Dolphin 7 development. Update. (updated)

Andrew Boon posted 26th of February 2009 in . 118 comments.

The big "renovation" is taking more time than we all expected, just like any renovation always does. Be sure that we are working our butts out to make the release happen (weekends and after-hours included).

So, without any promises, but now a lot more confidently... here's the plan:

- Private Preview (limited) - this Friday or next Tuesday. "Limited" means that only a few people will be given a link, but please don't fret if you don't get one. We just try to limit the flow of feedback at the first stage. This preview is really too raw.

- Public Preview - 7-10 days after the Limited Preview. At this stage we plan to apply most of the planned changes and would be able to actually read and comprehend your comments.

- Alpha - 7-10 days after the Public Preview. At that stage we plan to have 95% of the functionality implemented and tested. Final list of minor changes will be collected before going to the beta stage.

- Beta - 5-7 days after Alpha. Beta is going to be feature-final, so no more new things after the Beta is out.

- RC and RF. It is nearly impossible to predict how much time it could take to move from Beta to RC and the RF. You know how it is - testing, fixing, documentation, upgrade script, site update, etc. It won't take months, but I'd expect at least 2 weeks until we give the Dolphin 7 a "stable" marker.

All in all we're looking at about 5-6 weeks of rush, stress and fun until the the BIG day.

I hope you guys are patient and excited enough to let us do this right, really RIGHT this time.

UPDATE: Tomorrow we'll be showing it to selected few. They are really very few, but PLEASE understand - everyone will see it really soon. It is still an early build, with many features planned/under development/not visible yet. So, hopefully we'll do this within Tuesday (PST).

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Well like you say, no promisses, but there is a time plan now... :)

Thanks unoboonex, and success to the developteam...
That's nice to see there is something posted about the release date. I'm sure a lot are going to bum rush this blog and post complaints about the time length. My hope is this new software will bring back the members i have lost. I will wait one more time for a better Dolphin. But after that i must move on if the release is not in the next couple of months.
Beautiful .... please send me the preview, I need to see now why I must make significant investments for my site and I would like to see Dolphin 7 before you start ... Thanks.
Good luck with the preview,we all would like to see if it is worth waiting for. We all have lost money on this, but i think only a select few will get to see previews, i wouldn't hold my
Boonex you are such a tease ;o) I work as a release co-oridinator for a UK software company and understand how these things can become protracted. Initial expectations concerning time scales are rarely realised. It is just an age old fact about the software industry. Sounding better, looking forward to it.
Thanks for the update.
Cool...can't wait to see the new Dolphin . Thanks for the update!
Great sound

I'm waiting the new version

thank you :)
I would like a preview link also please.
Forgot to mention - lobbying for myself to get that link. I am one of the users who has suffered here in converting Dolphin to a business application, and I have a pretty good sense of what is needed for that.
Please don't forget to fix problems with matching and Cupid mails features in Dolphin 7 !!! (total matching % - display matching % in profile page - send Cupid mails function)

Please add notification for new friend request - new friend accept ;-)

Please make Promo block multilanguage ;-)

Andrew, if you read this post, please tell me where (email address) to send this mod Member Pages Customizer ( ). I think that you will not have so many problem see more to integrate it (even with improvement) in the new baby and that it could interest some other Dolphin users :-))

Courage ! ;-)
Feel free to send to me at

We will discuss this issue.
Bestest wishes Boonex. I'm sure D7 would blow everyone's mind !!!
i hope i see it so it will be good to see m,y site running :)
I can't wait. Will this be offered free and ads free the same as the current dolphin? How much will the ads free version cost? Same as current?
Great news Boonex!!! Looking forward to the release. By the way, inclusion of other languages at least 4-6 would be a BIG plus. osDate, as you know offers 16 languages icluded in the script. Thanks and keep up the good work!
Sounds great, please forward me an initial link as well, I just started, so I have postponed any marketing until i install this new version...
I would also like to suggest you make a visual design tool in the admin that allows you to insert your google adsense code(in multiple places if necessary, drag and place?), that allows you to automatically select its position integrated into dolphin. thanks -paul
Awesome news! I'd like to be considered for the preview also.
wooooohooooooo :)

It's sooooooon :)

Thank you for this post.. :) im glad to hear it :)

Please provide me a link i will see it soooo much :)
Thanks for the update!

