modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

Points System


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.2.0

Added: 19.03.10

Updated: 06.10.19

Category: Other

Tags: points, modzzz, extensions, paypal, membership, donate, money, tokens, credits

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

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License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

By far, the most comprehensive Points System available for Dolphin. Covers all site activities, including forums post/replies, adding of items, commenting and voting on items and even voting on comments. Built-in Levels System , Two-Way Points Feature, Auto-Membership Upgrade, Leader Board, Ranking System ... See Below for full listing.


* Uses the Alerts System. No Dolphin files are modified.

* Points Gift Vouchers.

* Birthday Points.

* Ability for members to Donate Points to each other.

* Ability to purchase Points.

* Ability to purchase Membership using Points.

* Integrated with Dolphin Payment system.

The best way to keep your members interested in your site is to give them incentives for participating in site activities.

This is the PERFECT method for rewarding your members. Give them Points for all actions performed on the site.

The POSSIBILITIES ARE ENDLESS. For example, you can now offer rewards to Top Points Earners, keep monthly contests etc.

Points Vouchers

This allows administrator to create gift voucher codes that can be distributed for promotional purposes. Each code is configured with a value in Points and an optional life-span.

The voucher code is dynamically generated and Admin can configured the length of the code.

Quantity - This restricts how many times the Voucher can be redeemed. If there is no value for this, the Voucher can be redeemed unlimited

Start/End Date - The date periods are optional and when used they restrict the period of time for which the Voucher is valid.

Account page has block for members to redeem voucher codes.

Birthday Points

Administrator can choose to give Points to members as a gift on their birthday. This happens automatically. Fraud checks are in place that prevents a member from changing his birth date multiple times just to get birthday Points


Display Points Leaders on Homepage that shows the members with leading Points for today, this week and this month


Display on Profile page that shows the following :
a) Member's ordinary Points
b) Progress Bar showing Present level and Next available level and how many Points needed to attain the next level


Display on Account page that shows the following :
a) Member's ordinary Points
b) Member's Level Points
c) Member's Points Level
d) Member's Points Level Rank
e) Progress Bar showing Present level and Next available level and how many Points needed to attain the next level


For Comments, Rating and Voting, Points are given to both the Owner and the Member performing the action. Admin can turn this possibility on/off.


The Points Level System can be turned on/off

Points Level System is totally independent of the Default Dolphin Membership System which means you can also use this feature along with the Membership System.

The Level System includes a Rank feature which shows the ranking of a member within a particular level

Points are assigned based on level. For example, you can choose to give Rookie Level members 10 points for uploading a video and give Master Level members 100 Points for uploading a video.


Separate Points display page is included which shows the Top Points Leaders


Optional Integration with the membership system to allow auto-upgrade of membership based on Points earned.

There are two modes : a) membership extension and b) membership upgrade .

There is an Admin section for assigning the amount of Points needed to attain or extend a particular membership level.

With membership extension admin assigns the amount of Points needed to extend the member's membership by a period of days set be admin.

With membership upgrade admin assigns the amount of Points needed for the member to move up to this membership.


Points gained for rating an Item can be configured to be dependent on the value of the Rating (eg. An Item rated 5 stars gains more Points than an Item rated 3 stars). This can be turned on/off by Admin. If turned off, there will be a standard fixed Points value for Rating an item.


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The Points management is fully integrated in the admin section.

Admin can manage the amount of Points earned for a particular action.

Administrator can limit the Points earned per day for each action. For example: Member can only get a maximum of 100 Points per day for photo uploading.

Admin can Reward a member with Bonus Points.

Admin can Penalize a member by subtracting Points.

Admin can Reset the Points of all members. This is useful when running competitions etc.

Admin can create unlimited levels and assign upper and lower Points limits for each level.

Admin can attach an Icon to each Level.

Admin can manually assign a level to a member.

Admin can turn On/Off Points feature.

Admin can turn On/Off Points Levels feature.

Admin can turn On/Off Auto Membership upgrade feature.

Admin can turn On/Off any action.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
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Excellent mod and excellent support. As always, modzzz is very professional, fast in response to customers issues. This is a great mod to motivate the members and keep them geared to contribute to the success of your website.
This is a premium points module, it does exactly what it says it will do and users love this,,,,, you can make gaining a new level quick and easy for new users to encourage more activity from them until they get hooked on your site. you can allocate points, and even levels to people. you can even sell them if thats what your into...... this is another one of the mods that makes my site better just because its there. I had a few problems with it at first because i couldnt get it to work right because see more i messed up the install but modzzz fixed it for me free of charge and didnt take forever doing it.
This mod is great. It gives incentives to members for participating in site activities. Modzzz is very professional, great support and you can count on them to get the job done. I highly recommend them to anyone.
Great mod. It drives members to want to use the site just to beat other members in the points race.Highly recommend the developer has great response time with answering questions.
Great mod, a good way for my members to brag about how 'active they were'
Everything OK, thank you for your help,
"05.05.2010 - Sorry, I have overlooked this again. I will put it on the schedule for tonight."

