Dolphin 8 Preview - Page Builder

Andrew Boon posted 16th of February 2012 in News. 52 comments.

Finally the time has come to play with the most exciting of the Dolphin builders. With the new "Pages" builder in Studio, Dolphin (despite being at the early stage of development) already becomes a somewhat useful CMS. Effectively, we can now create pages with different content blocks, interlink them using Navigation Builder and thus construct a classy website! Don't do it at home though - this is a super-raw material!


So, watch the video below and see how Dolphin now supports multiple layouts, integrated menus and a variety of page blocks. As an example I've created a sample page "About Dolphins" adding typical blocks. Once other Modules start providing their blocks it would be possible to add comments, members, notes, etc, etc. This is only the foundation - BoonEx and external developers will make shine!


This is also the first operational preview of the user-interface and we're as excited as kids in a candy store. The times they are a changin'... Woot-woot!



Attention Developers: Read the Dolphin 8 Pages Development API to learn how to make your modules work well with the new "Pages" builder. The more you know now - the better product you'd be able to produce once Dolphin 8 is released.

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Well, its crystal clear now that D8 is trying to behave a neutral wordpress brother.
Not a social cms!
Andrew Boon
Incorrect. It's just that at this stage it already can do almost everything Wordpress does. Yet, we're not even close to what it is going to be. Stay tuned.
the concept is solid. still i would want my members to create their own pages... eventhough Boonex wants to stand apart from facebook. the end users, will like to have a different social network which works like facebook :(
Andrew Boon
Please, give example of what kind of pages you want your users to be able to create?

As for "social network that works like Facebook"... why do you think users would "want" this? Moreover, why do you think that innovation and success comes from making a copy of something that users already know and have?
Thanks for asking,
Its not just pages

as a site owner i want to buy 10 best social games, 10 group plugins, 10 chat and other apps etc from Uniity.


let them search in my domain and whatever apps, games, pages, mods THEY WANT...
let them instal to their profile and use...


give api access to Unity market...

Let my users buy/get free apps, games, whatever they want from unity market and install it.

but then the see more mod developments should not be targeted to boonex dolphin but to boonex dolphin users...
Andrew Boon
I see. What you're suggesting is yet another layer on top of what we're building. The foundation is there, however we are looking into ways to keep web-masters build site that would appear independent from BoonEx. At some stage, I wouldn't rule out a possibility of reaching out to the end users as app curators. We'll see how it goes.
the only reason few people still believe and stay in boonex irrespective of any circumstances... Your Promise!!!
Andrew Boon
"We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope."
Martin Luther King, Jr.
Interesting but how do you control the width of each column?
Also can we add more than one block per row in the same column (also controllable individual width) and then under them a block with the full column width?
Andrew Boon
Width of each column will be controlled by template. We see it's a more logical way to handle it - too many custom templates get broken with incorrect column-width choice.

Multiple-blocks per row would complicate the system and interface and code. We don't want to go that way in D8. We want it functional and simple and fast.

As a workaround you could use a "content only" block and HTML to mimic multiple blocks within one row manually, if absolutely needed. I don't' see much use see more for this though.
Oh nice then, but it will be a good idea if you also create a system for template designers so they can have adjustable values and settings in admin panel for each template (like the simple wordpress template settings).
Custom text fields, dropdown menus, sliders, image uploaders (for logo and slide shows), variables, template css edit in admin panel etc. So you can control for example the copyright text, some footer links (social links) or as you said the number of columns and their width, different see more javascript settings etc..
Andrew Boon
We got this. Every template has its own settings page in studio, where
Developers can add anything they want.
Looks pretty good, but also looks very much like Headway Themes 3.0 for WordPress
it does look more versatile than what we currently have... but.... It uses the awfull timy mec editor with the stupidly small editing window again..... please boonex..... chage the editor to somthing where we can actualy see what we are editing and give us the tools to do something decent with it.
it will also include a WYSIWYG editor
wooohooo... perhaps bbonex are learning lol.
Andrew Boon
Glad you asked...

We've spend good few days trying to figure out which WISYWIYG editor to include. We installed half a dozen of them, looked into the code, features, design, rendering, etc. We really wanted to find something better than TinyMCE. We didn't. CKeditor is awful. Smaller/JS-based editors are way too limited. So, we've ended up going for TinyMCE again, with some tweaking. More importantly, we've added one more editor as an option and a support to install and use any 3rd-party editor see more you'd want. Also TinyMCE has a "full-screen" option to let you edit in large area.
Now thats what i call an improvement..
it makes me want to test it all :)
Need it to be more like Joomla, its the best when it comes to customization of sites.

Boonex is Great, but they all look the same, need the format to be more customizable.

Nathan Paton
I've seen, and have been able to make, some Dolphin sites that look nothing like stock Dolphin. It takes more work, but it's doable.