Good luck to you, your wife and the team.

Wish you all with 7 and more 8 all the luck and of course everything you wish yourself coming true with the release of the two new Dolphin Versions.

Unoboonex, can you please give me any idea when V8 will come in this progress of being alpha/beta etc. released? Any realistic time frame?


Kind Regards, Helmut
Thanks for that update, Andrey. I am looking forward to having a look see and the chance to work with the new D7.
Thanks Boonex - I run SE right now, but was looking for a test drive of the new Boonex - I have a feeling it might be way better. Either way, I am pretty positive I won't get a test link, but how about a few screen shows, to see the new UI interface?
Perfect !!! Many thanks Boonex Team for the update!
Nice (and tight) schedule. I'm willing to test D7! :)
You're getting much better at keeping in touch with customers. I believe there is hope for you yet :)

P.S. Give AndreyP a big pay raise. He's a pretty cool guy.
Hi all, Im so happy at last with a timetable untill Beta and releise of Dolphin 7. Thanks very much for your consideration to us all.
Hi all, Im so happy at last with a timetable untill Beta and releise of Dolphin 7. Thanks very much for your consideration to us all.
UPDATE: Tomorrow we'll be showing it to selected few. They are really very few, but PLEASE understand - everyone will see it really soon. It is still an early build, with many features planned/under development/not visible yet. So, hopefully we'll do this within Tuesday (PST).

This does it for me a clear timetable. We all know where we are.
Many thanks. Keep it comming.
hi Uno, don't rush it out,better to take your time and do it right *dolphin 6 has plenty to keep us going if used in the right circumstances* .We won't be toching Dolphin 7 until after a few months it has been released and bedded in by other users...
For me I am just happy to have a time line now. Our plan was to launch our first site on 6 and the second one 7 but was starting to worry about scheduling the time.

Now we know and its a big help. I would love to be one the test subjects I could be the non expert tester LOL
Andrey, i would be really PO'd if i dont get a Private Preview link lol i have the highest member points 2nd only to you lmao..... well i had one already and was very impressed, now with all this time past, i am even more excited to see what else has been added as it looked fantastic when i seen it, and it was wet dream material then lmao.

the time line i am sure is just a guide but gives people something to guide their choices on buying more 6.1 mods or wait, and i think that was the main worry see more for most
best wishes and congrats to the team for what promises to be a mind blowing Dolphin release.
I vote for Sammie to get a private preview!!! ;3
Please include me! Dolphin 7 needs a noob like me to to test drive it. I just purchase Dolphin 6 and will not use it for now.
Congrats Boonex. Please do include me for the preview link, thanks.
Gambatte! I would love the private link and provide feedback.
BTW.... please don't send me the link. I attract bugs like a light bulb.
Hey Boonex Fans,

Why dont we "support" boonex in a little way?

If boonex could add our names in Dolphin as "boonex supporters"

i would be happy to invite willing supporters to support boonex with $7 for D7 !!!

Im ready... can someone organize this?
Can't wait to see the public preview! ^w^~ Keep up the wonderful work Boonex team. The whole team deserves a vacation (or atleast no overtime) after the launch ^o~ Most of us can see that your working diligently to get your product out and it's very understandable that you will run into things that need improvement and fixing while nearing the end of the Dolphin 7 release.

All-in-all I'd say you're an amazing company! Don't stress too much~
Awesome news to hear, Just got one favor to ask, don't forget to let the devs out to support a few of the forums and questions :D ... Us newbie developers are still hackin away at the old site.

