Hold your breath Ladies and Gentlemen... prices changed!

Andrew Boon posted 13th of July 2009 in . 67 comments.

It's only a few weeks ago that we rearranged products and updated pricing. Turns out that it doesn't really work all that well. Moreover, it doesn't sync with our plans for a new product and overall strategy. All in all, we see fewer sales, which is clearly bad money-wise, but is also disturbing when we think about our mission and dreams of product expansion. So, before Hookie is out, we decided to make another adjustment...

New Pricing

90-Day License - $39

400-Day License - $99

Permanent License - $299

Prime - $998

Order Licenses Here

Prime includes: one permanent Dolphin license, mobile apps re-branding rights, desktop app re-branding rights, 3 years of Premium Membership at BoonEx Unity; one installation; PrimExtras and "Featured Listing".

Click here to read more about Prime or order it here.

Premium Membership

As you may already know we plan to move BoonEx.com to the Dolphin platform. With this update, we'll also introduce "Premium Membership", which will substitute for "Contributor Membership", for the same price ($20/month). The real news here is that we plan to actually turn it into a service, with proper support, extras, features, exclusive info, etc.

For any questions regarding your current license update or about the new pricing, please contact Mike at presale@boonex.com .

I hope and believe that this will be a great change. There's now simply no software with a comparable feature set available at this same price-range. Dolphin should have been, and now is, very affordable. We want to spread out and become widely-adopted, and a larger userbase and infrastructure will help us improve the product and attract more partners and developers.

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Big step in the right direction !

This is really great news!!!!!
Thanks to Boonex for this insight, this will give more people to setup a good site.
unbelievable, amazing and unbelievable again ;-)
Good call Boonex. This will make things better for you and potential buyers. Atleast now I can save up to buy licenses when needed.
Woo Hoo... this is the best news I've had all morning. 2 Thumbs for Boonex!
humm still a bit pricey for me, and especially confusing, but thats ok... i'm waiting for hookie, to see if i'm going to use it or not ^_^
this sounds like a really positive business and strategy descision
This is great news!
Not like it really matters but would the money be dealt with the AUD or the USD?
Andrew Boon
We're selling in USDs now, since most of our expenses, including development are in USD.
Good news if that includes all Ray!!!
Andrew Boon
It does include all Flash apps (formerly known as Ray widgets).
then it's good news indeed! :)
can you explain what you mean exactly by apps re-branding rights
Andrew Boon
We plan to release iPhone and Android Apps under BoonEx brand along with Dolphin 7. Since approval process of respective "App Stores" is quite complicated we try to limit the amount of potential "submissions" of independent apps. Thus only Prime customers would be able to take the source code and change the app to something like "MySite iPhone App" and offer to their members. Others would have to offer the BoonEx App, which can connect to multiple Dolphin-based sites.

Similar see more considerations are applied to the Desktop App. First you'd want to have the Adobe certificate for it and additionally, we don't want multiple desktop-app clones out there, we need to limit it to the businesses which really plan to invest hard into promotion.
Thanks Boonex for thinking about all range of clients.
It is a pity you do not give warning to price changes :(

Your new 'prime' appears to now be just one licence, whereas the smartpro that it replaced was 3 licences.

Or is it just bad wording?


Oh and BTW - are your prices Australian or USD.
SmartPro up until a few weeks ago was, 1 lifetime license, up to 3 installs and customer service and such for $998.00. Then UnoBoonex changed it to $2900 for 5 Lifetime licenses (which was a better deal than $998 for 1) and now it's returned to what it originally was.
Thanks mydatery (sorry not sure if I am replying to you or me LOL)
Looks like I was wrong - guess I got confused with the original smartpro offering which I am sure was AUD$998 for 3 copies, prior to the recent changes.
So my original SmartPro is now considered Prime?
Andrew Boon
Yes, and we'll tolerate the initial package offerings as well, such as multiple installations. So it's still the SmartPro that you've bought, plus the terms of the Prime.
Thanks for the response. What do yo mean by multiple installations?
Alright so if I understand this correctly, the Permanent License remains the same, just a lower price?
After I did a simple math, I've found out that dolphin+ray+orca version 7 is cheaper than v6.. Great!
This is really a generous offer! Godspeed!
That's some great news..thanks unoboonex !!!
I think you will make more sales at these prices, and the new product is certainly worth it. I think the price for the premium membership in Boonex is a bit high though- at least it is for me. We are all getting hit with monthly charges these days - what about half of that? - $10 a month, or $100 a year. That would be a good deal, especially if Boonex staff participated more in the forum, as many of us wish they would.
i think you should just give that to those who cant afford $20.00.


