates and 7.1

I have some modules which work very well in 7.0.9 which are pretty important on my site and I want to get them updated to 7.1.0, but I have come across the following scenario's.

1.     The developer is banned from dolphin

2.     The developer states: “Unfortunately, we do not have any plan to upgrade our products for now”

3.     The developer does not respond to any PM or email requests

4.     The developer has passed away

If, I go to the Boonex Job section with a request to have these modules upgraded to 7.1.0 for my site, taking the above into consideration, can I name the modules from the particular developer I want updated.

Quote · 25 Nov 2012

Did you see my post on how to make some modules work?


find /modules/vendor-name/modulename/install/config.php

find this entry.

'compatible_with' => array(

'7.0.1', '7.0.2', '7.0.3', '7.0.4', '7.0.5', '7.0.6', '7.0.7', '7.0.8', '7.0.9'

edit to this

'compatible_with' => array(

'7.1.0', '7.0.2', '7.0.3', '7.0.4', '7.0.5', '7.0.6', '7.0.7', '7.0.8', '7.0.9'

This works on 90% of old modules.

ManOfTeal.COM a Proud UNA site, six years running strong!
Quote · 25 Nov 2012

Yes I tried that in the first instance

Some of these are returning

Installation of: xxxxxrFailed

-- Changing database:
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error:
INSERT INTO `sys_menu_admin` (`id`, `parent_id`, `name`, `title`, `url`, `description`, `icon`, `icon_large`, `check`, `order`)  ......................................................

Quote · 25 Nov 2012

As far as I'm concerned, the developer should have no control over that.  This only becomes an issue with encrypted modules (because they actually do have control over everything - le sigh).

Keep in mind this is my opinion, but I don't think there's any rules against hiring someone to fix another developer's mistake/lack of action.  I know this happened a lot when that one lazy developer was here.

As for your error, is there any more to it?  I can't really tell from that one line. :/

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 25 Nov 2012

This is one I got - I replaced Module details with xxxxxx 

Installation of: xxxxxrFailed

-- Changing database:
-- -- There are errors in the following MySQL queries:
-- -- Error:
INSERT INTO `sys_menu_admin` (`id`, `parent_id`, `name`, `title`, `url`, `description`, `icon`, `icon_large`, `check`, `order`) VALUES (NULL, @iExtCat, 'xxxxx', 'xxxxx', '{siteUrl}modules/xxxxx/xxxxx/xxxxx.php', 'Administrator can view join attempts', 'modules/xxxxx/xxxxxr/|xxxxx_xxxxx.png', '', '', @iExtOrd+1);

If a seller advertise's a module  Dolphin Compatibility: 7.x and Compatibility: 7.X it does not mater when it was purchased it should be 7.X compatibale and they should stand by this.

During my  time here at Boonex, I have purchased quite a few modules: I have come up with the conclusion about buying modules in the Boonex market with the  exception of buying from a few what I shall call good sellers is like buying a pig in a bag.

As for seller supporting their modules some will go to the end of the earth to help you, as for the others be prepared to get abused, insulted and charged for them to atempt to fix their own modules (if you do not develop it yourself it is very hard to fix and offer support, but it is very easy to sell them.)

The above comments are made in my opinion and my opinion only


Quote · 25 Nov 2012

BoonEx added a rule a while back that developers had to specify actual versions.  Anything like "7.x" would be recognized as "any version of Dolphin" - even 7.1.  This was so developers would be encouraged to fix their compatibility information, or face customers demanding updates or refunds.  I'm not sure if BoonEx actually brought this rule into effect.

Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to snoop around or enforce anything (not a moderator).

If you can, use phpMyAdmin and see if that info already exists in the sys_menu_admin table.

BoonEx Certified Host: - Fully Supported Shared and Dedicated for Dolphin
Quote · 25 Nov 2012
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.