Wow look at all the hands out..hehehe Think people are a bit anxious to get their hands on D7?.
yeeeeeeeeeeees im so happy to testing the new script....
At htis moment I'm running 3 sites with the 6.1 script which I fine-tuned in detail (with help of Victor T. for which I'm very grateful). So for the time being I have what I want.

But as everybody else, I'm very curious which extras this version 7 is going to bring us. It can only be a huge improvement and I'm sure I'll be the first one to implement it on my existing sites.

It'll be a huge job to upgrade my existing sites, but I noted every little change I made and meanwhile I'm following see more a PHP developing course together with a database development course.

I really start to understand scripting language and I can assure you ... it's not easy but it's fun :-))))
Yay! We got news about the development!
Thank you for clearing the fog..
So it will take max. 27 days till the first beta, nice!
Private or Public preview, can't wait to see it..
sweet.....thx for the heads up..... i hope this truely fixes the problems that some ppl were having not knowing...i understand it is not written in stone but at least we all now have a general idea of what kind of time table we are looking at unless some major problems are found....thx again and keep up the good work.....
"The big "renovation" is taking more time than we all expected"

ain't that always the truth.. there are always those last little things to take care of, and then improvements that you think of at the last minute... the intervals between epiphanies get closer together... until all of a sudden you look around and you can't believe you're actually finished!!
Thank YOU!!! WE are all waiting to implement any Beta that you release!
I've spent over $600 in mods for 6.05 version... I'd do some "re-modding" for D7 if possible, but it needs to be more like 6.05 than 6.1. You removed all aspects in creating a "true swingers site" in 6.1. Obviously no one at boonex has ever visited sites such as swing lifestyle or swappernet where members sign up as "COUPLE" rather than 'a male with a mate' or a 'female with a mate'... even if your site was a 'singles site' you could still check "either Male/Female/orCouple. see more If modders at Boonex can do all this other stuff, then Why can't someone put a couples choice in the software????
I'd trully be great software if you could... or should I say would?
wow dolphin 7? Finally coming out. I am ore than glad. I light of the world. i can quickly findout bug. Please send me the preview link
wow dolphin 7? Finally coming out. I am ore than glad. I light of the world. i can quickly findout bug. Please send me the preview link
wow dolphin 7? Finally coming out. I am more than glad. I am the light of the world. i can quickly findout any bug. Please send me the preview link
HikeMaster are "the light of the world" ?? Wow. That is quite an opinion you have of yourself, lol.
Wow, and to think that I always was told that "I" was the light of the world.....

How disheartening to hear that I've been living a lie all these years.
I hope the comments will work on dolphin 7 as on this blog, edit and delete buttons expiring, it's very trendy and useful..
Well this is good news, i doubt I'll get a preview but i hope that all in all, is taken care of one step at a time. :)
great news!!

I'd also like to be considered for the dolphin 7 preview.
супер ! Can't Wait!... I Need That Script!!!! Thanks For Update :D
I am excited about this news, and I trust that email notifications for the Orca forum made the cut for this release. Best regards,
count me in for a link for the preview
Thanks for the update. Even if it wasnt the news most were looking for. I have had some technical questions in regards to server configuration on this D7 release. Since you post this as being released and abandonded all work on D6.1.5, and stated that D7 was going to take the place of all future updates on 6.1, we have all sat patiently, and one day a link appeared where you had D7 online, and i am sure a barrage of folks jumped on there and started using, and sending astronomical complaints about see more what did and didnt work.

I still have some screen shots where i was one of those who was testing what was available, that wasnt told that it was available, and somehow it fell into some peoples hands, and as you well know, goods news travels fast.

Ok so it took you longer than expected, however, instead of just stating that its goin to be released, how about actually addressing some of the trac tickets that have been submitted in the past on 6.0, and 6.1, as we all know there have been a tremendous amount of issues submitted, in regards to both versions.

Where we all appreciate the development of "new" there are those of us who would like to see something released that actually has all parts functional.