This was the outcast, last contact (after many - believe me!) Asking for the due support after conflicts created after the installation of your modules, made by him!

Unfortunately he was not able to reply to my calls. My site was completely impractical, and again needed to spend financial resources, human and even emocinal for any dolphin was reinstalled.

I waited over a month to write see more this comment, but I just do that right now.

Do not trust him! Apparently has great modules, but it's pointless to not work and is unable to give proper support.

Unfortunately, I declare that I have had bad experience with it. That goes against my experience with the Dolphin community I have always been wonderful.

I would not recommend, and more, to warn everyone to take these considerations into account!

Este foi o útlimo contato (depois de muitos - acreditem!) pedindo o devido suporte após conflitos gerados após a instalação de seus módulos, feitos por ele!

Infelizmente ele não foi capaz de respoder aos meus apelos. O meu site ficou completamente inviável e, precisei novamente gastar recursos financeiros, humano e até emocinal para que todo o dolphin fosse reinstalado.

Eu aguardei mais de um mês para escrever este comentário, mas acho justo neste instante fazer isso.

Não confiem nele! Aparentemente apresenta ótimos módulos, mas de nada adianta se não funcionam e se não é capaz de dar o devido suporte.

Infelizmente, tenho de declarar que tive péssima experiência com ele. Isso contraria minha experiência com a comunidade Dolphin que sempre me foi maravilhosa.

Não o recomendo e, mais, alerto à todos para que levem essas considerações em conta!
While there have been some delays in the past, Modzz always ended up addressing and resolving the issue, and has compensated very fairly when appropriate. I've been on him in the past when things were delayed, but to his credit when he finally addressed, it was thorough and completely fixed.

After Dolphin 7.2 was launched, he went out of his way to update several mods for me prior to market release, and any custom requests have been done exactly as asked with very fair pricing.

I've jumped see more on Modzz prior but feel I should be fair and give credit when due. The worst issue you'll have is minor delays, but the modules ways work exactly as described and are very reasonably priced.
Perfect Service Help and Modprogrammer
Super Mod, fantastic Integration with all other Modzzz Modules!

As a newbee to Dolphin, Modzzz was one of my best experiences! After Installation he helped fix bugs almost same day! Other won't even look at your installation without charging you for their help. I can suggest Modzzz to ANY person with the very best references!
Beside bug-fixes of his own modules he was also very helpful to look at some general Dolphin Bugs!
Without consideration Modzzz ist the best choice to buy modules which see more are COMPATIBLE with each other! The broad range of his mods is exceptional!
Go on with the good work! And Thank you again for being so kind and help me fix the site!


Please do not discredit the one and only programmer that responds in Minutes to problems! I am very disappointed with persons that do not value this guys spirit and devotion to Dolphin Mods...

Questions? Contact me!
Great Modules to Keep members on your site.
I had a few issues with the points system in the very beginning. I sent him the screen shots and info on what was going on and no more than an hour past before he got to work on my issues.

In the software world we sometimes forget that things can break.... With the right tools and person... things can be fixed

A+ Service
I love this Mod! If your new like me, and your looking for a great way to keep members busy, active, and having fun on your site then you need this Mod with the Gifts Mod! Modzzz also is a great team to buy from, very helpful, supportive, and fast with answers and installs! I will being doing business with these guys again! Great quality mod, very classy!
This Mod is great for the members. My members are already getting points and is working great. This gives the members something to enjoy on the site.

If you are not good at adding scripts, I might have Modzzz install this one. I was able to get through it with the instructions. Great AAAAAA+ mod
Unbelievable great mod and installation guide!! You just need to follow it to the end and i toke me only 15minutes of work, now i have a amazing "member keeping" system!

Many thanks Modzzz for this great mod!
This mod ties in perfectly with the other mods I purchased (Ultimate Referrals, Ultimate Points, and Ultimate Events) Had a very minor problem after I did the install but Modzzz was there to get it working right away. I highly recommend Modzzz for all of your D7 needs!

Thanks bro!
Highly recommended D7 module developer. Super fast support!
This mod is great. It work perfectly with the REWARD SHOP to gives incentives to members for participating in site activities. Modzzz is very professional, great support and you can count on them to get the job done. I highly recommend them to anyone.
i will buy more nods from then
This mod is perfect for my members...i'm happy with all of your work and prompt responses for support!
A great mod to keep my user interested in the site.

Cheers guys
Great mod! I did have a few issues with it but modzz came to the rescue in no time.
A++++++++ Top mod, great work as usual.

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Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.