Andrew Boon
$20 per month should be ok I believe, we should just try to provide more for the money and improve over time.
it's Really more than great news and wonderfull step

and nice prices .. but please allow payments for moneybookers.com bank I'm waiting this step :)

thank you so much BOONEX

I remember getting chastised when I asked this question: http://www.boonex.com/unity/forums/#topic/How-Much-Should-Dolphin-Cost-.htm back in February. Interesting to see that some people who thought Dolphin was priced correctly at $998, now think the lower pricing is a positive business strategy :)

Andrew, I believe you have made the right decision to lower prices. It is a proven fact, that higher prices don't always result in higher profits. I believe you will see a much higher sales volume see more at this price, and a larger bottom line than ever before. The price of $299, may not be the perfect price point, but I believe it's a lot closer than it ever was before.

The more Boonex profits from Dolphin, the better things will be for all of us.

I do agree with Caltrade in that $20 per month, or $240 per year, for premium membership is a bit high. This is another area where I believe you will need to find the ideal price point, so that you can maximize the revenues generated by this premium membership, so that it can be self-sustaining and cover the costs associated with providing the extra services. Instinct tells me that $240 per year is not that ideal price point. If you price this membership at $50 - $60 per 6 month period, I believe you will get a lot more takers and more easily cover the cost of the extra resources needed to provide this increased level of service.
Andrew Boon
With Premium membership - it's something we should work on for some time to tell if the price is right. You know how it works... wages, bills vs income, etc...
Houston - the reason you were chastised when you wrote that post was because you could get a permanent license for $100. Most of us knew that this was a great deal and didn't want to draw too much attention from Boonex that it may have been underpriced. Plus, I don't think most people expected an unannounced price increase. As you know, that is exactly what happened when Boonex announced an almost eight fold price increase. I more or less led the protest against this, and if you think you were see more "chastised" I got rather brutally attacked for even expressing this opinion, and took about 100 negative votes I think. Most of the members here will generally support whatever Boonex says - but that does not necessarily mean they will support it, or that those policies in the real world. Another reason that post may have raised some eyebrows was because it was really Boonex's responsibility to ask that question - and with their automated polling technology right there, I am surprised the didn't.
Unoboonex - saying premium membership is "something we should work on for some time" is the right approach. I don't know what you plan to offer in "premium membership" but if you set the price too high, then the demands will also be high - some people here might expect unreasonable levels of technical support. Have you thought of something much lower - maybe $30 a year and $50 lifetime? I am on a support board for some directory software that is $30 lifetime and it has been sustainable.
The new prices are good with the possible exception of the premium membership. That seems sky high to me, but maybe that's *just* me.

With that said, I really think Boonex is missing the larger picture when it comes to clearing a profit on Dolphin.

The #1 thing that will get you sales is to get Dolphin 7 finished & out the door. Many people don't realize that their licenses will follow them on an upgrade. There have been many questions posted about this in the forums and answers sections. see more

Imagine how many people aren't asking - and just assuming the license is only good for 6.1x? Those folks are either going to wait, or not buy at all.

The second thing is options. Your pricing structure is great. You are on or above par with other major social scripts in that regards. But the options are limited.


Another timed license or two wouldn't hurt as a choice. Say a 180 day license. Maybe even a 30 day to let beginners cut their teeth - but still purchase something. People get hooked easily by 30 day licenses/contracts. Charge $20 a pop for it and that is $20 you may not have had otherwise.

Also the "Premium Membership" could easily be split into several products which could be added to the overall selections. You can still maintain the same price structure, or even add on to it for the convenience of getting a feature individually.

You would still keep the overall "Premium Membership" because it an option. Options are good.

Bottom line is.... more choices = more sales.

If Amazon only had 5 products to choose from they would never make a profit. I think Boonex needs to look at things this way.

Dolphin 7 is the "Amazon" of social networking. Use that to your advantage and the sales will never be an issue again.

I suspect this will never get read by Boonex, but it's my thoughts on the subject.