Terabyte Hosting Solutions would appreciate a sneak of the release, would like to know our server configuration is still in line with the script or if there are any changes to be made on the servers configuration, are you going to update the wiki?

Great news, and looking forward to the release, even if i dont get to test it.

Thanks for that but could i ask if in this realise you can make it so the owner of a said dolphin install can change the horid dolphin banners and adds to his or her own adds
nice to hear....i would like to see the preview from dolphin 7
I am very exicited to dolphin7 do experiment and I hope its a Father of All the CMS Like Joomla,Wordpress,e107,drupal,oscommerece or osdate with Ajax technologies and with this we can implement any thing we need and yes many Template .
You're confusing yourself with a cms meaning. content management system vs. community management system. Both serve very different purposes.I would say boonex is a community management system. I honestly don't know why people get sooo hyped over Joomla.
Wordpress is good but not a cms it's blogging software with extensions.
Drupal very upscale fully open source,takes a bit of time to master followed by free and i'll say it again free modules and those that take the time to write see more them as they would say "free beer" wish it was like that here aswell.

Not familiar with e107,

osdate is straight up dating and can hog up your database followed by 2-3 hours just to set it up.

As for ajax yes agreed also jquery is pretty cool if that was implemented.
I want to be a previewer. Been waiting for this also. Had already made my final decision to go with another app as time is of the essence. Now giving this one more hoping chance.
I would like to know the Dolphin &. I just bought the Dolphin 6 and my team is working in some customization. I hope that the update to Dolphin 7 be easy and fast (could be automaticly, is not it ?) congrats and good work !
Well, even 2 months... Total almost expectation half a year... We look forward and nervously we smoke aside :)
Congrats Unoboonex......"YOU THE MAN". Can't wait to see your new baby. Now that you've updated us on schedule, how about an update regarding how D7 will be priced/licensed. Great job Boonex Team !!
following boonex for more than a year now, I really hope that the newest version will be working smooth. I put it all on hold a year ago due to confusing errors that pop up all the time. I tried it recently again and indeed some good improvements, also customer service's nice and flexible now, even though it needs to be better organized. I'm eagerly waiting for workable scripts and probably more design options.

At the same time I'm testing joomla with community builder which is pretty stable and see more the design options are amazing. Now one can even implement life streaming video chat with a limited free addition from adobe server or an unlimited payed version. Still it has not the compactness that dolphin promises. but the design is nice and one can move the boxes to his/her likeness. Anyway, I'll hold on with dolphin and wait patiently.
following boonex for more than a year now, I really hope that the newest version will be working smooth. I put it all on hold a year ago due to confusing errors that pop up all the time. I tried it recently again and indeed some good improvements, also customer service's nice and flexible now, even though it needs to be better organized. I'm eagerly waiting for workable scripts and probably more design options.

At the same time I'm testing joomla with community builder which is pretty stable and see more the design options are amazing. Now one can even implement life streaming video chat with a limited free addition from adobe server or an unlimited payed version. Still it has not the compactness that dolphin promises. but the design is nice and one can move the boxes to his/her likeness. Anyway, I'll hold on with dolphin and wait patiently.
Congratulations!and i am exepecting it very much.
Great News! Can't wait to see Dolphin 7.
Man - I have been desperately awaiting this update.

I'm excited.
I hope that an old little problem in Ray Instant Messenger will be solved in this new version...

Pending messages are displayed with the time and date the recipient is opening IM (now). It should the date and time when the message was sent.
Good news, thanks uno. hope this one does something about the "pretty dolphin footers surprise" display. <grins> but still, am looking forward to it!

Rocker, not understanding your comments about 6.1 loosing couples registration. I am running 6.1.4 and have couples profiles. That was out of the box. Adding 3+ profiles soon also, since my site has poly families as well.
Your site may have a couples profiles, but they show up as male or female and not couple... so couples looking for couples would have to search EVERY single profile on your site. Swinglifestyle,swappercityusa,swappernet,adultfriendfinders and every other swingers site show couples...not single male thats married or single female thats married.. they show couples.
when can i download and install to my site?
Hello boonex team:) and to all of this community.

