RayzTop  3876 (94.4%)

Embed Videos


compatible compatibility not specified not compatible

Version: 1.3.0

Added: 23.11.12

Updated: 30.03.16

Category: Video

Tags: dolphin 7.1, flash, extensions, video, youtube, embed, media, dailymotion, metacafe, porn

Demo: http://dolphinforever.ru/m/vbrowser/browse  username - test,password - tester

License: IMPORTANT: This is a commercial product made by Rayz expert and cannot be modified see more for other than personal usage. This product cannot be redistributed for free or a fee without written permission from Rayz expert.

Technical Checklist...

Attention!!! You can get 2 my products (this one and any other from my store) for free if you will buy hostforweb hosting for 3 months at least following my referral link here. By the way it's a perfect hosting for Dolphin software.

Embed Videos = Advanced Video Embed +
Global Videos
This module contains all best features of these 2 mods and provides new superfeature - embedding video directly from the browsing application. Moreover Buying this module you get a huge discount and pay just $40 instead of $55 ($25 + $30).
Unlimited number of videos on your site from video giants like Youtube, DailyMotion, Metacafe and others, several porn sites for adult communities. No bandwidth or HDD storage used.Perfect for sites with no (or small) contents. Users easily browse, play and embed these videos directly on your site.
Works for Dolphin 7.0.X and 7.1.0

P.S. You can get this product even cheaper. Learn more at 10 products per $10 or 5 products per $10.
Recommended by
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This is a very good module supports a super fast.
I advice you
We have buy this MOD.... but impossible to valid the licence in FLASH APP
Message errot : Product not found....
Can you help me.. ?
Thanks per advance
when i install this module this error come

Installation of: Embed Videos Failed
-- Check the Dolphin version for compatibility: The module is not compatible with your version of Dolphin script
I got a little hiccup because of the version incompatibility. However, after submit my support request, he uploaded the new version and it works beautifully.! Thank you for fast support and nice module.
Hi Rayz,
when will be an update available for 7.1.4? Greetz Nico
RMS connection problem help please ....
Very fun module! And as always...Rayz provides excellent support!!
great support, response and always willing to help!! will choose rayz again
Below is the legacy version of the Boonex site, maintained for Dolphin.Pro 7.x support.
The new Dolphin solution is powered by UNA Community Management System.