Webby0815New  10 (75.4%)

Facebook Auto Event Importer (for 7.1.x)

Hidden: Broken Rules

compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.2.0

Added: 16.01.12

Updated: 25.12.13

Category: Events

Tags: facebook, event, import, auto, calender, cron, automatic, importer, events, modifications

Demo: http://smileandgo.de/m/event/home/  username - no,password - no

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Sven Goessling (sven-goessling.de). see more It cannot be modified for other than personal usage. The "personal usage" means the product can be installed and set up for ONE domain name ONLY. To be able to use this product for another domain names you have to order another copy of this product (license). This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Sven-Goessling.de.

Technical Checklist...


Facebook Auto Event Importer for Dolphin 7.0.x and 7.1

The new importer for Boonex Event Module!
You will not import events from Facebook manual?
Use my Auto Importer!
See at my calender! And its is all auto-import!
Now you can import 3 types of Links! Places-Events, Search-Events and Event Links.
  • Your Cronjob checks every 3hours for new Events

  • Force- and Re-import with "Sync" Button.

  • Delete Links

  • Time-Managemend, the Cron checks every 2 Days if new or changes Events avalible.

  • Disable function for links

  • Auto-disable function. When in 15 days (120 checks) no new events a found, they disable the link.

  • Edit the standard category from Admin-Area

  • Edit the standard Tags for Events.

  • 6 grab functions, to find more events.

  • 3 Types of Links will now work!  (Read the Readme.txt)

  • Shows the Status of the grab action.

  • Very Easy install! Upload->Install->AddLinks->New-Events on your Site! ;)

  • Install Service (Spend 5$ and i will install it for you ;) )

  • Support when you become Errors from the Script (PHP and MYSQL Warnings, Not Notices)

  • Send me your Bugs i will fix it.


Now, over 100 fresh Events on my Site!

Last Version of this Script runs on this Site too : http://www.godesi.biz/m/events/home/

Video how to import:
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all works fine ... really good customer support!
i enjoy the purchase!
This one is a SUPER module. Just bought it and really love it. I highly recommanded it. The customer support is also really nice and really quick.
i am a bad critic and this one really made me happy. If I am happy, than its good
This is a great idea, but I'm afraid it only works for me perhaps 3 times out of 10, and even then, the data is not complete. Would love to give it more stars, but 1 is about all I can do so far. Maybe when a decent update comes out...?
Why it not works for you is :
* you will add not public events
* you have dont make a fresh new facebook account
* you have not accept the app for the account(the new one) who request the events
* you live in DE, Germany, you dont need to change the time zone.
* you dont use my free support to check this
Worked fine, then stopped working, had Sven do remote access and made it worse. Started importing wrong pictures for events. It hasn't worked since. Very Sad :( I really liked the module, but can't enjoy it..
LoL? You become free support + extra code only for your site, a fix for that and you give me 1 point. Nice man.
The worst module I have bought and the worst item ever I bought online in whole my life. The issue that this person communicate very poorly. This person cannot communicate with his/her customer properly with professional manner. There is nothing that can be done about that from my side point of view as I'm a customer with full right to receive fully working module. This person is very very slow in responding or no response at all. Simply, the module doesn't work after I did all long list of instructions. see more The issue is in the module coding and again one more time " module coding", means developer's responsibilities. There is nothing to do with me as a customer and I expected to get a normally working module . It's useless. Be careful before you buy this and even forget to buy such thing like this. It's completely waste of money buying something from dodgy seller. this person keeps saying different excuses. You can see other comments on this thing which I found it difficult to call it "module". It's just a mess of php script. WHAT ON EARTH IS THIS!!!!!! I strongly recommend to remove this item from the Boonex market as it is very confusing and fraudulent. It affects Boonex and dolphin reputation, it affect the whole new internet generation and the web.

This module is very old, not auto importer, cron job doesn't work at all with this thing, Sync button doesn't work, no tags, no categories, and too difficult to install because this person need more $5.
Again, the worst module from the worst developer. This person knowledge is under Boonex community standard. Unfortunately, I have a serious concern and tremendous doubt about this person ability to sell anything to innocent buyers like me without any protection. I will try to rise this critical issue to who is responsible. Fundamentally, and important question, is there any criteria to decide who can sell us real module or just anyone can surf Boonex.com and write piece of script in few minutes then start to sell us? I recommend to keep some honest watchdogs awake, reviewing all vendors and their products. Finally. I notice too many winks everywhere with no sense... ( Thank you for reading with full respect to all Boonex members)
LoL, Sorry, but what? When you cannot click a button, or dont understand the "Sync" button. Why you have a community page? I have check your site, a many times, and NO fucking errors comes when i add a link or import events. (With your facebook datas) and what make you? Dont add links and, sorry for my words, you're going on the assumption that the module imported events to your site on your tastes without a link to add. Good idea Sherlock. I should give you as a customer a bad review. see more You stole a week of my live with your ....

And you install the script on more than one page. The License is for ONE PAGE!
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.