There are a lot of large and nicely-done Dolphin sites, but none of the owners of these sites hang around Unity, and I don't blame them. Mostly because these people hire developers to create the site, and they choose Dolphin, so there's really no connection to BoonEx, except for the license in the developer's account.
Andrew Boon
Dolphin is highly customisable already, and D8 is even more so. It's just that not many people bother to modify it much. D8 supports quick'n'easy templates installation though - so that'd help.
This will take Dolphin to a whole new level..awesome!!!
can i say WOW!!! thats looks amzing does anyone know when D8 is coming out i cant wait :) great job you guys
Hi can anyone answer please will D8 be release by christmas or is it going to take a few years. many thanks
Andrew Boon
Noone can answer that. Sorry. Yet, I have a feeling that the future is bright.
I liked it very much. That will be a big success!
I would really like to see a feature in the pages builder that can handle multible languages.
I run a site in two languages and I need to add blocks in more than one language.
Any thought about this?
Yes, there is already language block for this purpose, but in this demo it was added and then immediately deleted: 4:50 - 5:00
Wow, the builder is awesome, great, nice big improvement!!!
but who is the creator of this video???
he should makes better one in next,, (^^,)
Sweeeeeet Page Builder and the music is pretty Sweet too, is that American BlueGrass Jazz, is that really and Genre? :)
By the time the D8 is released, its features are already obsolete.. or not amazing at all! And then we would be demanding future requests again, then come up with a new version :(. So, I just hope that the boonex developers could release the D8 ASAP, it's been long delayed already sorry to say so. cheers!
Andrew Boon
The idea of D8 is that it wouldn't become obsolete because of features - it is not about features at all. It is a platform that would aggregate modules, which in turn would provide features. Those modules will be coming quickly enough I'm sure. So, cheer up!
but would be nicer if
admin could add background color or fotos for indiviual pages
admin could use dreamweaver as editor. (when i create a page i first use dreamweaver then when i upload the code in tiny mce it dosent come back as i created it)
admin can upload foto and videos direct from computer? its a hassle to always upload from url
admin can create difrent types of members pages? example 1 (a page with only top menu where CUSTOMIZE PAGE is a drop down menu and member see more can upload foto or video advertisement with links. from computer to a blank page without blocks or menus.) example 2 (artist page--slide show below top menu biography block underneath slide show) There are difrent membership types each membership type should have difrent type of page to adjust to membership.
Andrew Boon
Some of the suggestions you came up with are being worked on. Some will be made possible with additional modules. The only thing I can hardly imagine is compatibility of Dreamweaver and TinyMCE. If, however, you agree with the DW markup - you can just use "Raw" block and it would just use your provided HTML without any modification.
When will dolphin 8 release ?
Awesome job. Looking forward to the release of 8. Keep up the good work, Andrew. Despite the negative feedback, I think this is great and can't wait to implement it.

For those of you who have negative comments, you do have a choice as to whether or not you continue using Dolphin. Stop bringing complaints to the table if you don't have a solution. Either help them code or shut up and move on.
Andrew Boon
Comments, positive or negative, are all precious. It is incredibly humbling and reassuring that people care to spend some time and share their feelings about something we are creating. Thank you for heads up! :)
Nathan Paton
You do realize that BoonEx offers paid licenses and products, don't you? If I bought Enterprise and had complaints, I shouldn't have to dig down into the code and fix the problems myself. Of course, free users are in no position to really complain, but it doesn't mean they should be ignored.
Looking good Andrew. Can't wait till we can start using it. Looks to be very efficient.
This is actually what I was looking for when I wanted to build a social network area for my users. I have not committed to buying this product yet as I am still having trouble building a store and offering the products I wish to sell. If I purchase this product now or in the near future, will D8 be an included update and if so, how long will the updates be good for?
Andrew Boon
Dolphin licenses are all permanent. They include all versions, current and future.
What about the ability to re-size blocks to span across another block. For example, create one big wide block that spans across let's three blocks right below it.
Nathan Paton
I couldn't really see, but the video shows a layout called "top area with 3 columns." Looks to be it. I might have to take a look at the demo site (depending on if it will work there).
Nathan Paton
Checked, looks to be so.

I should add that the revision right after mine pretty much broke everything again. Talk about luck.
Amazing, seem to be sooo mutch easyer to work with
i think i will stay with Dolphin to try out version 8
When is the release date Boon??
Is Boonex having problems to deliver a finalized stable and tested version of Dolphin? I began to check this website every 30 or more days, and still no news are posted here... Is it even close to it?

With so many other social scripts around (you know exactly which ones deliver and which ones don´t) what is the use of waiting for ever for the dolphin to be born??

This is serious. Boonex is proud to offer a free social script, but then it´s almost impossible to find good free addons and mods. see more With other paid scripts (or even joomla) you get tons of free, tested and stable mods of all kinds... Something must be changed soon at Boonex I guess.

Please throw some light here!

Kind regards,

My biggest question - Is there an upgrade path from 7.09 to 8.0?
Andrew this looks awesome, when can we expect to be able to test it on our own sites? I am currently doing allot of work with mine and am excited to get hold of it..
Looks so good :) just wanted to say that I'm smiling like all of you, when I'm watching this :) I love internet :)
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.