Google Translator I hope you understand.

Will Dolphin be flexible as to allow web designers to create templates like this friendly or

Dolphin 6.4 only displays pages and ready!
It would be easier if you reserve an area on each page can give tips and help users, EX: Find people you know who are already, search for your location above, then click the "check in here" button at the top right see more on the place page. Does Dolhin 7 will come with options for information on your pages?.

How is the usability for Dolphin 7? I particularly use Dolphin without problems, but I'm rooting for this new version has an option for vertical menu as well, many of my not dedicate time to adapt to horizontal menus and often end up not returning to the site because they feel "lost" .

Finally, I again feel the excitement I felt when it was released Dolphin 6 and confessed to have been discouraged after months passed and I have not achieved much success.
I hope very much that Dolphin 7 likely to stay and revives me and the users of my site.
Hello boonex team:) and to all of this community.

Google Translator I hope you understand.

Will Dolphin be flexible as to allow web designers to create templates like this friendly or

Dolphin 6 only displays pages and ready!
It would be easier if you reserve an area on each page can give tips and help users, EX: Find people you know who are already, search for your location above, then click the "check in here" button at the top right see more on the place page. Does Dolhin 7 will come with options for information on your pages?.

How is the usability for Dolphin 7? I particularly use Dolphin without problems, but I'm rooting for this new version has an option for vertical menu as well, many of my not dedicate time to adapt to horizontal menus and often end up not returning to the site because they feel "lost" .

Finally, I again feel the excitement I felt when it was released Dolphin 6 and confessed to have been discouraged after months passed and I have not achieved much success.
I hope very much that Dolphin 7 likely to stay and revives me and the users of my site.
Me too will like some optional multilanguage text area in each page/block to display some infos ;-)
Asked already Andrew for that in a previous blog...
MichelSwiss OK, great that I have understood, I really needed to share these small ideas, and I in the liberation of expectancy when dolphin7. :)
Great news looking forward to see D7 up and Running.
Thanks very much for the long awaited update! I hope that we, the masses, will be informed if development falls behind schedule again. Keeping us appraised like this certainly helps. I do still wish you guys would publish a comprehensive feature list for D7 instead of being so vague. Many of us are in a holding pattern with our current sites because we have no info about what features D7 will contain.
We'll be glad to test your preview release. Thanks!
Sounds awesome, Desperately waiting for the release. It would be like the "Jaya Ho" theme from Slumdog Millionare (oscar winner) for India. A software like Dolphin 7 will definetely create amazing craziness.
Houston we have lift off!!!! Wow it's nice to hear finally that Dolphin 7 will be released to the public in 5/6 wks. I truly hope the design is much better then Dolphin 6/.1 or that there will be more design options...what would be cool is if we could add design themes like you can do in Wordpress. charges $30K to 75K to customize their social networking platforms then $5k to $7.5K to maintain them. In David Silvers book "The Social Network Business Plan" he discusses 18 see more strategies that will create wealth on a social network it would be great to see some of these ideas worked into Dolphin a recommender system.
Kool, Can't wait to see the great job coming up :)
I do hope this will be worth the wait, i have stopped working on my project at the moment as im waiting for the new version to come out. The version which is out now seems very minimal if you compare it to Facebook and Myspace. But let's hope this well kick the other social networkings butts with new funky designs which we can change with ease. Less script errors, more user friendly, more things to do, better admin rights, more privacy. I just dont think this will happen, i don't know why but i get see more the feeling we have asked and expected to much. I bet after the release we will see one of our projects on the news as the new num 1 social networking site!
I do hope this will be worth the wait, i have stopped working on my project at the moment as im waiting for the new version to come out. The version which is out now seems very minimal if you compare it to Facebook and Myspace. But let's hope this well kick the other social networkings butts with new funky designs which we can change with ease. Less script errors, more user friendly, more things to do, better admin rights, more privacy. I just dont think this will happen, i don't know why but i get see more the feeling we have asked and expected to much. I bet after the release we will see one of our projects on the news as the new num 1 social networking site!
This better be worth the wait, they have got a lot to do to meet our expectations.
This better be worth the wait, they have got a lot to do to meet our expectations.
Re: "It is still an early build, with many features planned/under development/not visible yet."

