modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

Business Listings


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.2.5

Added: 24.07.10

Updated: 07.09.20

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, business, directory, paypal, payment, modzzz, google map, local, product

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

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License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

A thorough Business Directory implementation. This Premium version allows Paid listings and Paid Featured listings, drill-down by location (country=>state=>city), discussion forum for businesses etc.



This is an optional feature that allows your site to charge fees for listings.

Packages - Admin can create different packages with different benefits. The variables are :
a) Allow Videos
b) Allow Photos
c) Allow Sounds
d) Allow Files
e) Number of Days a Listing will show for

Possibility to have both Free and Paid Packages. In addition to paid Packages, Admin can create Promotional Packages that allows the posting of Free listings for a specific length of time.

Invoices - View page to list all outstanding Invoices

Orders - View page to list all Orders


At any time BEFORE a Listing expires, the owner can choose to extend the length of time it is listed for

At any time AFTER a Listing expires, the owner can choose to RE-LIST the listing. This is very convenient as it prevents the member from having to create the listing from scratch again. During re-listing, a different Package can be chosen if desired.


Admin has the ability to create promotional Packages that allows the Free listing of Business for a specified length of time.


This is an optional feature that allows a Site Administrator to charge fees for Featuring Business Listings.

Admin can set the cost per day for a listing to remain featured.


You can drill down by both Categories and Sub-Categories.

Categories/Sub-Categories are multi-language compatible.

Ability to make some Categories Private (only Admin can post in these)

Comprehensive list of Business Categories and Sub-Categories with over 2500 Business Categories included


Google maps (with street view) on Business listing view and main page.


The mod includes a listing of States/Regions for all Countries. When adding an Business Listing, the State field is automatically populated upon selection of a Country.

You can drill down Business Listings based on location. An additional section is included which lists all Countries in the world. Upon selection of a Country, all regions in that Country are displayed. Upon selection of a Region, the listings occurring at that location are displayed.

Business Listing main page detects the profile Country of the viewer and displays a listing of the corresponding States


Business Listings in My Area - Displays the Business Listings located in the same City that the member is located.

My Business Listings - Displays the Business Listings posted by the member.


Admin can configure Business Listings to send reminders to the list owner a preset number of days before the listing expires and/or a preset number of days after the listing expires.


Forum is tightly integrated to facilitate discussion on a Business Listing


Adds the ability to limit viewing of an individual Business Listing to a particular Membership Level


Adds the ability for Admin to restrict upload of Videos, Photos, Sounds and Files to particular membership levels. This is in addition to restrictions for Paid listings

Adds the ability to allow members to Embed Videos from Video Sharing sites such as Youtube


Admin can create Business Listings that the real owners/operators can later claim.

Business owner can claim a listing and send a message to Admin with verification details of their ownership.

Section in admin to list all claims received. Admin can assess claims and either delete the Claim or assign the listing to the claimant. Upon assignment by Admin, a message is sent to the claimant, notifying them that the listing has been assigned to them.


Ability to upload a Photo Gallery

Ability to upload a Video Gallery - For example, this is useful for nightclubs to upload video clips.

Ability to upload a File Gallery - For example, this is useful for restaurants to upload menus.

Ability to upload a Sounds Gallery - This is useful for announcements etc.


Advanced search functionality to allow searching by Keyword, Category, Sub-Category, Country, State, City


Members can Rate Directory Listings

Members can Comment on Directory Listings

Members can Request more Information about a Directory Listing


Allows sharing of the Business listing on Twitter, Facebook and other popular networks

Members can Share Directory Listings with other site members or external friends.

If you also have our Places mod, there is optional integration so its possible to attach Businesses to a particular Place.

If you also have our Coupons mod, there is optional integration so its possible to offer Coupons for Businesses.

If you also have our Deals mod, there is optional integration so its possible for Businesses to offer Deals.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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I got this mod because I wanted to expand my site for business also! THANKS much modzzz, just what I was looking for! 5 stars!
lean and easy installation a MUST have on every community web site that respects its members!!!
well done Modzzz and thanks.
Another fantastic Mod from Modzzz, A great guy to deal with.
First class mods from a first class guy.
Have 9 mods now and will have more next week.
My members love these mods.
We had a few hic ups here and there. But all in all modzzz came thru on his end. So far I got 2 of his mods and I can defenitely say he isn't out to scam you, he actually does good work. The mods i got are worth more then what he is charging thats for sure. Peace
great product and super fast support!
I would like to change the map icon for my business listings depending on category. Can you help with that?
has been a great value to my website. His work and ideas brings life to the site. He was on top of this work and help! I recommend him personally!..And, I am willing to share my experience with him personally..So, I like his work and efforts as they bring value to this community!...
Fantastic Mod - I had a senior moment while installing it but modzzz identified the issue and solved it for me within minutes.
Great Product! Super Quick Support (10 stars for support) . I'm a bit of a nube and I had an issue or two, but modzzz quickly provided me with great advice. Everything is up and running and seems to be working great.
Does anyone know if this MOD works with the latest version of dolphin? I purchased it and installed it and when I click on the links for creating a business listing all I get is brooken html links....any ideas what might be wrong???
I communicated with this client via PM and realized that his problem was caused because he did not properly install the mod. I would like to point out that this is not the proper channel for getting support. There is a forum section for support and there is also Private Message system. This section is strictly for Review.
Modzzz mods are amazing. I have bought several of them - and i am adding them one by one - I am delighted with the quality and ease of installation. Great job - you have yet another loyal customer.
Amazing mod with superb quality. If you want to get serious with your website, then this guy has the solution for you!
I installed this mod today, been playing around with it. So far I am well impressed! Support has been first class, I knew it would be as I also have his Ultimate Articles mod.

Keep up the good work!
This is a very nice module except for the Facebook Comments feature; all fb comments are showing even if it's not intended for a particular listing that is being viewed. I hope modzzz will be able to address this issue soon.....
Another much needed feature on my site, and I could see this type of directory adding value to many other communities. Incredible SEO opportunity here, installation was simple and the configuration is very straight forward. Highly recommended!
Jerome always helped me in everything i needed, i know he has a lot of work, yet he always gave me excellence in their work and personal attention.
I owe alot to Jerome, the best mods ob Boonex are from him, actually i am planning to buy them all because their products and services deserve more than five stars!!!
am having a problem with this module sub-categories. Those sub-categories with an apostrophe dont work or load there items, eg "Furniture Dealers' Showrooms (3)" wouldn't work at all ...Please check it out here kindly assist me to resolve this problem. I know you needed to apply the function mysql_real_escape_string($sUri) but am not sure where exactly to apply it ...
The best business advertising and promotion to hit the web....nothing is close! You must have all three mods!

OK folks... the daily deal and coupon craze has now hit, and Modzzz has the answer! First you install this fabulous coupons mod, then install his Premium Business Listings and also his Jobs modules... and a business can have a huge presence, and offer deals as well as advertise open positions foe hire! Nothing even close, and they will come to pay for a profile for business! Great JOB!!!! see more Needs 6 stars!!!
Functions just as described, easy to use and well laid out.
Modzzz provides ongoing updates, additions and great support.
Has become an essential for me and comes well recommended.
In fact, the whole 'premium' range by Modzzz gets by 100% backing :-)
Awesome mods, awesome support, quality service before and after purchase ;)

I think the above says all that needs saying about Modzzz
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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.