derartmediaPopular  1304 (94.6%)

Timeline / Chronicle (Facebook Style)


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible


Added: 18.02.12

Updated: 24.05.12

Category: Template

Tags: facebook, timeline, newsfeed, chronicle, biography, ajax, youtube


License: This is a commercial product made by beckmedia & dolphin-mods and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for single domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from beckmedia & dolphin-mods is strictly forbidden

Technical Checklist...

The new Facebook Timeline comes with a huge revolution in social networking and gives a new feeling to the user profile pages.


We cannot wait, so here is the Timeline for Boonex Dolphin 7.0.x


  • post status, html, weblinks or upload photos, sounds, videos and embened youtube`s
  • NEW! post your current location with google suggestions
  • comment or like posts
  • resize, change date or delte entry`s as timeline-owner
  • mostly boonex and third-party modules are integrated.
  • friends and activity block of timeline-owner (like facebook)
  • auto load data while scrolling page
  • slide between dates via timeline navigation
  • lightbox integration for change timeline-date or browse likes
  • timesline get and post data from/to same database-tables as Boonex Wall


Try our demo with modern browsers like Chrome, Firefox and Safari or IE 8/9.















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Please login to post a comment.
Just like the Timeline on facebook, I luv this mod! It works great... I went through and easily changed-up the CSS to better match my site's colors- It's easy! It looks cool too!
What I think is the coolest thing about this timeline is that it has it's own page, which makes it optional....on facebook, the timeline becomes your personal wall, which some people don't care for.
BTW- INSTALLATION IS CAKE! Installs in about.......DONE! Awesome mod man- Thanks!
This mod has crashed my site 3 times with database error's at least 5 emails have gone out to him to help with the issue and this was the repsonse: "i checked that from my iphone....ojey looks very baaaad :-) please provide ftp-details and admin-access. i will check that." I sent that days ago and still no response what so ever. I uninstalled the mod and I am still getting database error's with direct paths to this uninstalled mod. If you want a headache that the support staff will see more not repond to AT ALL then go ahead and buy it. I have my host tracking it down as we speak to correct the issue's. I gave this guy a chance because dolphin did but there is nothing he could design that is worth his lack of suspport and the headaches that is caused by his complete apathy for his own work... -*-*-*-*

This is not my first time with this developer either and I have now learned my lesson...
Installed without an issue and works like a charm....
I love this module and it works great as being described by author. Many Thanks to derartmedia
Great work keep it up!
this not work for me because it not supported to spywall.
Nice mod!!
install is quick and easy.
Mod has some minor hickups.

when they are fixed this could be a super mod!
Picture header is not correct (own profile it's there but some one else it's profile it's not)
Picture header height is different
when you move cursor over items you see item id numbers
I entered a comment and it returned: admin wrote 15417 Days Ago whaaat 15417 days ago??? (days are not corrent)
It should be possible to place timeline on profilepage instead of seperate page see more (just like wall feature)
but thanks for a great looking module!!
very good, manäy thanks!!
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.