Oh this statement has me a bit worried now.. I cross my fingers had hope.....
Please do not ignore me while sharing the link to few. I am this time planning for a full upgrade and I need it too much. Please allow me have the link..
I have requested a new feature in Ray Chat. That the transcript should be limited and autodeleted as the chat session goes on. Due to the chat transcript being very long as the chat session goes on, the browser process is going up to 250,000 KB which ultimately hangs the system. Computers that are meant for normal browsing especially laptops are not able to use the Ray Chat with ease.
You should allow the website to load fast. It should not be such that dolphin should require a broadband connection.

It is know fact that people want a site that is fast loading. Please make Dolphin 7 fast loading.

I hope you are talking care of all the feedback posting here.
me wanna tasteo el futuro del delfin please! ay caramba!
i hope this version will be faster like or facebook, on my connection , communities based dolphin like, and the others, take 135 seconds to be loaded.
meanwhile or are just 10 -15 seconds.
About Dolphin itself is loading very fast. That is loading quite slow is Google ads (footer) and then, once Google ads is loaded, 1'000 random members are located on a map... Without these two mods that need connection to Google, Dolphin is very fast (server compression is used) ;-)
I am new to Boonex and just starting looking at Dolphin and I think the work you have already done is unbelievable and your price points are unmatched.

I've been trying to have my own social networking site for the last 2 years. I've tried,,,, and most recently, all in that order. I've also read about a few others but never really tried them.

After having come across Dolphin, I am awestruck by what you guys are doing. see more You are amazing. In terms of built-in functionality, you are many years ahead of your competition.

I am anxiously awaiting for Dolphin 7 so I can sign up to start using it. I hope to continue in a long term relationship with you. I have big plans and I plan on promoting your services on my site(s) so you can continue with your success. I believe by making others successful I can make myself successful. I see that's what you are all about.

Thank you so much for what you are doing. It almost seems like you are working for me and for all those other great sites that are based on your services. In return I hope to do more for you as you are doing for us.
ok cool... but as i never get answered... i ask the question again... did the FREE license number got for the TESTER will still works with the version 7 ? Because we test, support and use dolphin since the begining... so i think it just a matter of RESPECT.

thx ;)
I've been working with a developer to build a site based on Dolphin. I've a considerable investment in this project and we are close to completing it. Now that D7 is around the corner, we've come to a fork in the road.
Please, include us in your preview.

so many years im be here, in the old blog...

but i think i dont see it .... :((((

any screenshots?
7pm SPT so i guess the invites went out, and i didnt get one, well thank you very much boonex.
I didn't get one either, although I'm here since 2007, testing and commenting, even translating the documentation into Dutch.

I was a contributor, but since one has to BUY stars, I don't have access anymore to the documentation to translate.

Strange that one has to pay to do something for free.

No hard feelings, but I'm not going to pay for anything (not even mods) before I'm sure that everything runs smoothly.

And if Boonex decides to ask money for their 'free' script ... I'll be out see more of here. It starts to look like scam too much now.
hey dude this is not a big deal... i dont receive one either and im on this blog since the first version of dolphin... we just have to wait 7 days.... for the public preview... i think we can handle that...
Of course we can wait. As a matter of fact, I'm not too keen anymore on testing :-)
~~~~~go and make it boom boom~~~shake it~~~~~
Hey pls. send me the link....pleasssee...
Ihave ad free license 6.1.4 ,how do i boonex 7 update please url adress

Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.