modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)



compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.9

Added: 05.12.11

Updated: 23.02.20

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, achievement, award, reward, activity, modzzz, trophy, prize

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This module allows the site administrator to congratulate members for reaching certain milestones by rewarding them with Achievement tokens.

The standard achievement categories are shown below :

Login to site on birthday
Login to site on certain days (eg holidays)
Login to site certain number of consequtive days
Months that passed since the registration
Nth registration on the site
Number of Articles posted
Number of blog posts
Number of consequtive logins on the site
Number of established Groups
Number of forum posts
Number of forum topics
Number of reported forum topics

Participation in Groups

Attendance of Events

Number of Friends
Number of Greetings sent
Number of Group forum posts
Number of incoming private messages
Number of members who favorited you
Number of members you favorited
Number of News Items posted
Number of posted comments
Number of posted Events
Number of Profile views

Number of Photo Albums created
Number of Sound Albums created
Number of Video Albums created
Number of File Albums created

Number of uploaded Photos
Number of uploaded Sounds
Number of uploaded Files
Number of uploaded Videos

The module comes with a list of existing Achievement based on the Categories indicated above.

Administrator can create new Achievements. For example, you can create an Achievement for the 100000th member to join your site.


View all available Achievements.

Ability to filter by Achievement Category.


Members can view and manage all Achievements received.


Ability to view all Achievements that have been given to a member.


Admin can create new Achievements.

Admin can manually assign Achievements to members.

Admin can manage turn on/off existing Achievements.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Very neat concept here. I have already given some members achievements using this module. They are in competition to see who can get the most awards and the quickest too. Great Job!

I didnt see a forum so I will make a suggestion here. Have the awards automatically given when the threshold has been met. Example: Once a user has uploaded 20 photos, the Photographer award is automatically given instead of the site admin having to manually assign it.
The mod is already designed to automatically award the Achievements once the threshold is reached.
This feature doesn't seem to be working for me. Is there anything else I need to do?
This is a major mod that will get your members to think about how they can participate in your community and UNLOCK achievements. Some can be general and some can be specific. This gives the admin the power to find task that we want members to do and reward the for doing it consistently. Reminds me of my XBOX........sweeeet
What can I say?
I love this mod!
You know, Points are one thing...advancing levels are another...(Thanks Modzzz) But Achievements is like more icing on the cake baby! Hmmm I wonder if I can give an Achievement Award for sending Gifts purchased by Points? Manually at least! The flexibility to get crazy creative is all there by adding more achievements! I'm calling them Achievement Badges and Honor Awards....Who doesn't like having a trophy case filled with awards? It was so cool to send out see more that email letting members know they had another awesome feature to look forward to. Yet another amazing mod with relevance...From Modzzz!
Thanks Man!
PS- 30 second install :)
Is there already a patch/workaround/extension to connect this to other modules? Would like to connect it to your pets module...
I can always be contacted by PM to make custom additions to this. A new query has to be written for each new Achievement you want to add.
Good module, but the queries that run to get the members who did an achievement need optimization, and it caused my site to keep go down every 15 minutes until I disable it. I reported that on the forum one week ago and no answer.
The mod is now re-written to use the alerts system. This solves the memory issue that you mentioned.
I recommend this seller and this module. He has a great support, and their modules are excellent.

This module encourages members to actively participate in your site. Nice!!!
VERY responsive developer! I appreciated the help! Just had my first batch of automatically assigned achievements go out and users are loving it! Newest version (7.3.3) doesn't require file modifications thanks to developer's updates. Couldn't be happier!
I'm still testing this, but I think it will play a big role in keeping our members interested. It's working well and looks great.
As we don't plan to introduce a points system, this should prove to be a great substitute.
the joker
wanted this very much loving it
Have your users get some awards. I love those creative modules.
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