This is a good day though. Please don't get me wrong. =D
Hardly the right analogy. Comparing Dolphin with Amazon is like chalk and cheese.

Amazon is in the retailing business -- of course they have to have plenty of items to sell because, well, that's what retailers do. Dolphin is hardly a retailer.
Yeah, the analogy is horribly flawed. I was in a hurry and Amazon came to mind.

The "more options" part was what I was pushing.

See why I'm not a politician? ; )

Will there also still be a free Dolphin or is this going to be a non-open source software?
I wish the free version would go away.... one can only hope. A lot of annoying things would go away.
Andrew Boon
There will still be a free version, and Dolphin will remain open-source.
new pricing and a new product that doesn work? hmmmmm say what u will as i am for the price change but did i get lost somewhere as am must be paying to much attention to the product.
I think you got lost somewhere. So far, there is an old product (D6), and a new product still under development (D7). So..... you can't really say that there is a new product that doesn't work.
Well that's a rather dramatic cut. While I have no objection to anyone selling their goods at a price of their choice, cutting a product's price by 333% makes me feel puzzled. Price development of an established product usually follows some sort of predictable curve.

Every product has a price tag expressing its value, and when value and price match, you have customers. Too low stretches and runs your infrastructure down, too high leaves you stranded. How do you assess the value of your product? see more Is Dolphin's value and worth a variable? And is it FF or Alpha? =)
I always assumed (without any evidence, I know!) that their previous pricing already had support and all other stuff wrapped into it. What they've done now is separate the product ($299 for forever license) and the support component ($240/year).

So, under this scenario, the one-off $798 (was it?) it would have cost you before to get one forever license+support will give you only two years of support instead. Total cost for us (those using ad-free) is actually higher, but entry cost is lower.

It see more makes sense to separate the support component explicitly, as there are those who prefer to continue using the free license. This gives them the opportunity to get proper support, even though they haven't purchased a paid license.
Andrew Boon
There's no stock limit on licenses, and it all boil down to how much time we spend and how much money we get in total. We wanted to try different approach, but it became obvious that BoonEx software should be more affordable and we should rely on more sales/installations, since we plan to rely on the "ecosystem" more - such as partners, extensions, membership, etc.
Andrew Boon
Plus, separating product and support would let us access our support expenses/staffing needs better and in turn should improve it.
Separating the product (D7) from the service (support) makes a lot of sense.

$20/month for support, to me, is not unreasonable, provided I get the agreed level of service with that (ie it REALLY delivers). At the end of the day, if it's support that truly gets me out of potholes and it's reliable, then the cost-benefit equation easily tips to the 'benefit' side.

And that's just for one site. But since I intend to run a few D-powered sites, my support cost per site will be truly low.
Actually, it's a 72% price cut. You can't cut a price by more than 100% :)
Right! Would be bad business if you had to start paying to your customers! Does anyone have the old prices (and the ones before that) handy? I'd be curious to see where the price roller coaster came from and where it's going.
Andrew Boon
Old prices:

90 days - $90, now $39
400 days - $299, now $99
Unlim - $799, now 299
Spro - $2900, now changed to Prime, single license - $998
I think that is even better than it was before ..... :)
I think it's not the issue of pricing that caused fewer sales but the delay of D7. Most are waiting for the RC which was scheduled long time before and which is now in Beta 1 only.
Andrew Boon
It's only the lower sales. We've had that before, can stand it again. IT's a lot more about vision as a whole, and things we've forgotten to consider at the previous price change.
NOW, i'm ready for 7. I have been looking at many scripts and liked this one but honestly the price for licensing was astronomical compared to other commercial ones. The price is very competitive now. I will reinstall BETA and most likely will get the license now. Thank you for the well needed adjustment.
That Suks! I just paid $90 a couple of days ago.
That Suks! I just paid $90 a couple of days ago.

On the bright side, I will be going prime before my 90 days are up, so I guess I save over the long run. So okay, it doesn't completely suk. =)
$300 for a permanent license is a very, very good deal. I've paid more in the past for just a decent chat script.

If I had Premium membership, would this include getting help setting up the Ray Media Server? This is the only thing I need help with.
Andrew Boon
Prime includes an installation, which assumes Media Server setup as well.
"Crackling popping corn in a sizzling tin can, Robin, that's just plain great"
can someone tell me when this D v7 will be released

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.