modzzzTop  5633 (98.2%)

Product Reviews


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 2.0.5

Added: 05.03.13

Updated: 19.05.19

Category: Other

Tags: extensions, review, feedback, recommendation, comment, rate, testimonial, opinion, modzzz, reviews

Demo:  username - tester,password - test123

Support Forum:

License: This is a commercial product made by Stellar Soft and cannot be modified for other see more than personal usage. This licence is valid for one domain only. Redistribution of this product for free or for a fee without written permission from Stellar Soft is strictly prohibited.

Technical Checklist...

This gives the ability for members to leave Feedback/Review on Items. The mod has the flexibility to limit posting of Items to Administrators only or it can also be configured to allow Site Members to post Items.

The mod has the unique ability to allow site administrators to create custom fields for Reviews.

Item Features

Block to display featured, recent, top and popular Products on homepage.

Main Item page with the following blocks:

-> Recently Featured Items
-> Recently Posted Items
-> Recently Posted Reviews
-> Categories
-> Quick Search
-> Latest Forum Posts
-> Latest Comments
-> Latest Activities
-> Tags

Ability to upload Media (Photos, Videos, Sounds and Files) along with Item Description. For Videos, multiple Youtube Videos can be embedded.

Forum is integrated to facilitate discussion of an Item.

Members can Share Items of interest.

Members can Invite their friends and other external persons to check out a particular Item listed.

Admin can set Product as Featured.

Ability for Admin to Post-Moderate Items.


Members can post a Reviews on Items. Typical Review consist by default of :
a) General Feedback
b) Pros
c) Cons
d) Ability to recommend the item for which the Review is being posted.

Administrator can disable the ability to post Cons.

Administrator can create additional custom fields (eg. Service, Quality etc).

Custom fields can be plain text, single-select or multi-select.

A Custom field can be limited to a specific category or sub-category (eg. you can add "Endurance" for Category "Electronics" and this will only show up for items that are posted under the "Electronics" Category).

Blocks to display all Reviews posted by a member appear on Account and Profile pages.

Members can rate or like a Review Posted on a Item.

You can view my full list of more than 200 mods at
Recommended by
Support Forum Feed
Please login to post a comment.
Excellent mod, as always! This was something my 7.1 site has been waiting for, and it's been well worth the wait. Many enhancements have been made since the deprecated 7.0.x version... you will not go wrong with this mod!
The latest update to this module really made it met its mark for me. As always Modzzz was more than favorable offering support. This is a great mod for you to add reviews about anything or to also let the members of your site populate their own reviews. Very flexible with custom fields and everything to fit whatever item you might want to review. Very Happy!
I just totally love each and every module ive bought from you....
as with the others, its easy to add the content....
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