deano92964Top  3271 (98.6%)

Deanos Tools


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.8.7

Added: 17.06.10

Updated: 26.02.21

Category: Administration

Tags: extensions, deanos tools, dolphin 7.1, deanos, deano, tools

Demo: This is a administrative module. No demo available.  username - Not applicable.,password - Not applicable.

Support Forum:

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Dean Bassett Jr. ( see more and cannot be modified other than personal use. This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Dean Bassett Jr.

Technical Checklist...

Deanos tools is back. This current version will work on Dolphin 7.4.2 only.

This module provides a set of additional tools for Dolphin 7.4.2.

The tools provide an easy way to do a variety of tasks that are not available stock with Dolphin.

This module will be updated as I add more tools.

Support for this module is provided via the forums at

You may also make suggestions in the forum for tools you would like to see added to future releases.

Tools included in this version are as follows.

1) Tools Config Settings

2) Site Administrators Section.
This section allows you to promote any standard member of your site to administrator.
Links to viewing their profile and editing their account are provided in this section as well.
A link is also provided to allow you to logon as that member. The logon is done within a
framed page with the site appearing in the bottom frame, and a link to switch back to admin
provided in the top frame.

Allows you to quickly login to any members account, do any fixes you needed to do and then
quickly switch back to admin.

3) Set Copyright Text
Change the copyright text that appears at the bottom to the site for any of the installed languages.

4) Edit About Us Page
This section allows you to edit your sites About Us page for any installed language.

5) Edit Privacy Page
This section allows you to edit your sites Privacy page for any installed language.

6) Edit Terms of Use Page
This section allows you to edit your sites Terms of Use page for any installed language.

7) Edit FAQ Page
This section allows you to edit your sites FAQ page for any installed language.

8) Shoutbox Messages
Allows you to clear shoutbox messages.

9) Site Tags
Allows you to view the sites current tags and easly remove any that you choose.

10) SQL Query Tool
This will allow you to perform a MySQL Query. NOTE: This does not return any results.
It is intended to be used to inject query data into the database. You can paste an entire
SQL backup file, or SQL files for mods into this box as well as single line queries.

As of version 1.4 you can also upload SQL files to be run as well.

11) Remove Spam Messages
This will delete ALL messages sent to every member that matches the senders member
ID specified. Member ID's are used instead of names so it will work even if the
member is no longer in the database.

12) Set Width of All Pages.
Here you can change the width of all page builder pages in one shot. Use it to reset
the pages back to the default of 998px, or set all the pages to a value you specify in the box.

13) Insert PHP Block.
From here you can easily insert a php block onto any page currently in the page builders.

14) Edit/Delete PHP Block.
Here you can edit any PHP block that exists in the page builders. Not only can you edit your own
PHP blocks, but you can also edit all existing dolphin PHP blocks as well.

15) Delete Cache Contents.
Selectively delete contents of cache, cache_public and tmp folders.

16) Icon Lookup
This section allows you to lookup the name of any Font Awesome icons currently installed in Dolphin.

17) IP address Log.
Deanos Tools 1.7 logs ip addresses. This section displays the logs.

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Support Forum Feed
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thanks for a great mod.


Deano does great work. All of his work is very professional, and product support is excellent. Buy Deano's mods with confidence.

Thanks for the free mod Deano.... works great!
Truly an extraordinary mod. Your site should not be without this. Highly recommend this! I would've paid for this mod.
Very good work. As HL says, very profewwional. I have bought a few mods from Deano. All 100% quality mods. Recommended coder.
Great mod, great price.
Good to see this is now a featured mod - well deserved.
Great mod from great professional. Thanks Deano for your hard work and giving it FREE.
Thank's a lot Bro

can you make a new version so the croping tool page for avatar crop the avatar automaty many member skeep the page and they don't have a picture or avatar o nthe member block and looks uggly

It saved my day after I had a problem with sudden page width changes.
I use ithe tools quite often. Great tools, very professional.
I posted there and now I post here. Perfect, perfect perfect. There is nothing else to say.
does this version work for dolphin 7.0.2? or is this in the working .
This is an awesome little addition. Makes so many things easier. Thank you very much!
This is very useful mode and it makes using Dolphin very easy. It would be very nice in next versions to make Tags section easy to use. I mean page pagination, sorting by last added and by name, searching for tags. For example I have more than 6000 tags in my site and it loads all of them for long time to one page. It is difficult to find tags.

Thank you very much!
Thanks for this mod, great tool and updates and support for free are great unexpected features
so yep, I went ahead and made this my first module installation on my site and I was impressed at not only the ease of installation but the concise instructions. There is no way for you NOT to be able to installe this module. I was soooo impressed, I donated 5 bucks! I DON'T DO THINGS LIKE THAT EVER.That says alot about how I feel!

Fire Module
Thanks for a great Mod. It is great to see that some people is willing to dish out FreeB's that could safe any Dolphin Web Owner a lot of time changing or removing unwanted data. Thanks.
Wonderful Mod!!! Thank you!! It is definitely of good use!!
Its definitive a perfect mod to make things a lot more easy.

Thanks :-)
Nice set of tools. Thank you!
Deano...great tool!

On your next version...please consider adding the ability to search for a member by email address.
More From deano92964
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.