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Swap Shop


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.5

Added: 27.05.13

Updated: 19.05.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, swapping, barter, bargain, trade, exchange, marketplace, modzzz

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

Swap Shop is a marketplace where you members can swap and trade with like-minded people both locally and nationwide. In a bartering environment, you don't need money to get what you want.

This Swapping mod is unique in that it is not limited to physical goods but also caters to services. For example, swap offers could include a DJ who will work for you if you service his van and a woman who will baby sit in return for DVDs.

The mod offers your site members a convenient way to trade things they don’t want anymore – e.g. DVDs, computer games, toys, makeup etc.

Swapping for Points or Credits

Apart from item-for-item swapping, the mod facilitates item-for-cash swapping.
If you have my Points or Credits mods, it is possible to allow members to exchange their items for either Points or Credits.

Items for swapping can be of three types :

→ Downloadable Item
→ Item for shipping
→ Service

A posted swap will have the following components :
  • Details of the Item

  • What type of item(s) you want to swap it for

  • The item's present condition

  • The item's estimated dollar value

Sample ways to use Swapping are :
  • Goods for exchange, ranging from cars to banjos.

  • Exchange Clothes and accessories.

  • Organize a swap party with friends.

  • Use for gardeners who have seeds to swap.

  • Use for Book swapping.

  • Holiday exchange of houses.

  • Community network and link people who want to swap their skills.

  • Lets businesses swap staff members' time with specialists in other firms.

Sample Feature List ......


→ Member A posts an item that they would like to swap. They state it's approximate worth and indicate the type of item(s) they would want in return.

→ Member B checks the site and sees the item and becomes interested in it. They make an offer and suggest the item(s) that they would like to exchange it for. Swapping could be one-to-one or one-to-many items.

→ Member A can either accept or reject the offer.

→ If Member A accept and all the items in the transaction are downloadable then the swap is flagged as complete. If item(s) are shippable or is a service then the members must confirm that the item(s) have been delivered before the swap is flagged as complete.

→ At any point before a swap is complete, either party can cancel the transaction.


The flow is similar to above, except :

→ Members can specify an Amount of Points or Credits that they are willing to accept for an item.

→ Points/Credits is deducted from the requesting Swapper account and awarded to the Owner of the item upon Swap completion. If at any point, the transaction is cancelled, the Points or Credits is returned.


You can drill down Swap Listings based on location. A section is included which lists all Countries in the world. Upon selection of a Country, all Regions in that Country are displayed. Upon selection of a Region, the listings available at that location are displayed.


Item Description

Other similar Items - This lists other Swap Items that are similarly tagged as the being viewed.

Other Swap Items by this member - This lists other Swap Items posted by the creator of the Swap Item being viewed.

Swapper Contact - Displays Name, Email, Website etc.

Swapper Location - Displays Country, State, Address etc.


Featured Swap Listings block

Recent Swap Listing block

Common Categories block

Local States Block - Auto detects the viewer's location and loads the states in that Country


Forum is tightly integrated to facilitate discussion on a Swap Listing


Allows searching by Keyword, Category, Sub-Category, Country, State, City


You can drill down by both Categories and Sub-Categories

Comprehensive list of Categories and Sub-Categories included


Ability to upload a Photo, Audio and Video Gallery.

Includes the ability to allow members to Embed Videos from Video Sharing sites such as Youtube.


Members can Rate and Comment on Swap Items.

Members can Request more Information about a Swap Item.


Members can Share Swap Items with other site members or external friends.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Please login to post a comment.
Very nice and very useful module. I highly recommend it!
A very cool module, extremely worthwhile, and modzzz is super responsive to ideas for new features. ++++++++++
Hey moddzz I just purchased your app and I love the idea behind it .. When I installed in to my website and try to upload a swap item I get the following error - database query error .. Please advice what I am doing wrong ? My email is
I have responded to you via PM. You are getting an error because you have not followed the instructions in the readme.txt
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The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.