Unity Market has been updated.

AntonLV posted 25th of January 2010 in Boonex News. 14 comments.

I'd just like to share some info about the new Unity Market. The old version of Unity and Expertzzz has different features (modules) to post Products, Jobs, and Ads. All of these features were combined into one and are now named Market.

The new Unity was released on 25.12.09 with the new Market feature, but it had some defects, which can confuse members who wanted to post Job offers or Ads. These appeared, because Market had a lot of fields related to Extensions and were redundant for Ads, Jobs, etc.

Boonex updated the Unity Market making it clearer and easier to use for all members of the community. Now, the post creation form has a list of fields ('Title', 'Description', 'Tags' and some others) applicable for all types of Market posts and fields('Additional info') related to specific post types. These fields may be used to provide more info about your post.

For example, you might want to create a Job offer. In this case, you need to do the following:

  • Enter Title and Description of the job.
  • Enter Tags. Don't forget to choose the 'Jobs' tag from the recommended set of tags. It will help other users to see the type of your post.
  • You may enter the URL link in 'Support forum' if you created a post in the Forums section where you want to discuss the Job offer. Note: You may use links which are pointed to Unity Forums only.
  • Upload some images or files if you want to attach them to the job description.
  • Use 'Other' as price.
  • In the 'Additional Info' field you may add a number of fields by clicking on the 'Add more info' link. In the newly added fields, you may see a dropdown field 'Name' where you may choose necessary values from Jobs section.
  • Now you are ready to submit your offer.

P.S. For everybody who wanted to add a thumbnail to the post and uploaded an image, but it didn't appear as a thumbnail after the post was submitted, don't forget to click on the little circle at the top left corner of the image to mark it as a thumbnail.

Good Luck!!!

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Awesome! Can't wait to try it out :D
This looks like a mess at first glance. Sorry guys, but it does.

Not seeing how the Jobs Listings are going to be able to stand out from the Mod Listings. Noticing you have to scroll down and then click a button and a drop down menu to find how to even do a job listing.

This is reminiscent of the work put into Orca. Not a good thing at all.
Unity Market is indeed a mess.

abort, retry, fail?
I have to agree, the market is a mess. As i'm browsing through, I have "first", page numbers, and "last", but there is no "next". If I view an item in the market that is on page 6, then hit back in my browser to go back, i'm back on page 1 again. Why? Shouldn't I go back to page 6 again?

Another complaint. TAGS. There is no standard with tags. If I want to change the look of my site, Do I want a Template, a Skin, or a Theme? I could call it any of them. Every see more one of those tags are there, along with various varieties, and not every skin is listed under ever tag. So now it comes down to:

dolphin7 skin
dolphin7 template
dolphin template
dolphin theme

So where do I look? I start at one of the tags, nothing I want there. So I hit "back" in my browser. #$%#$$% back to page 1 again. What page was I just on? No a good experience.

So, the market should not have user defined tags. There should be fixed categories and sub categories. This would help eliminate things being all over the place.

I'm frustrated trying to find things and then I just give up. That translates to a lost sale for someone.
Still confusing. Where is the D7, D6, D7&D6 options? If I go to the market and want templates for D7, then I should be able to choose D7, then templates; not search through 50 to find which ones are for d7.
Sounds familiar?

Indeed the market is a BIG MESS!
Default tags are used as categories. If you take a look at market post snippets on home page you'll see something like this 'by kevinmitnick in Extensions' therefore in my example I chose Jobs tag from the recommended tag set.
We need categories folks!

- Dophin 6.x Templates
- Dophin 7.x Templates
- Dophin 6.x Mods
- Dophin 7.x Modules
- Jobs

We also need a slide show with template images..
Sorry Anton, but if your going to stick to tags, then you need to increase the recommend tag set and prevent users from entering their own. Because as it stands now, there are hundreds of tags. It is difficult to find anything in the market.
As you may see the system is live and Boonex is working to make it better. Recommended tags(categories) were separated in the new block on the market home page.
I'm beginning to wonder what good these blog comments are if the original author doesn't come back in and comment on them.
well i think expertzzz is more user friendly!
well i think expertzzz is more user friendly and better!
well i think expertzzz is more user friendly! everything clear there.
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.