The damn things are back again, 4 days as far as I know. But we're prepping for 7. I'm about done fawning over the new work when the old work still isn't functioning.
Boonex, pay attantion. I am only one customer, but I have paid my full dues, didn't use the contributors gig to enable not sending real cash.. I've tried to support the community.. but I'm about fed up.
Or find a way we can edit the picture files so at least when your dolphin icons pop up, they're icons I can choose. How long could it take you to allow me an authorised icon to display in leiu of your brand marks?
You know, if you sold cars, and the titles reverted to the manufacturer at random times, there would be a lawsuit. You're treading on the same issue here.
You can't remove it, but if you comment it out, at least you'll never have to look at the footers again.
Houston, I'll try that but it seemed to me the last time I tried to do anythign with them, i got a few error results and some message about trying to remove the things illegally. Normally the only route that's worked for me has been re-saving my licence in the advanced settings see more
Changing the line in templates/tmpl_uni/_footer.html to:
<!-- __boonex_footers__ -->
should make the footers go away forever. If you just remove the line, you'll get the... you've removed the footers without..bla bla bla error.
Now wondering what the include base footer thing is. But, no mattah! It's fixed now.
But see, if boonex included that wee bit of info during the install process, or when purchasing licence, Or kept a note up by the paid licenses, it would at least show they are motiated to support the customer's ad-free purchase, instead of leaving it up to peer-peer see more
I'm having the "__boonex_footers__" problem myself now and there just seems to be no answer for it.
Admittedly, I see more