scriptologistPopular  2917 (90.6%)

Multi-Page Creator

Product isn't selling, further product support and update maybe unavailable.

compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.0.0

Added: 13.04.11

Updated: 20.08.13

Category: Content

Tags: extensions, pages, facebook pages

Demo:  username - demo1,password - demo1

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Scriptologist. It cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage.

Technical Checklist...

Now you can create page for anything! Products, artists, music, everything. This module is like the facebook pages on which user and admin can create any page with any fields.
It's for every pages you like, if you're familiar with facebook pages, it's the same thing, where you can make another profile if you're an actor, artist, etc... or you have products, stores, etc..., you name it. You can define what fields you like for it via the admin so it's pretty easy to define any page fields that user's can input information to.
- Admin can define any categories.
- All categories can have different input fields using the page fields builder.
- Create/Edit/View Page can have different information on them defined by the admin.
- All pages have photo/video/sounds/files options.
- Has a separate wall.
- Privacy options.
- Can set and manage admins.
- Accepts fans and has the capability to make broadcasts to fans.
- Only 2 lines are added on .htaccess and on modules/boonex/wall/classes/BxWallResponse.php.
- Multi-language support.
- With primary photo on join.
- Caption on fields can be disabled.
- Fields can have their own photo.
- Boxes can have a fix height, enabling the vertical scroll, if the content is long.
- Allows multiple inputs on a single field.
- Embed video capable.
- List style system on multiple inputs, ordered or unordered, and support css styles on each multiple fields.

Editing and Viewing Fields tutorial

- New version doesn't have wall integrated anymore, that's why the price is lower than before. You can purchase the wall separately on my list of modules
  - Fixed the RSS issue.
  - Added activities alerts on the wall whenever photos, sounds, videos, files, or forum topics and replies are posted.
  - Now all the page fans can receive notifications on all activities of the page.
  - Added categories box.
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This is basically a copy from Groups so save $200.00 and get which is basically, a copy from Groups and renamed to Clubs. FREE. Thanks Audanbal!!
I already tried to explain to you the functionality of this mod and still you refuse to understand. It is a lot different from the mod you mentioned. This mod is a combination of the hybrid dolphin profile system and the events mod. If you're familiar with facebook pages, then that's it!
I don't understand I installed as directed and when I try to add page from front end every time I select a category it says Profile not available for view? I can't add a page? Something I miss in your install folder?
Already sent you an email.
I bought this modolo.Es better than Facebook.
This module is great.and the support is wonderful. i am working on some customize project with him.
nice module thank you
Thanks, I really appreciate that :)
I have to disagree with Iworld. This mod is a really great extra! The features included are nothing like the groups module. You can instantly add all events that you have created that relate to this page (can't do that in the default groups page). You can add your website right into the page (can't do that with the default groups page) It has its own photo section, videos, sounds and files sectin (again not offered in groups). For the price of other modules for grups and then the upgrades required see more programmers to get these extras...this is a far better deal! There are only 1 thing I have found that would make it better...

The search function...not sure why it does not include the ability to search by category?

This change and this would be the best module in its class.

Scriptologist has been wonderful to work with on getting this module installed for me, very quick and professional...would recommend him and this mod! Great job!
This is an amazing module. It make it much easier for your users to be activ on your site.
The configuration possibilty are just limited by your imagination. You can use it for events, groups,...
Scriptologist is one of the fews developpers here I trust and highly recommand.
His support is always nice and very good.
Page Wall wont install in Dolphin 7.08, says:

Installation of: Page Wall Failed
-- Check the Dolphin version for compatibility: The module is not compatible with your version of Dolphin script

Is there a way to fix this... ASAP?
I just updated the mod for 7.0.8, please re-download your copy. Thanks.
This Mod is a great way for you members to separate
personal and business. Awesome creation!
Thank you for the appreciation. :)
Can we get an updated version to install on 7.0.9?
Module is now updated. Thanks :)
I suggest everyone test this module on the developer's demo site before purchasing it... make sure it does exactly what you need it to. Do not expect any "quick" support. I bought it on sale a few months ago and a few weeks ago tried several ways to integrate it into my website. I could *not* use the module to create a content rich page... so I messaged the developer 10 days ago asking for help. I've received no response. Now I'm stuck with an expensive module that has, in my opinion, see more very limited uses.
OK- This is the most difficult review I've ever had to write....Some things MUST be addressed....HERE. I am going to be completely Fair and Honest and give a strong suggestion at the end which is absolutely crucial for this product.

1st- This is not a "bad" mod...In fact- this is the Best Pages mod available around here- better than the free alternative Pages- which is a "Group Clone" discussed on the Forums. BUT- There are some things that need to be worked out yet in 7.1, see more and they are things that may find you displeased upon purchase. I have owned this since Nov 2011 and it was at it's best on 7.07 and 7.09 and back then I was looking forward to 7.1 because I knew that's where I'd be....some things have been removed since, yet the price was also lowered since too. (I have mixed feelings about this) This Mod was worth every bit of it's previous $150 price tag back when it had ALL the elements it did on 7.09 I think some of those elements should have been kept.

2nd- And very important- THIS IS NOT A GROUP CLONE! At a glance some have dismissed this as an over-price group clone, and I think I know why- They apparently had not seen the Multi-Page Creator admin panel area, or studied the actual code/files. Many mods available look like group clones- again This is NOT. This is much better! SO MUCH POTENTIAL HERE, and I don't believe it has had it's a fair shake YET.

That being said- There are some things which MUST be done before I can back this mod 100% and before I can actually recommend this mod to anyone:

1) I will not recommend you buy this UNTIL- A FORUM has been created by the developer- MARK my friend- YOU NEED TO HAVE A FORUM or this mod is not going to sale as well as it could or should. Your customers need this and dare I say- are at the least entitled a place here with a direct line of communication to properly discuss this mod with you to compare and report results of bug fixes, and to assure their Very Important Pages Module has the support making it worthy of purchase. I do appreciate you applying bug fixes I've sent...still- a FORUM is CRUCIAL for this mod, as surely others would have found resolution quicker than I.
2) I truly appreciate the video Mark made available on YouTube which I would call a "Getting Started" video. With that said- I feel this particular module would better return all customers better value if one or more additional video(s) were created which go beyond this "Getting Started" video. I do also consider that many mods have no video at all and as little trouble as it is to do this, I think it would be a good trend to see here. They can be made private if one wishes. I recommend this because- There are things that are still unanswered which need further explained and are not shown in the video....I CAN reproduce the results in the video....I have yet to get properly working thing such as embedding YouTube videos as it should and I as could easily on 7.09 before all the changes (Which will be VERY important for most people who want to offer Pages to their members). There are other things as well....

3) There needs to be listed changes that are taking place with module, in more detail, as it impacts how customers now and of the past use and work with this module. I've noticed some of the changes require folks to do things a bit differently than before...

You may find it strange that I give this mod 4 stars, and I tell you- I would give it 5 if a better line of communication existed for this module. But until the things I mentioned are addressed, I don't want to even say how many stars I would give, because this module would otherwise not be worth my while...I've had to do way too much work which could easily be bettered with good communication.

As of 7.1.1- Dolphin Java Script has changed, and I'll just say- Things need to be discussed here, as I have dropped back to 7.1.0 on my test site which I usually keep 1 version ahead of my live site.

I'm not going to say- "Don't buy this mod!" It has way to much potential and sales will positively influence additions to this module.

I'm going to say- IF YOU SEE A FORUM Attached to this Multi-Page Creator Product Page- YES! Do Buy this MOD- It may be the one of the best mods you invest in!!! Otherwise- it may be one which causes you disappointment. This mod is one that can easily be understood, yet you will have to give it some time and attention. I will tell you with full confidence- Give it that time and your site's Pages can and will exceed your expectations, and will offer much more than what other sites with whatever Pages module they have out of the box. Couple this mod with some other key mods- You have an unlimited ability to offer Pages better than any site on the web- In my opinion BETTER Than Facebook. This is one mod that in order to offer something better, you will have to understand WHY you must do a little more work in the beginning (which is better explained in a forum). Sometimes "Better" means that some conveniences you may have been accustomed cannot as easily be offered.

MARK, I want you to know- This has become my most important module, and I feel many, many people will appreciate the work and what you've done with this module which makes it "special" and unlocks the restraints that hold other modules back. You know you have my support....and I'll make a pledge to offer whatever support I can on this module- I'm willing to make myself more available, BUT I cannot stress enough PLEASE- Create a FORUM and see the benefits of this---> You have a good thing going here and huge opportunity to boost sales and show folks what makes Multi-Page Creator the best Pages option around.
Can we count on your support here on this?

Thanks a lot for the comment. This module has been fully updated, please contact me if you want to apply the update on your site.


Hello. I keep sending you remainders for the errors i found in this module. I even purchased Installation module also. But no response from the author.
Sent you messages already on your inbox.

I just bought this module and i am trying to install it, i am following your "readme.txt" file, but got stuck on step 4, "4. on .htaccess

RewriteRule ^forum/events/(.*)$ modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=events [QSA,L]

RewriteRule ^forum/pages/(.*)$ modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=pages [QSA,L]"

where do i find the ".htaccess" file, there are quite a few of them in the dolphin folder, but you didnt specify which one like see more you specified the file to modify in step "6. on modules/boonex/wall/classes/BxWallResponse.php"

if you're having trouble finding this RewriteRule ^forum/events/(.*)$ modules/boonex/forum/$1?orca_integration=events [QSA,L], just put the code before </IfModule>
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.